Does Aspect Oriented Programming still work for modern programming languages?
Sandip Das
Senior Cloud, DevOps, MLOps & ML Platform Engineer | Heading Cloud, DevOps & MLOps for start-ups | AWS Container Hero | Educator | Mentor | Teaching Cloud, DevOps & Programming in Simple Way
New to Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)? let me first explain what exactly it is:
First, understand what are Cross-cutting concerns, these are functionalities like logging, security, and error handling that affect multiple parts of an application but are not part of its core business logic.
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)?is a programming paradigm that enables the separation of cross-cutting concerns, or aspects, from the primary business logic in your code. This approach allows for the modularization of behaviors that span multiple classes, methods, or functions.
Key components of Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP):
Aspect: A module that defines cross-cutting concerns (like logging, security, or transaction management) and applies them across different parts of the application.
Join Point: A point in the program's execution where an aspect can be applied (e.g., method call, constructor call, field access).
Pointcut: A predicate or expression that matches join points where the aspect should be executed.
Advice: The code that is executed at a particular join point. Types of advice include:
Weaving: The process of linking aspects with the main program code. It can happen at:
Why Use AOP?
Common Frameworks for AOP
When to Use AOP
Example of AOP in Practice
Use case: Logging method calls and responses.
public class LoggingAspect {
@Before("execution(* com.example.service.*.*(..))")
public void logBefore(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
System.out.println("Method called: " + joinPoint.getSignature().getName());
@After("execution(* com.example.service.*.*(..))")
public void logAfter(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
System.out.println("Method completed: " + joinPoint.getSignature().getName());
@Around("execution(* com.example.service.*.*(..))")
public Object logAround(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable {
System.out.println("Before method: " + joinPoint.getSignature().getName());
Object result = joinPoint.proceed();
System.out.println("After method: " + joinPoint.getSignature().getName());
return result;
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) in Moden Languages?
AOP is typically more prominent in languages like Java (via Spring AOP and AspectJ), but its core concepts (cross-cutting concerns, join points, advice, etc.) can be implemented in JavaScript, Python, GoLang, and Rust using their respective language features. Here’s how it can be done in each language.
1?? AOP in JavaScript (ES6+ / TypeScript)
In JavaScript, AOP is often implemented using decorators, proxies, or higher-order functions (HOFs).
Example 1: Using Proxies
function logMethodCalls(target) {
return new Proxy(target, {
get(obj, prop) {
const origMethod = obj[prop];
if (typeof origMethod === 'function') {
return function (...args) {
console.log(`Method ${prop} called with arguments:`, args);
const result = origMethod.apply(obj, args);
console.log(`Method ${prop} returned:`, result);
return result;
return origMethod;
class Calculator {
add(a, b) {
return a + b;
subtract(a, b) {
return a - b;
const calc = logMethodCalls(new Calculator());
calc.add(10, 5); // Logs method call and result
calc.subtract(20, 10); // Logs method call and result
Example 2: Using Decorators (ES7+)
function log(target, propertyKey, descriptor) {
const originalMethod = descriptor.value;
descriptor.value = function (...args) {
console.log(`Method ${propertyKey} called with arguments:`, args);
const result = originalMethod.apply(this, args);
console.log(`Method ${propertyKey} returned:`, result);
return result;
return descriptor;
class Calculator {
add(a, b) {
return a + b;
subtract(a, b) {
return a - b;
const calc = new Calculator();
calc.add(10, 5);
calc.subtract(20, 10);
2?? AOP in Python
Python has strong support for decorators and metaprogramming, which are ideal for implementing AOP.
Example 1: Using Function Decorators
def log(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
print(f"Calling {func.__name__} with args {args} kwargs {kwargs}")
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
print(f"{func.__name__} returned {result}")
return result
return wrapper
class Calculator:
def add(self, a, b):
return a + b
def subtract(self, a, b):
return a - b
calc = Calculator()
calc.add(10, 5)
calc.subtract(20, 10)
Example 2: Using Class Decorators
def log_methods(cls):
for attr in dir(cls):
if callable(getattr(cls, attr)) and not attr.startswith("__"):
orig_method = getattr(cls, attr)
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
print(f"Calling {cls.__name__}.{attr} with args {args}")
result = orig_method(self, *args, **kwargs)
print(f"{cls.__name__}.{attr} returned {result}")
return result
setattr(cls, attr, wrapper)
return cls
class Calculator:
def add(self, a, b):
return a + b
def subtract(self, a, b):
return a - b
calc = Calculator()
calc.add(10, 5)
calc.subtract(20, 10)
3?? AOP in GoLang
Go doesn’t have decorators or proxies, but you can use higher-order functions (HOFs) and wrappers to achieve AOP-like behavior.
Example 1: Using Function Wrappers
package main
import (
func log(fn func(int, int) int) func(int, int) int {
return func(a int, b int) int {
fmt.Printf("Calling function with args %d, %d\n", a, b)
start := time.Now()
result := fn(a, b)
fmt.Printf("Function returned %d\n", result)
fmt.Printf("Execution time: %s\n", time.Since(start))
return result
func add(a int, b int) int {
return a + b
func main() {
loggedAdd := log(add)
loggedAdd(10, 20)
Example 2: Using Interfaces (Dynamic Dispatch)
package main
import "fmt"
type Calculator interface {
Add(a int, b int) int
Subtract(a int, b int) int
type RealCalculator struct{}
func (rc RealCalculator) Add(a int, b int) int {
return a + b
func (rc RealCalculator) Subtract(a int, b int) int {
return a - b
type LoggingCalculator struct {
real Calculator
func (lc LoggingCalculator) Add(a int, b int) int {
fmt.Printf("Calling Add with args: %d, %d\n", a, b)
result := lc.real.Add(a, b)
fmt.Printf("Result: %d\n", result)
return result
func main() {
calc := LoggingCalculator{real: RealCalculator{}}
calc.Add(10, 5)
4?? AOP in Rust
Rust has no native support for decorators, but macros and procedural macros can simulate AOP concepts.
Example 1: Procedural Macro for Logging
use std::time::Instant;
macro_rules! log {
($func:expr) => {{
let start = Instant::now();
let result = $func;
println!("Execution time: {:?}", start.elapsed());
fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
a + b
fn main() {
let result = log!(add(10, 20));
println!("Result: {}", result);
Example 2: Using Procedural Macros (Advanced)
pub fn log(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let input = item.to_string();
let output = format!(
"fn logged_function() {{
let start = std::time::Instant::now();
println!(\"Execution time: {{:?}}\", start.elapsed());
While AOP isn't built-in for JavaScript, Python, Go, or Rust, it can be implemented using proxies, decorators, higher-order functions, interfaces, and macros. Each language has its own idiomatic approach. For logging, tracing, caching, and security, these techniques allow you to "inject" behavior into existing code without modifying the core logic.
AI. Enthusiast | Curious follower AI Agents Space | Build AI apps segment LLM & Generative AI | AGI
2 个月AOP Engineering Best Practices still exist under the hood of many modern frameworks. Azure/AWS/GCP services implemented core level and share freedom of choices to developers community to focus on business logic rather than full cycle implementation. Modern computing shift focus on to AI side.
Program Management Leader and Product Innovator | Transforming Customer Experiences | Bridging Strategy and Tech. to Drive Human-Centered Solutions
2 个月Thanks Sandip Das for this insightful post on Aspect oriented programming