Does Durability of Casual Shoes Matter?

Does Durability of Casual Shoes Matter?

All shoes are garbage. The most sustainable shoes are the ones that we can use the most before they end up in the trash. Yet casual and lifestyle footwear doesn't seem to care much about durability. Let's cover the surprising reasons why durability matters for our everyday shoes.

How Long Do Casual Shoes Last?

Very few of your customers track how many miles they've walked in their casual shoes. That makes it very challenging to figure out how much use they've actually gotten out of their shoes. That's why machines, like the Heeluxe Time Machine, are critical in measuring casual shoe durability.

Our database shows surprising details on how long each part of the shoe lasts. The outsoles on casual shoes are impressively durable, lasting on average over 1000 miles!

However, heel cushioning is much less durable in a casual shoe, lasting only 323 miles on average. Ball of foot cushioning has slightly durability at 575 miles.

The Surprising Truth About the Durability of Soft Cushioning

For casual and lifestyle shoes, softer foams last longer than firmer foams. It's okay if this is shocking--we wouldn't believe this if we did not have the data to back it up. The walking shoes in the top 20% for durability have 14.7% softer cushioning than the shoes in the bottom 20% for durability.

Why Does Cushioning Break Down So Much Faster Than Outsoles?

This is a question we get asked every week. The cushioning in casual shoes breaks down because there is typically not enough of it! Many everyday shoes do not have a well-designed and tested midsole for cushioning, instead relying on the insole for cushioning and comfort. Small changes to the product, like increasing the thickness of the midsole by 4mm can double the cushioning durability of a casual shoe.

It is shocking that the heel cushioning breaks down faster than the ball of foot cushioning in walking shoes. In many other shoe categories, the ball of foot cushioning is thinner than the heel and breaks down faster. However, the walking stride combined with the relatively thin cushioning in a casual shoe allows it to break down faster.

Do Customers Care?

Yes. Cushioning is one of the "4 Keys to Shoe Comfort". And comfort is critical for every shoe category, including casual shoes.

Cushioning breakdown also changes fit. When an insole compresses more than 2mm the shoe becomes a half size bigger. And ill-fitting shoes are less comfortable. This is why it is so important to use insole materials and designs that maintain their shape for 100s of miles, not the first hour your customer wears their shoe.

Path to Greatness

It's important for casual shoe brands to focus on the durability of the midsole and insole instead of the outsole. If your team is having trouble determining how to improve cushioning durability, the researchers at Heeluxe are always here to help you make better shoes.



