Does eCommerce equal environmental madness?
Anyone who knows me knows that I love to shop. Online shopping has given me access to things that are not readily available in rural New Hampshire. That's the good news. The bad news is that I am struggling to rationalize the environmental damage I do when I order things online.
I travel alot. My collection of black Tumi bags has a lot of miles on them. I started using only blue luggage tags so that we could quickly spot our bags in the vast collection of black bags on the luggage carousel. I got some more bags (maybe I have a problem here) and needed more tags. No problem, I found blue ones online that could even be monogrammed. I ordered four. They arrived in four separate boxes, in four separate deliveries FROM THE SAME SHIPPING LOCATION! Each box could have easily held all four tags but instead, each was filled with mostly packing material. What are we doing? This is madness.
eCommerce was supposed to be good for the environment. Instead of each of us driving to the store to buy our bits and pieces, they are collected and delivered to our homes in a truck that is servicing the whole neighborhood. This is definitely not the reality in which we live. We need rationalization across shippers and delivery services. I want no more than one truck per day winding its way up my driveway. I want everything delivered in reusable containers. I want a planet with enough resources for generations to come. We need the Physical Internet. To learn more go to:
Get energized. We can make this happen. #PIstopsthemadness