Document Control

Document Control

Key important points to implement are the following:

  • Approve documents for?adequacy prior to issuance
  • Review and update as?necessary and re-approve?document
  • Ensure that changes and?the current revision status of?documents are identified
  • Ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use. Ensure that approved, valid and up-to-date copies of all necessary documents are distributed to project staff concerned.
  • Ensure that documents?remain legible and readily?identifiable
  • Ensure that documents of?external origin determined?by the organization to be?necessary for the planning?and operation of the quality?management system are
  • identified and their?distribution controlled
  • Prevent the unintended use of obsolete documents, and apply suitable identification to them if they are retained for any purpose
  • Ensure that documents are securely filed and maintained are easily retrievable and can be readily compiled into the handover package and archives at the end of the project.

Document Control and ISO 9001

Any organizations wanting to achieve compliance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard are required to produce certain documents, including a quality manual, a quality policy, and specified documented procedures. Of course, most project organizations will choose to document much more information than that required by the standard.

Controlling documents is a key requirement of ISO 9001:2015 (Control of Documents’ (4.2.3)), and one of the required six documented procedures is the Document Control Procedure (4.2.3).

So any ISO-certified construction organization must adhere to the key requirement of ISO 9001:2015.

Presented here is a sample of structured procedures for reference in the construction project.

Structured Document Control Procedure in Construction Project

1. Scope

2. Purpose

3. References

4. Definitions

5. Responsibility

6. Procedure

7. List of Appendices


1.1 This document defines the system established for the control of the documentation at the (Name of Contractor) Construction worksite and to instruct Document Control Centre and the Department / Section Heads on the actions to be taken upon receipt of?Construction documents and their revisions.

1.2 All Project Documents requiring controlled distribution shall be listed in the Document Distribution Matrix.

1.3 As part of (Name of Contractor here) Quality Management System, this procedure addresses?the Quality System Requirements of ISO 9001:2008.


2.1 To ensure that approved, valid, and up-to-date copies of all necessary documents are distributed to project staff concerned.

2.2 To ensure that changes and the current revision status of documents are identified and that the relevant versions of appropriate documents are available at points of use.

2.3 To ensure that documents are securely filed and maintained are easily retrievable and can be readily compiled into the handover package and archives at the end of the project.

2.4 To prevent the unintended use of superseded documents.


3.1 PQP – xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx: Project Quality Plan

3.2 – Master Development Document Numbering Procedure: (ref: xxx-xxx-xxx)

3.3 DCC Software Manual: ACONEX

3.4 ISO 9001:2008: Quality Management Systems-

3.5 – Master Project Aconex Project Instruction:?Requirements (ref.: xxx-xxx-xxx)


4.1 COMPANY: xxxxxxxxx


4.3 CONSULTANT: xxxxxxxxxx

4.4 CONTRACTOR: (Name of Contractor)

4.5?PQP: Project Quality Plan

4.6 DCC: Document Control Centre

4.7 Document: As used in this procedure, the word document means any instruction in paper or electronic form, issued by (Name of Contractor) or their Subcontractors/ Sub consultants containing requirements or Specifications or Procedures or reports concerning the execution or performance of the Project work. All documents covered by this procedure are controlled by (Name of Contractor) DCC. All documents shall be stored in Hard Copies and also in Electronic Media (ACONEX).


5.1 Document Control Manager

Reports to the Deputy Project Director and he is directly responsible for the following:

5.1.1 Maintaining and updating this procedure.

5.1.2 Allocation of Document, Document Numbering and provide Document Templates to other departments for preparing Construction Procedures, Method Statements, etc., and also for Subcontractors / Sub Consultants through the concerned departments.

5.1.3 Receipt, control, storage, and the issue of project documentation as Controlled Copies as per the Document Distribution Matrix and also storing all the documents as Hard Copies, Soft Copies and also feeding to the DCC system-ACONEX.

5.1.4 Preparation of Document Distribution Matrix in conjunction with Project Management Team.

5.1.5 Responsible for maintaining all live Project Documents and also obsolete Documents for records.

5.1.6 Supervising the establishment and maintenance of project central filing system.

5.1.7 Establishment and control of the project reference library.

5.1.8 Supervision and control of DCC printing facilities.


6.2 Receipt and Registration

6.2.1. The Project Director shall decide and state in writing who receives all incoming documents pertaining to (Name of Contractor) Project.

