Does dynamic stretching prevent injury?

Does dynamic stretching prevent injury?

Analysis of the paper: Behm, D.G., Alizadeh, S., Daneshjoo, A. and Konrad, A., 2023. Potential Effects of Dynamic Stretching on Injury Incidence of Athletes: A Narrative Review of Risk Factors. Sports Medicine, pp.1-15.

David Behm Thank you and the team for the great research


As the world of sports science continues to evolve, the quest for the optimal warm-up routine remains a pivotal area of exploration. In this article, we delve into a recent narrative review that scrutinizes existing research on injury rates associated with dynamic stretching or dynamic activities within warm-up routines before participating in sport.

We will explore the multifaceted dimensions of this study, aiming to uncover the potential factors influencing injury rates, range of motion , kinematics, performance, balance, proprioception, muscle morphology, and psychophysiological responses.


Before we embark on our exploration of the study's findings, it's essential to acknowledge the existing research. The traditional approach of static stretching has faced scrutiny for its potential negative impact on performance. However, its highly nuanced, suggesting that when incorporated within a comprehensive warm-up that includes aerobics & dynamic stretching the adverse effects of static stretching are generally minimal.

Dynamic stretching, characterized by controlled movements within the active range of motion, has become a focal point of investigation. Despite its potential benefits, debates persist over its efficacy compared to static stretching, particularly in enhancing range of motion.

What did the study find?

1.???? ROM and Kinematics

The ongoing debate about how reduced flexibility influences injury rates is reflected in the existing research. While some emphasize the significance of flexibility and range of motion as predictors of injury, doubts have been raised about range of motion being a consistent risk factor.

Understanding the kinematics of dynamic stretching gains importance, especially considering its potential impact on lower limb movements during activities like change of direction and landing.

While evidence suggests positive effects on joint movements, more research is needed to solidify these conclusions.

2.???? Effects on Performance

A meta-analysis revealed positive effects on activities such as jumps, sprints, agility, and strength tests in some studies. However, the improvements were modest, with an average of about 1.3%.

The factors contributing to these improvements include increased muscle and body temperature, enhanced neuromuscular function, and post-activation potentiation.

Questions arise about whether the full range of motion seen in dynamic stretching is necessary to achieve these benefits, considering similar effects can be attained through more limited range of motion in dynamic activities.

3.???? Balance and Proprioception

Impaired balance and proprioception are established risk factors for injuries. Studies on dynamic stretching's immediate effects on balance present conflicting results. While some report minor improvements, others find no significant impact. Long-term effects on balance and proprioception remain unexplored, signaling a crucial avenue for future research.

4.???? Morphology

Dynamic stretching's potential benefits in reducing the risk of injuries, possibly by decreasing muscle-tendon unit stiffness, are intriguing. However, conflicting evidence surrounds its short-term and chronic effects, making it challenging to draw definitive conclusions.

5.???? Psychological Factors

Beyond the physical realm, dynamic stretching's impact on psychological factors cannot be overlooked. The potential mental benefits, such as reduced muscle tension, enhanced concentration, and improved mental readiness, highlight the interconnectedness of physical and psychological aspects in sports performance.

Practical advice

While this narrative review only examines two studies, it underscores the complexity of dynamic stretching's impact on injury prevention. The interplay between raising body temperature, activating the nervous system, and psychological readiness suggests a multifaceted approach is necessary.

Established protocols like FIFA11+ provide a practical guide, demonstrating efficacy in reducing injuries among football players. It

Dynamic stretching's role in warm-up routines remains dynamic itself, with nuances and contradictions that warrant further exploration.


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