Structural geology is top of the pile when it comes to forming ore deposits. In the exploration and mining industry, there are many things we do really well, and many things we don’t, with regard to documenting structural geological relationships. One of the things we don’t do well is the resolution of kinematics. Understanding the kinematics of structures should be a fundamental skill, and the documentation of the interpreted kinematics should be a fundamental task. They aren’t.

Knowing the movement history of your structures over time is as important as collecting good quality planar and linear data. Sadly, the collection of linear data is something else we don’t do well, and commonly don’t do at all. But I digress. This post is about documenting kinematics. However, very very very few companies capture this information, and virtually none have the facility to record it in their databases, other than as a comment.

Apparent movement and the resultant interpretations vary depending on the direction of viewing and on the dip of the structures. Apparent movements are a function of not knowing the orientation of the movement vector and can develop as shown in the figure below.

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Structures are never planar, so they can go from hosting an apparent reverse sense to hosting an apparent normal sense if the dip direction changes. The incorrect terminology will hinder the correlation of structures. For example, the same fault is less likely to be correctly linked if it is called a reverse fault at one location and a normal fault at another one. I’ve posted on this before and unashamedly repeat the diagrams here. Clearly, the same fault is present in each of the diagrams. However, the interpretations vary markedly, depending on location.

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Faults are never straight. Use of 'normal' and 'reverse' terminology is not good practice wihen dealing with steep structures that change dip direction.
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The use of terminology that doesn't include a unique movement sense (e.g. top-side-south) can complicate understanding models, tectonic understanding etc

To resolve the movement sense, we require well developed kinematic indicators and the orientation of the movement vector. The photo collage posted below shows asymmetric foliations in gold-chlorite schist (bottom left), asymmetric distribution of chalcopyrite-bearing strain shadows adjacent to gold-bearing pyrite (top right), and asymmetric gold-bearing pyrite grains in non-coaxial shears (top left and bottom right). These are just a few of the many kinematic indicators that don’t get documented.?

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Some microstructural kinematic indicators from West Australian gold deposits. The bottom left image is from Sunrise Dam, the other three are from Kanowna Belle.

To document kinematics unambiguously in our database, we need to divide the kinematic information into two separate columns – one for movement in plan and one for movement in section. We then need to say which way one block has moved relative to the other e.g. E-block-down, S-side-up, top-to-the-north etc. To document structures as reverse or normal is not good practice, because this apparent movement can change over short distances. So, someone’s reverse fault can be the same as someone else’s normal fault, as shown above.

The division of kinematics into consistent relative motions allows for filtering of the information. For example, it may only be S-side-up structures that accommodated movement in a particular deformation that are mineralised. Similarly, if we see movements nominated in both columns, we know we are dealing with oblique movement at that point and we can check to see if there is a lineation/movement vector that supports this.

I have included an extract from one of my spreadsheets, showing kinematics documented in plan (Sin = sinistral) and section (S-dn = south-side-down) in the box on the right-hand side of the figure.?

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Division of kinematic information into sectional and map movement senses.

At the end of the day, people may differ on how to capture this information. However, currently 99% of databases haven’t even gotten to that point. It’s something we really should improve on.

Brandon Lutz

Field Camp Director and Assistant Teaching Professor at Appalachian State University

1 年

Thank you for sharing this. I am dealing with this problem in my compilations of fault information at state-scale. One great way to collect structural data and keep them uniformly attirbuted/digital is using one of the apps. I strongly recommend StraboSpot because it has controlled vocabularies (templates, I suppose) for all sorts of parameters relevant to mining. For example, you take a measurement on a vein attitude, you can immediately punch in the thickness, opening type (normal vs shear), mineralogy, etc etc. This build a relational database as you go and it can be used with oriented thin sections, core, or outcrops. You can also easily take a photo, turn that photo into a "basemap", then add "spots" to the photo where you took measurements, notes, or even XRF scans ?? Check it out!

Ohh I just finished working with our database provider, GdB, to set up a spatial mapping table in the Geo-dB for Kula. Whilst we did include a kinematics column, I did not consider to document kinematics in both plan & section views! So obvious now you mention it, thanks Brett! Catherine Matus... Let me know your thoughts?! Think we probs need another column ??

Denis Rafty

Retired Principal Exploration Geologist at Home

1 年

I looked at this issue of faults changing movement directions along strike from a very different perspective of superimposition of deformation phases. Take for example a sinistral D2 fault superimposed by a dextral D3 fault the Reidel directions change with different movement directions i.e. A??Riedel D3 T Structure is a re - activated?Riedel D2 P structure with sinistral movement. If you start playing around with sigma directions in wrench faulting environments and Riedel directions mineralisation trends start to pop out and tie in with historical mined reefs.

Sergio Espinosa, Geoscientist

Geophysicist serving the Geoscience and Exploration community. With Geophysics, we neither map ore deposits nor geothermal reservoirs nor aquifers. We map a physical property of a geological volume in the subsurface.

1 年

Brett, Very nice text. In Geophysics applied to the exploration of ore deposits, we should also be doing a lot of things, but we don't, for example describing how the petrophysical parameter we measure relates to the structural conditions you describe here. Regards

Yaoguo Li

Professor at Colorado School of Mines | EnergyTech Geophysics: Geologic hydrogen exploration and mineral exploration

1 年

Thanks so much for sharing! I have a quick question — purely out of my ignorance in structural geology: do you get only the translational movement from the way you record the data or can you also back up the rotational component? I also recognize that your apparent quantities in the planes and sections have a neat analogy with how we describe magnetization vector in 3D.


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