Dodging Difficult Conversations?

Dodging Difficult Conversations?

In leadership, your impact stretches far beyond strategy. You're tasked with growing people.

While many managers are wizards at planning, addressing performance hiccups can get tricky.

No one loves conflict??, but dodging hard conversations is a misstep??.

Here's why you need to lean into those chats:

  1. Growth is Birthed from Challenge: Tough talks aren't about pointing fingers but about unveiling potential. They spotlight gaps, offering a runway for growth. Dodging them? That's a missed shot at elevating someone's game.
  2. Transparency Fosters Trust: Open conversations breed trust. Addressing both the wins and the stumbles with your team champions transparency and builds a culture of honesty. And guess what? That trust transforms a group of individuals into a high-octane team.
  3. Nip it in the Bud: Letting small issues simmer? That's a recipe for bigger challenges. Address them head-on, and you're safeguarding your team's morale and the company's rep.

Your Toolkit for Navigating Tough Talks??

  • Master the Art of Listening: It's simple. Tune in. Let them talk. Hear them out. Active listening isn’t just nodding along—it's about understanding and empathy.
  • Frame with "I": Swap the "You messed up" with "I observed." It's subtle, less confrontational, and opens a dialogue rather than shutting one down.
  • Be Solution-Centric: Pinpoint the hiccup, then pivot to solutions. It’s not about dwelling on the past but charting a course for the future.


Embrace the hard chats.

It's not just about the issue at hand;

They're not just about course correction.

They're your tool for unlocking potential and building trust.

Ultimately, it's about amplifying growth?? and driving success??.

Great read, thanks for sharing!

Dr Mudit Saxena

Global CXO Coach??ICF-PCC??TEDx ??Empowering Leaders 2 reach CXO/C Suite??Enhancing CXO Executive Presence&Communication,Business Storytelling,Influence&Career Transitions??Corporate Executive Coaching and Training??

1 年

Conflict is a natural part of work life ! Working authentically and being solution focused is key !

Mark Wright, MSM

John Maxwell Certified, Leadership and Development Training, Public Speaking, Organizational Development, Leadership Consulting, Coaching, Production & Project Management, Aviation Maintenance Ops, Quality Assurance

1 年


Bhaduri SaravanaKumar

Engineering leader, Customer Success & Insights, Disputes, Knowledge Management | Co-Founder, Shevolve | Mentor | Career Transformation Coach| Social Entrepreneur | Heartfulness

1 年

Yes, it's better to have that plain speak even if it's hard. It either helps to build Trust and a growth path or move away if it's not aligning! Avoidance is the worst strategy to resolve conflict

Dilip Kumar Solasa, Raise The Vibe

I Help Mid-Career IT Leaders Fast-Track Career Growth Strengthening Executive Presence and Purpose | Seasoned IT Leader | Executive Coach | TEDx speaker

1 年

The art of listening lies in the path to trust. - Dilip Solasa


