Wael Zebdeh
CTO - Cloudtheapp | AI-Powered Configurable Quality, Safety and Compliance Platform
Document Control is an essential process in any organization. A huge number of documents get published every day by organizations to get the knowledge captured, and to have processes documented.
With the large amount of data embedded in documents, the biggest challenge is distribution and awareness. "How do we ensure the right employees get to the right data at the right time and in the right place?" is the unanswered question that gets asked as part of deploying any keen Document Control process
Unfortunately, the doves that used to distribute letters and documents historically are not in service anymore. We need to find alternative and innovative ways
In this article, I will list document distribution methods
Distribution by Notification:
The process of automatically sending email notifications upon releasing a document is one of the worst methods I have experienced.?
Employees could be getting notifications on SOPs that interact with their processes without having the chance to provide input before the document is released.
The number of generated notifications could be too much for employees to handle. The reality is that many employees will figure out ways to remove them from their inboxes using email rules; oops!
Distribution by Learning Setup
Setting up learning on documents for the right groups is one of the most effective ways of distribution
Learning can be either an Instructor-Led Course or Self-Learning, and as part of deploying this distribution method, several challenges could be faced, like:
Hardcopy Distribution
Several organizations print released documents and distribute copies to several employees and locations to make them accessible. The usual motivation for this approach is that several employees on the shop floor do not have online access.
The industry is failing to address this challenge. In this digital age, we have to acknowledge that shop floor employees use technology in every aspect of their lives, and their work environment should not be any different.
Hardcopy distribution comes with countless known challenges, like:
Distribution by Classification:
Classifying documents before releasing them is one of the effective distribution methods. Documents can be categorized by Department, Location, Job Positions, and more.
Employees would be able to search and find Documents related to their function.
This kind of distribution requires a usable and fast search to be effective. The biggest challenge is related to misclassification of released documents which makes search inefficient.
Location/Time Sensitive Distribution:
At Cloudtheapp, we believe all employees should be able to digitally access documents in a way that is sensitive to their location and to what they are about to do. We embedded in our platform the technology to do just that.
Imagine the following cases:
At Cloudtheapp, we help organizations reimagine Quality in innovative ways. Fire your last bullet on the historical methods and patterns of doing things.?
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About Cloudtheapp
Cloudtheapp is a No-Code Cloud Platform built for the compliance world. Our vision is to provide you with the most configurable easy to use Quality Management and Regulatory Compliance SaaS software on the market. Start with our ready-made applications, use them as is, or configure every aspect of their design, but don’t stop there; using our Validated Compliance” No-Code” platform we want you to automate every other internal process you have, build an application for it, without writing a single line of code or script, and without any additional installs or infrastructure, then see the magic of how ALL applications would integrate to complete your compliance story.
Cloudtheapp has been founded by experienced professionals who have a proven track record in building successful global software. Three decades of industry experience helped us create the most sophisticated compliance & digital transformation tool to bring solutions that address real challenges for the compliance industry.
Our solutions allow you to reach out to suppliers, auditors, consumers, or any other external party, assign them records, get their feedback, collaborate without the hassle of separate disintegrated solutions and tedious back and forth emails.
Cloudtheapp is light to operate and administer so that your staff can focus on building your quality products.