6.2.2. The receiver of incoming documents – if not DCC – shall immediately hand them over to DCC.

6.2.3. To the extent possible, DCC shall insist that documents from outside companies be sent under transmittal note. This requirement shall be imposed on suppliers.

6.2.4. Receipt of transmittal will be acknowledged by DCC.

6.2.5. The contents of the package received will be checked against the transmittal list, and any discrepancies noted shall be reported with the Transmittal acknowledgment.

6.2.6. All Incoming transmittals shall be filed and easy to retrieve if required for future reference.

6.2.7. Upon receipt of documents from outside or from within (Name of Contractor), DCC shall:

? Stamp transmittal with received Stamp.

? Stamp the document ‘MASTER’ in blue and enter the date.

? Enter all necessary data into the database register.

? If the received document is a revised one, the previous document shall be stamped ‘SUPERSEDED’ in red and the latest document/ drawing becomes a live document. Necessary updating shall be done in the Document Register.

? Make copies according to the Document Distribution Matrix.

? Stamp the copies ‘CONTROLLED COPY’ in red.

? Prepare distribution under an internal DCC transmittal.

6.2.8. A database register shall be set up and maintained by DCC. The following information shall be?recorded for incoming documents, both from outside and from within (Name of Contractor) :

? Document number

? Document title

? Revision number

? Identification of the sender

? Date received

? Status of document (i.e. whether for information, for review, IFC, etc.)

6.2.9. The Document Register shall be maintained and distributed on a weekly basis to Project Team.

6.3 Document Distribution Matrix

6.3.1 The issue of controlled copies is controlled by DCC as per the Document Distribution Matrix prepared by DCC. The Document Distribution Matrix group shows categories of documents along one axis and lists department managers, outsiders, and other addressees down the other axis.

6.3.2 Document Control Manager shall distribute the first draft of the Document Distribution Matrix to all Project Key Personnel for their comments and after getting the comments DCC shall prepare the final version of the Document Distribution Matrix and follow the same Matrix throughout the Project period. If any further addition or deletion of names or Document list, same shall be incorporated by DCC after getting such comments from the concerned personnel.

6.3.3 Revision status of the distribution matrix shall be controlled by a revision number and date.

6.3.4 If the distribution matrix is revised and addresses are deleted, Document Control Manager shall instruct the addressee or concerned manager to destroy or withdraw documents that have been sent up to that point to avoid their continuing in circulation after new revisions have been issued.

6.3.5 All controlled copies shall be numbered and the number allocated to each addressee shall be marked on the Document Distribution Matrix.6.3.6 Only distribution of controlled documents shall be applied where all copies are directly distributed by?DCC to all addresses.

6.3.7 The type of primary distribution shall be used where all copies are directly distributed to all addresses. At the (Name of Contractor), each department may establish their own sub-distribution?matrix within?their own department. Each departmental head should have control of such documents and such?department shall be responsible and shall be audited to ensure that only Controlled Documents are distributed among their staff.

6.3 Issue and Distribution

6.3.1 There are two categories of document issue:

a) Documents generated within (Name of Contractor) and circulated for internal review. Normally this is undertaken by the originator using an interdisciplinary check (IDC) system and is not a DCC function.

b) Only approved documents/drawings shall be issued unless Document Control Manager has instructions to do so from the Management

6.3.2 Subsequent revisions of all controlled distribution documents shall be sent to the same addresses as the previous revision.

6.3.3 All documents shall be issued under a DCC internal transmittal and receipt acknowledgment by the project team.

6.3.4 Upon receipt of controlled copies of documents the recipient will:

a) Check that the transmittal is complete and correct as listed on the transmittal and refer all anomalies back to the DCC.

b) Return transmittal signed.

c) Destroy previous revision.

6.3.5 DCC shall report to Deputy Project Director for appropriate corrective action in case of recipient consistently or willfully failing to return the signed transmittal.

6.3.6 All requests for additional copies of controlled distribution documents must be made in writing to DCC. Requests should be limited to exceptional circumstances because of the difficulty of tracing and keeping up-to-date copies that are additional to the distribution matrix.

6.3.7 Any print showing ‘CONTROLLED COPY’ in black is to be assumed as uncontrolled and not valid.

6.4 Filing

6.4.1 Document Control Manager shall define and document a filing system to enable rapid accessing of all documents under his responsibility. The filing system shall be based on the document categories listed in the Document Distribution Matrix.

6.4.2 Master documents shall be kept in the DCC office, shall only be copied by DCC personnel, and shall not be removed from DCC.

