Does barraising play any role when hiring sales managers? Spoiler: YES

Does barraising play any role when hiring sales managers? Spoiler: YES

We are excited to share a case study from our experience that reassured us once again about how barraising is important during the hiring process.?

Barraising is the final stage of the interview process. Its main goal is to assess candidate’s soft skills and estimate their fit with the company’s culture.

This case study shows how a customer chose to neglect the barraising results and what it led to.?

Ready to start? Let’s go ??

?? Some context: searching for sales manager

We were looking for a sales manager. Among the key requirements for the candidate were:

  • Ability to negotiate with people and attract clients
  • Ability to persuade and prove your point of view
  • Ability to quickly navigate the flow of tasks.

That is, in addition to the sales technical skills, the desired specialist was a person with flexible thinking, developed communication and high speed of work.

?? Perfect hard skills: was it enough?

We found a candidate who was a perfect match in hard skills. But soft skills are no less important: it is soft skills that determine how well a specialist will integrate into the work of the company and be able to demonstrate their strengths.

To assess soft skills, we conducted the final stage of the interview — barraising. The participants of the barraising were the client, HR expert and the candidate herself.

?? Barraising results and customer reaction

Using barraising, we discovered that the candidate would most likely not be suitable for the sales role. She is quite calm and reasonable — such people perform better in more stable positions, for example account manager.

However, the client did not take advantage of our recommendations and hired the candidate anyway.

As a result, the candidate did not pass the probationary period: the specialist did not have enough speed and flexibility to adapt to the team’s processes and begin to achieve the set results.

?? Conclusion, or why barraising should not be neglected

It is important to remember that a person with ideal technical skills but inadequate soft skills may not be effective in a given work environment.

Selecting candidates using barrasing reduces the risk of hiring errors and helps the company find the most suitable candidates for successful work and long-term development.

If you are interested in the barraising service, feel free to DM us!

We will be happy to arrange a meeting and discuss all the opportunities ??




