Documentary Now!!

Documentary Now!!

There never seems to be a dull moment at Studio21 Architects; I am well and truly back from my trips to Las Vegas, for the International Builder’s Show, and New Zealand, for the A.M.I. Mastermind Summit, and I feel like I am back into the swing of things at the office— just in time for the slowly warming weather. As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers, and while that generally proves to be true, for me the advent of Spring means something else entirely: the beginning of racing season!?

Back in January, I traveled south, to Florida, to race at Homestead-Miami and Sebring. At Homestead, I finished third in both events and at Sebring, I came in fifth in both races. After a bit of a break, the season kicked off the first weekend of May, for a vintage race weekend in South Haven, Michigan. My youngest son, Dan, completed driver school in a dramatic fashion, by winning the Driver School race! The next day, he competed in his first official race in a Formula Vee; my older son, Brian, whom I’ve raced with many times before, was there to assist and cheer Dan on. This marks another addition to the Styczynski race team. Check out the back page for the full racing schedule, as there are many more to come.?

2024's Racing Schedule (so far!)

Another event coming up this summer is the fourteenth annual Drive for 155 charity kart endurance race, organized by DuPage PADS. I know that this serves as a bit of a premature reminder, but I figure it’s better to be early with a reminder rather than too late. This year’s PADS race will be on Saturday, July 13th, at the Autobahn track in Joliet. Below my racing schedule on the back page, you’ll also find some additional information about the event, as well as the link to donate. We have started putting together a second racing team and have room for a couple more drivers; if you’re interested, please let us know!?

In non-racing news, I have an announcement that I am incredibly excited to make (so excited, that I wanted to make this announcement two newsletters ago!). You may already know this, but my wife Kerry and I have embarked on a custom home project of our own. We plan to design and build a forever home; a one-story ranch house with future accessibility in mind, and to harken back to racing, a garage that’s suitably sized for all my racecars, of course! This project posed a wonderful opportunity to document the process of a Design+Build custom home, and so we have begun to put together a video series that takes you through the entire process, start to finish. We’re calling it:

Design + Build Decoded.?

The first episode has officially gone live on the Studio21 Architects YouTube channel, and you can be one of the first to view it. In the first episode, I discuss the very first step behind any design project. Click this link to watch Episode One. To keep up with the series, make sure to subscribe to our channel. I hope you enjoy the first episode!?


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