6.4.3 Superseded copies of all documents will be stamped ‘SUPERSEDED’ in red.

6.4.4 One copy of each superseded revision of each document will be retained in the DCC offices.

6.4.5 All cupboards, drawers files, stick files, box files, etc., will be clearly marked to show their contents.

6.4.6 Access to files shall be strictly controlled by DCC. The loan of master documents to project staff is prohibited. The loan of any other document shall be limited to a strict minimum and controlled by a sign-out register.

6.5 Maintenance of Copying and Reproducing Equipment

6.5.1 IT Department shall be responsible for the good operation of all equipment in DCC and for ensuring that maintenance schedules are drawn up and implemented for each item of equipment.

6.6 As-Built Drawings

6.6.1 Draft red-lined “As-built” drawings shall be prepared by (Name of Contractor) Engineering as applicable. The?completion, as well as revision status of such drawings, shall be controlled by (Name of Contractor) Engineering. Handover of the red-lined “as-built” drawings to Consultant/Client shall be done via DCC per contractual arrangements.

6.7 Storage and Security

6.7.1 DCC shall be under surveillance at all times during the normal working day and kept locked outside working hours.

6.7.2 Unauthorized entry by non-DCC personnel into the DCC office area is prohibited. A stable door or similar shall be provided to give messengers and other project staff access to documents without?having to go into the office area.

6.7.3 Filing cabinets and drawing sticks shall be lockable. Steel Cabinets shall be used to store documents and drawings.

6.7.4 The DCC office shall be generously equipped with fire extinguishers and a fire alarm system. Staff shall attend the required safety training provided by HSE Department.

6.8 Control of Computerized Data

6.8.1 Document Management System is ACONEX. The system shall also provide up-to-date approval status/tracking of documents, revision control, and controlled issue to all parties involved.

6.9 Handover

6.9.1 Contract documents shall be reviewed during the mobilization stage to identify Consultant/Client Document handover requirements.

6.9.2 DCC shall be responsible for storing the documents/drawings during the life of the project including collating and handing over the documents/drawings as defined.

6.10 Archiving

6.10.1 Before project completion, Project Management shall contact the (Name of Contractor) Project Managing Office to ascertain which documents are to be archived in each center and in what form – e.g. microfilm. Project Management shall also establish where the Managing Office wishes the consignments to be sent.

6.10.2 DCC shall arrange for all necessary copying.

6.10.3 Documents shall be packed in robust and secure boxes clearly marked with the contract number and contents.

6.10.4 Each box will be individually numbered consecutively and an index compiled by the DCC.

7. List of Appendices

Appendix – A: Document Numbering Procedure

Appendix – B: Aconex Project Instruction

Appendix – C: Sample for Stamps

Appendix – D: Flow Chart

Appendix – E: Document Distribution Matrix

Appendix – F: Letter Template

Appendix – G: Shop Drawing Template

Appendix – H: Transmittal Template

Appendix – I: Document Request Form

Document Control Procedure | Appendix – A: Document Numbering Procedure (Ref.: xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxx)


1. Purpose and Scope

2. Project Documents & Drawings

2.1 Program

2.2 CP (Contract Package) Identifier (ID)

2.3 Organization Code

2.4 Document Type Code

2.5 Discipline Code

2.6 Sequential Number ID

2.7 Drawing Sheet Number ID (If Required)

3. Sequential Number Revision Numbering


This procedure specifies the document and drawing numbering system to be used for all deliverables (Drawings & Documents) produced as part of the xxxxxx Company Master Development Project. Different numbering systems are used for documents and drawings. Items of correspondence and project-specific documents are not covered by this procedure.


Documents typically include reports, drawings, specifications and procedures, and also other project deliverables. Please refer to the example of a typical Project Documentation in the table below:

Document numbering Example:

2.1 Project Program


2.2 CP (Contract Package) Identifier (ID)

The CP (Contract Package) identifies the actual packages on the current Master Plan, please see the list below for identification of relevant package numbers.

Example: LUS-CP00-LUS-PRC-PM-00001

2.3 Organization Code

The Organization Code Identifies the actual Organizations working on a package that will actually produce documents/drawings, please see list below for identification of relevant Organization Codes.

Example: PRO-CP00-BIV-PRC-PM-00001

2.4 Document Type Code

The Document Type Code Identifies the actual document/drawing type that will be produced by Organization, see list below for identification of relevant Document Type Codes.

