Does anyone know what EPOCH.COM is????????

Does anyone know what EPOCH.COM is????????

I saw this and a bunch of fraud charges on my bank account. I did take care of those fraud charges & getting my money back but for this charge I don't see a contact number at all... Can anyone help me???

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this website where you can find all the solutions. LOANSANDFINANCES.INFO


Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Is there too much information to do a speech on bankruptcy?

I am doing a speech on bankruptcy and I want to include our own experience with the new information. So for a speech that needs to be 4-7 minutes is there too much information? If not is it best to begin with my own experience or the laws and reasons people file bankruptcy?

Will the Payday Loan Sharks lend money to seniors at 30% interest against their Social Security Checks when?

Republicans force a default? Chase Bank operates a chain of Payday Loan outlets as well as Wells Fargo. Will they give seniors a break or will they go for the throat?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Can we get a joint mortgage if one person is not working?

We have been together for 7 years and are now engaged Our plan is to get married next year. He has a full time job but I have been studying full time and only working once a week. I am now looking for full time work. - Can we still get a joint mortgage? - Will it make it harder if we apply for the loan together as I have no reliable income at the moment? - Should we just get the loan in his name?

"What does it mean to mortgage your home, or to put your home up for mortgage?"

What does it mean to mortgage your home, or to put your home up for mortgage?"

Reverse mortgage - how quickly do family members have to leave the house after the owner dies?

My grandfather has a reverse mortgage on his home. One of my aunts lives with him as his caregiver. He's in the hospital now and may not survive. We're all wondering how quickly she would have to move/we would have to clear the house of belongings. No one in the family intends on refinancing or buying the house and I believe it'll be fully under bank control. Immediately? 30 days? Thanks.

Is it possible to still file chapter 7 bankruptcy in Missouri?

Is it possible to still file chapter 7 bankruptcy in Missouri?

"Could I get a new car whith a 495 credit score and 1,000 down and take a high rate like a 14 or 17%?"

Could I get a new car whith a 495 credit score and 1,000 down and take a high rate like a 14 or 17%?"

Is Mastercard the same as a credit card?

I was ordering stuff online, then it gave me the options -Paypal -Credit Card -GoogleCheckout -Money Order/Cash So I'm not sure if Mastercard is a credit card..."

How can I give myself Cash Advance from Bill Me Later?

Hello. I'm trying to get cash advance from Bill Me Later. I asked a similar question earlier and someone gave me a link. When I clicked on it, I was taken to the transfer money page. When I tried to send money to myself, it told me it wasn't possible and that I had to send it to someone else. How can I go about this?"

Has anyone successfully cleaned up their debt with debt settlement?

I am currently enrolled in a reputable debt settlement company about a year into the 3 year process. One account has settled so far. One of my creditors is suing me, but the company is working hard to get it settled asap and I have responded to the court. I am not ignoring the summons just in case we can't settle. I just want to know if anyone has gone through this process and cleaned up their debt for good. It is so stressful, but we were on the heels of bankruptcy and felt this was a good option for us to avoid bankruptcy."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Does my name have to be on the mortgage to get home insurance?

I recently got hired by a company that offers promotional deals through an insurance company. Coincidentally, I am part of my college's alumni association that offers a discount at the same insurance company (I know, I might not be able to get both discounts). My girlfriend owns the house we are currently living in but it looks like she may be looking to change her car insurance and possibly the homeowner's insurance. I was thinking we could use this company and get the multi-policy discount as well as my discounts. Can I get the homeowner's policy through my name so we can apply the discount if my name is on the home deed only? Or does my name also have to be on the mortgage? Thank you for answering my question ahead of time."

How to fix credit report?

How to fix credit report?

I have bad credit were can i get a loan for 2000?

I have bad credit were can i get a loan for 2000?

How I do I get copy of my bankruptcy discharge papers?

My bankruptcy was discharged in 2005

Best place for a payday loan?

Best place for a payday loan?


hello guys, i am 22 years old,have a $1900 job for 2 years,credit score 670,looking to get a loan to buy a car $15000,do you think i will make it? thanks alot and god bless you all"

What happens if you are in bankruptcy and get a settlement?

My husband Children and I was in a car accident, was not at fault well it has been 6 months and we are due a settlement not sure how much. How much will we owe the trustee we only have one creditor and will the trustee be contacted when settlement is due, or will we have to contact the bankruptcy lawyer ourselves."

What happens if u do not pay an amscot cash advance back??

im in the state of florida

What credit score do you need to get a Best Buy credit card?

Just want to buy a laptop for about 1000-1200. Really, I just want credit from them for the one purchase. Anybody know?"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How do I take my name off the mortgage after a divorce?

My ex husband has sent me a form that says i have to declare myself insolvent to take my name off I've looked on the Internet and it doesn't seem quite right. The insolvency affects my credit rating for 6 years. It says he should refinance the mortgage. A bit of help?

Does anyone know what EPOCH.COM is????????

I saw this and a bunch of fraud charges on my bank account. I did take care of those fraud charges & getting my money back but for this charge I don't see a contact number at all... Can anyone help me???

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this website where you can find all the solutions. LOANSANDFINANCES.INFO

"New car laon with 12.99 rate, should I do it?"

I have credit of 555 and have a cosigner with a 685 score and my rate is 12.99%. Shouuld I do this, the dealership is giving me 11000 for my mustang gt and I only owe 3400 so I have a good down payment from that. My payment will be about 500/month, I make 3000 a month. So, after my trade in I will be in a 2007 Mustang Gt for about 22000 after my trade in with a 12.99%. What do you guys think? Will I be upside down on it when its time to trade?"

Can i use a prepaid visa debit card to buy chinese NFL jerseys?

