Does any of this sound familiar?
Robin Waite
Business Coach ?? Podcast Guest ?? Keynote Speaker ?? Bestselling Author of Online Business Startup and Take Your Shot - Ask me for a free copy of Take Your Shot. Group and 1-2-1 Coaching. Breakthrough Sessions
As an entrepreneur, I'd imagine your average day looks something like this:
? tried FB Ads and they didn’t work
? launched an email campaign, got a few subscribers but no real leads and definitely no new business
? went to networking events, had a few coffees, gave away a strategy session
? paid someone the big bucks for an awesome new website, only for it to make no difference
? hired a marketing ‘expert’ only to find out they were only 2 steps ahead
? did social media like a machine, but got little engagement
? got leads but struggled to sell
? dabbled with LinkedIn but just got approached by a load of “high ticket closers” trying to sell leads
? blew the £100 Google Adsense voucher got some traffic but no leads
? spent most of the year “doing” your business, for not much reward
? took one or two weeks off...but what’s that point? It was more stressful than your business and post-holiday chaos ensued
? tried taking on a VA, but they didn’t really get what you do and there wasn't any real work for them to do
? had a fit when your spouse/partner/mum/brother/colleague told said you should “go and get a proper job”
? turned down working with other experts because they were too expensive
? watched others getting results and having an amazing time in business whilst you struggled like crazy just to get by
? got stuck in the sales cycle of doom: sell, deliver, sell, deliver, sell, deliver...etc by the way, the simplest way to get out of this cycle is to get your pricing right
And do you know what...
The last 12 months didn’t have to be like that. The NEXT 12 months can still be quite different.
So, don’t do it on your own.
Book a Diagnostic Call and get the call rolling:
Warm regards
P.S. - Do you also know what, it’s actually ok to make some of those mistakes above because, well, a) haven’t we all? And b) we weren’t born with any skills, everything we know we’ve had to learn and business is a MASSIVE learning curve.