Does This Article Make My Butt Look Good?

What does a good butt look like? Flat, square, round, protruding, non-existent, huge? The only way to answer this is to have a set of parameters of what makes a butt “good.” Have you ever stopped to question:

  • that you have parameters of butt “goodness”?
  • the fact that you’ve embraced someone else’s “good butt” parameters as your own?
  • who set those parameters and why did they decide on that shape of butt as “good”?

We humans are so adaptable. It’s one of our greatest qualities. The problem is, when we live in the trance of adapting or fitting in, we accept something as the norm without considering if it makes sense. We all do it. I asked my son if my butt looked good in my new pants. He said, “What does a good butt look like, mom?” Wait, what?! My greatest teacher just taught me to pause and reassess my parameters of good buttness. In that split second, I realized that I had accepted a glossy magazine’s definition of a good butt and used that definition to torture myself into questioning pants that felt great. Read more


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