Doers and Leaders
Are you a doer?
Or are you one who recruits, trains, equips, releases, and encourages doers?
The second person is a leader, and leaders multiply their doing through others.
That is their primary focus.
If you are truly a leader or are called to be a leader, spread yourself out among others.
Reject the impulse to do everything yourself.
Give up your illusion of perfection and go for excellence - the kind that is shared by the whole team.
Lose the desire to get all of the credit. Better still, take no satisfaction in any credit that is not shared with others.
If someone else can come along with you on a task, bring them.
You will accomplish far more as a leader. Never stop being a doer, but let that be your secondary role.
Leadership is primary.
Let that be your focus.
After the task, debrief.
If you have an opportunity to observe a team member perform, do so in almost complete silence. Do not interfere or jump in to save them unless absolutely necessary.
And then, debrief that also.
Share praise, followed by helpful suggestions, followed by encouragement and a challenge.
Let's flesh out an acronym for a doer and another for a leader.
A doer does it all. His/her/their efforts are all that are invested in the project.
A doer owns the project, lock, stock, and barrell. It belongs to the doer and no one else.
A doer expects all the credit, praise, blame, profit, benefits, or liabilities of the project
The doer receives all of the above.
A leader looks beyond the possibilities that one doer can a ccomplish. The leader knows that a team is far better than a lone worker.
A leader expects to share the praise, profit and glory while being willing to except all the blame and responsibility that may come from failure. It is not equitable to be a leader and a leader does no expect equity.
A leader appreciates the team, lives for the team, and sometimes, will die, or at least sacrifice for the team. A leader knows that any project is diminished or limited without a team.
A leader devotes time, energy, resources, and his/her/their life into the team. Te leader measures success, in part, by the team's growth and the growth of team members.
A leader energizes the team with inspiration, motivation, a sense of purpose, and thte tools needed to get the job done. The leader keeps the team on task and the goal in focus. The leader walks out front and insures that he/she/they are motivated before showing up for work.
The leader receives greatest gratification by enjoying the success of the project and the team. Because the leader is mission-driven, everything is measured on that basis.
Are you a mere doer? If so, that is fine. If that is your calling, live it out.
But if you are a leader, be a real one.
Thanks to Leadership for inspiring us to lead. Thanks to Quentin P Kinnison, PhD for inspiring me with the meme. Thanks to Leadership First for the quote. Thanks to Leadership Development for leading the way. Thanks to International Coaching Federation for all the training.
Action-based Operations Leader
8 个月Very helpful for someone striving to transition from a doer to a leadership role too… thank you for sharing!
Next Trend Realty LLC./
8 个月Thanks for Sharing.
Polymath, artist and writer.
8 个月This was an amazing article. I called myself a doer because I wanted "100% equity" but if I'm going to achieve what I say are my goals I'm going to have to lead a team, or at least be a part of one.