I'm thinking of buying a prepaid visa debit card to buy some jerseys from a chinese website. However, I don't really trust them with my normal credit card. So can I pay with a prepaid one? And how much are they?"

How should I improve my credit?

So my credit is bad, I think my score is like 540, but I'm not sure if bankruptcy is best or if I should try to clean it up. I'm 25 and I am still in school and have about $30,000 in student loans, but since I'm still in school I dont have to pay them right away. I have about $10,000 in medical bills outstanding, and about $10,000 in collections. i don't have any credit cards, car loans or anything like that. I don't have anything negatively going on my credit report that I know of. All of my bad credit is basically accounts that went to collections. What's the best way to improve my credit? Should I file bankruptcy? Do items really drop off"" your report in 7 years? Will credit counseling help?"""

Anyone gotten an auto loan with a credit score of 550-650?

If so, what was your credit score at the time and the details of your loan (loan amount, # of years, APR)? Thanks!"

How soon after a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can you buy a home?

How soon after a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy can you buy a home?

Which HOME Loan is Best LIC/HDFC?

I have pre approve letter of 2 Home loan bank LIC & HDFC. LIC Rate of Interest Rate : 8.25 (may be increase after 3 month) HDFC Rate of Interest Rate : 9.25 (Factor -4.50 Given in Letter) Now I am confuse please help me to choose

Can i get a crisis loan at the weekend? pretty urgent! please help!?

im 30 weeks pregnant and live in a flat where the windows r single glazed and water leaks through. my gas has just ran out so i cant cook and have no heating. my electric is also very low! i have no money until monday (on income support) and need to no if i can get a crisis loan this weekend and how!! please help!

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How do i check my credit score for free?

just wondering how to do so without signing up for like a monthly thing or a free trail"""""

Is 17.49% APR for a credit card good?

I previously had somewhat poor credit. I got a secured credit card thru my bank. I've done good & now they're offering me an unsecured credit card with 17.49% APR on purchases & balance transfers"" w/no annual fee. Is this good or should I shop around?"""

Whats the best way to check my credit online?

I haven't checked my credit for a long time now. I've seen ads that checking your credit is free and so forth. I 've been to some website claiming that I can see my scores or my file for a dollar but upon looking deeper, it means i'll be signed up for a monthly fee. Wheres the best website to go to check my score or my report as quickly as possible. Also, what are the best ways to tell which places are scams or worse,a total fraud. im not very good with computers and the one I have is very old with limited protection. Thank you for any advice"

Is Apple Care Debt Relief a scam?

Answer to Ricki Student loan consolidation. It's not pennies on the dollar"""

Should I pay off small medical bills to improve credit?

Will it help my credit score or credit rating if I pay these medical bills off? Or will it even help?

I did a internet payday loan and didnt pay back is this check fraud?

I did a internet payday loan where they got routing number lost jobs so funds was there,for them to take back when it was due they saying now they can get me for check fraud is this true...and what the staute of limitation on this that was in 2008"

Isn't boxing + wrestling the best combo for a streetfight?

I'm 17 and was thinking about starting boxing classes for self defense, because my neighborhood is getting crazy. And I used to be on the wrestling team so I know some grappling moves. Would boxing be a good class for self defense? I used to take karate but I stopped because I was young and VERY out of shape."

I filed for bankruptcy Ch 7 (01/07) & it was dimissed as I didn't qualify. I want to refile for 7 again can I?

My legal"" counsel thought I could and we went or it. What a waste of $3K+"""

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Can I get approved to get a car loan with bad credit?

My credit score is 532 and my wife is 567 and we are planning to buy a car joint from the dealer the value of the car is between 28.000 to 30.000 dlls I can put as a down payment 10k plus my silverado 2007 as a trade in there's any chance we can get approved from any bank or loaner thru the silverado is paid off but that dealer was buy here pay here they didn't reported to my credit and I just get financed a semi truck 86.000 from my company they also don't reported to my credit score any info will be really helpful thanks

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How hard is it normally to get an auto loan thru a credit union?

I am needing a car pretty bad, and worried about getting financed. I have been out of my ch 13 bankruptcy for a year now. I have just paid off my car loan that I got while in my ch13. (19% interest on $12,000 loan..ouch). I have been with my credit union for awhile, and at my job for over 5 years. My Fico scores are all floating around 600. What factors should I be concerned with? I heard that going thru your Credit Union might"" be easier then at a dealership. Any suggestions? I am planning on actually seeing in a few months."""

How do I find out if someone has filed for bankruptcy?

My employer has been bouncing checks all over town, including employee's paychecks. Between bounced checks and checks that I'm holding because they'll just bounce if they're deposited, he owes me almost $10,000. He's been on an economic downhill spiral for a few years, and I suspect that he's about to hit rock bottom. I've stopped working for him, but I need to collect on these checks. I plan to file a complaint with the state dept of labor, which says it can garnish funds from his bank account within 60 days, but without the $5,000 maximum judgment of small claims court. My concern is that he will file bankruptcy before I get paid. I know that I can file as one of his (many) creditors in bankruptcy court, but how do I find out when/if he's applied for bankruptcy? Do I have to subscribe to some publication and watch for his name, or is there some watch list"" where I can request to be contacted if he files? How does it work"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Do credit cards have pin numbers?

I got my first credit card in the mail today. It is from Discover and I was wondering if I needed a pin and if so where to find it in my information?

Does anyone know what EPOCH.COM is????????

I saw this and a bunch of fraud charges on my bank account. I did take care of those fraud charges & getting my money back but for this charge I don't see a contact number at all... Can anyone help me???

ANSWER: For Finance and credit solutions I visit this website where you can find all the solutions. LOANSANDFINANCES.INFO


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