The Document Processing Revolution!
In today's business world, manual document processing poses a major challenge, especially for companies handling large volumes of documents such as customs declarations, delivery notes, and transport reports. Terranoha offers innovative solutions to automate these processes, ensuring data accuracy and saving valuable time.
Challenges of Manual Document Processing
Companies with logistics challenges handle a huge amount of administrative paperwork, including CMRs, delivery notes, and customs documents, which are essential for cross-border transportation of goods. These documents contain crucial legal information that must be checked and reconciled, such as the quantity of goods transported, departure and arrival dates, and the proper completion of administrative formalities. Additionally, these documents are often of poor quality, being partly handwritten, photographed, or poorly scanned.
Performing all these checks for each trip and document is extremely tedious and time-consuming. This process not only wastes time but also inevitably leads to human errors, which can have significant consequences.
Automating Document Processing with Terranoha
Terranoha provides a comprehensive suite of tools to automate document processing, leveraging advanced technologies such as OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), based on real data. These technologies accurately extract information from PDF files, including handwritten documents, using multiple OCR tools to ensure redundancy and improve data accuracy. Additionally, AI is used to verify and validate extracted data both from documents and to compare data between multiple documents, identifying inconsistencies and ensuring data accuracy.
To achieve this, the models are trained on real data to have a keen awareness of data consistency. Furthermore, documents are automatically categorized and archived according to predefined criteria, simplifying the verification process and minimizing human errors.
PDF Capture and OCR:
Data Structuring and Storage:
Improved Verification and Accuracy with AI:
Automated Sorting and Archiving:
Benefits of Terranoha's Automated Solutions
We offer tools for automatic data processing. Terranoha transforms document management by automating time-consuming tasks and reducing human errors. Our OCR tools automatically extract data from various documents, categorize them, and securely store them in a centralized database. Our AI verifies each data point, ensuring accuracy and consistency. Documents are automatically sorted and archived, with errors flagged for review.
Case Study: Transforming Document Processing
Before Terranoha: A Complex and Strenuous Situation
A European logistics company with a constant flow of delivery trucks crossing borders every week faces significant challenges. Employees spend countless hours daily manually extracting data from documents, verifying customs declarations, checking delivery notes, and entering information into a database. This tedious process involves handling hundreds of documents (up to four documents for each trip), which represents approximately 20 hours of work for about 3 employees each day, just to process documents for 20 trips. This process is prone to numerous errors; a mis entered number or forgotten piece of information can lead to delays, penalties, or regulatory sanctions. Employees become exhausted, with the constant pressure negatively affecting team morale. With the business growing at a strong rate, the scalability of these operations is a significant concern. The company is faced with the necessity to hire additional personnel.
With Terranoha: A Revolution in Document Processing
The company decides to implement Terranoha's innovative solutions, leading to immediate and remarkable changes.
Terranoha transforms document management by offering advanced automation solutions. Through the integration of OCR and AI technologies, Terranoha ensures efficient, accurate, and compliant document processing, saving companies time and reducing errors.
About Terranoha
Terranoha is a leader in optimizing business processes through advanced automated document management solutions. With strong technological expertise, Terranoha enhances the efficiency, accuracy, and compliance of document processing operations. For more information, visit