Digital Marketing has become a buzzword, and it has spawned its own clatter of Gurus. And just my guess but most of these Gurus have a perfunctory relationship with digital platforms. I wonder if any one of them has ever actually worked on a campaign himself.
Today I wish to present empirical evidence pertaining to Google AdWords. AdWords is a platform I work with 24x7 and therefore, have a lot of data to support my views.
To make the data robust, I have taken a long date range, from 1st January to today (28th September). The campaigns are ranked as per the conversion rate. Conversion here is defined as filling of the enquiry form. In some categories enquiries may be received more through phone calls but phone calls would not be recorded here. Also, none of the companies featured here are big companies or brands in any sense of the word. They all depend solely on Google for their business.
The company with the best conversion rate is iGraft which is into hair transplant & at no 14 is a campany called Fawcel which is into Gypsum roofs. The other notable thing here is the budget.Most of these companies have small budgets. My own campaign "AdWords PPC" is at no 13 & my spend per day is about Rs 250. And I don't advertise constantly. Usually 10-15 days in a month are enough. Another thing I should underline is that all these are "search" campaigns, that is, the ad is triggered only for relevant searches. They are not displayed indiscriminately as they are on Facebook.
So what is the overall conclusion? It's clear from the data I present that Google is a Godsend especially for small businesses. A budget of Rs 500 is usually enough for you to start getting response from the market. Plus, except possibly for ecommerce and apparel, Google AdWords delivers for all businesses, whether b2b or b2c.
Yet I find that still, very few people are aware of Google AdWords, though AdWords has propelled Google to the most valuable company in the world, second only to Apple.
Therefore I would like to conclude that Google AdWords is not just efficient, but brutally efficient in getting your business response from the market, at a cost that's ridiculously low. If you don't know about