Does anyone want to find their own values?
Feri Lorincz
Java Developer & Business Development Executive, always looking to create a useful app | Freelancer | Open for Projects & Full-time Opportunities | Spring Boot | Android Mobile Apps + AI
Yes. Of course.
But is it so?
Here's a true story:
10 years ago I made an early application where you can find your values.
Wow... how proud I was of that!
Not only were you finding them, but you were finding the main ones, the most important ones that very few of us are aware of. Maybe 1-3% know them.
Why are these important?
Because periodically we have to make difficult decisions. Which we weigh for days, weeks or even months before deciding which way to go.
Doesn't have to be so difficult... if you know your own most important values. And if you know them, you only have to ask yourself “Which of the paths you can go on matches these values?â€
And choose that path.
And my app found these values for you in 7-8 minutes.
These days I was thinking of "dig up" this application.
But first, let's see what others have done
Found 4 such apps on Google Play Store.
Naturally I installed them and tried them.
The first of them is Values Visualizer - I have not had any contact with them before and I do not advertise them.
I was surprised by the elegance of the simplicity of this app. The team that created the application knew their job.
I answer 10 questions and a certain result comes out. Then they ask you if I want to see to what extent my values match those of the company you would like to work for. And another 10 questions about me... and a strange result. Because the company I'd like to work for is an extremely small one (mine company) that the app couldn't know about.
Maybe that's why it's only been downloaded about 1000 times?
It depends on what we're comparing it to. Mine has only been used by a few people. So 1000 downloads of them is... very, very much!
I tried one more: Core Values Exercise. It seems very simple to follow. On the left I had a column with values that I had to divide into 3 categories or columns: Unimportant, Important and Very Important ones. And then, if I collected more than 7 very important values, I had to give up one by one until I reached 7 values. Well, these are my values – says the app.
But no matter how many values we write in the first column, we are so different that we have no way of including all of them. We tend to "play" with the same few values that "look good" in our own eyes and in the eyes of others: family, honor, fairness, justice, diligence, etc. When we see them, we choose them.
It's just that we are generally not aware of the deepest values, the most important, the ones that lead our lives. We don't even put them into words. Even more so in nouns. There are more actions, verbs.
So, I don't think this app can deliver what it promises.
Downloads: 100+.
The competition is weak.
What they offer needs improvement.
It's relatively easy to be a leader here.
But my question is: is it worth it?