Example: PRO-CP00-LUS-ABD-PM-00001

ABD As-Built Drawing

AUR Audit Report

AUA Authority Approvals

BOQ Bill of Quantities

BDG Budget

BTF Budget Transfer Form

BIM Building Information Model

CAL Calculation

CER Certificate

CHR Change Request

CKL Check List

CLM Claim

CLR Clarification

CP Company Profile

COU Confidentiality Undertaking

COT Contingency Transfer

CON Contract

COM Contract Modification

CAR Corrective Action Request

DRP Daily Report

DAS Data Sheet

DWG Drawing

EIN Engineer’s Instruction

EST Estimate

EOI Expression of Interest

EOT Extension of Time

FOA Form of Agreement

GCC General Conditions of Contract

GTA GTC Approval

GTS GTC Submission

ITP Inspection & Test Plan

ITR Inspection & Test Report

INR Inspection Request

INS Insurance

INV Invoice

LET Letter

LOA Letter of Acceptance & Notice to Proceed

LST List

MNL Manual

MAT Material Submittal

MST Method Statement

MOM Minutes of Meeting

NCR Non-Conformance Reports

OMM Operation & Maintenance Manual

PAY Payment

PRM Permits

PLN Plan

PRS Prequalification Submittal

PRE Presentation

PRC Procedure

PRG Programme

PRO Proposal

PUR Purchase order

PRQ Purchase requisition

REG Register

REP Report

RFI Request for Information

RFP Request for Proposal

RSK Risk Assessment

ROM Rough order of Magnitude

SOS Scope of Services

SDW Shop Drawing

SPE Specification

SSH Splicing Sheet

STD Standard

SUR Survey

TMP Template

TED Tender Document

TEV Tender Evaluation

VAR Variation

VOR Variation Order Request

WNG Warranty & Guarantees

2.5 Discipline Code

The Discipline Code identifies the actual document/drawing type against a Discipline that will be produced by Organizations, please see the list below for identification of relevant Discipline Codes.

Example: PRO-xxxx-CV-xxxx-xxxxx

AD Administration

AR Architectural

CV Civil

CA Contract Administration

EL Electrical

FM Facility Management

FC Cost / Finance / Commercial

FF Fire Fighting

GG Geotechnical & Geophysical

HSE Health / Safety / Environment

ITS Intelligent Transport System

LN Landscaping

LG Legal

LO Logistics

MC Mechanical

PL Planning

PC Procurement

PM Project Management

QL Quality

ST Structural

TL Telecommunication

UT Utilities

2.6 Sequential Number ID

Each Document / Drawing number will have a sequential number, each document series will begin at 00001.

Example: PRO-BIV-LUS-CV-PM-00001

2.7 Drawing Sheet Number ID (If Required)

Each Drawing number will have a sequential number (if required); each series will begin at 001.

Example: PRO-CP00-LUS-PRC-PM-00001-001


Project team members uploading or superseding documents are to update the revision in accordance with the convention described for each status lifecycle. The document revision practices adopted on this project are detailed in the following table.

Revision ConventionWhen UsedDescriptionAll DocumentsDashAll StagesUsed to indicate a placeholder document (i.e. a document that has not yet been uploaded but has been uploaded with its details).DrawingsNumericAll StagesThe first revision is “0” and then increments sequentiallyOther DocumentsNumericAll StagesUsed for documents other than drawings (e.g. Meeting Minutes) where a date format may be required (e.g. “Mar09” or “dd/mm/yy”).

Appendix – B: Aconex Project Instruction??

Appendix – C: Sample for Stamps?(goes here)

Appendix – D: Flow Chart?(goes here)

Appendix – E: Document Distribution Matrix?(goes here)

Appendix – F: Letter Template?(goes here)

Appendix – G: Shop Drawing Template?(goes here)

Appendix – H: Transmittal Template?(goes here)

Appendix – I: Document Request Form?(goes here)

(Just complete the offer to unlock the file)

Zahirul Islam Jewel

NEOM Approved Document Controller/Aconex at Mohammad M Alrashid Trading & Contracting (MARCO).

2 年

thank you for explanation

Mohamed Yehia

PMC Lead Document Controller @ ANOPC Hydrocracking Complex Project | Document Management Expert

2 年

Thanks for the invite

Mohammed Shoaib MIET

Certification and Risk Engineer at BRE

2 年

This is really helpful.


Senior Document Controller_Translator_Admin _ Projects and Quality Coordinator at Entreprise Nationale de Grands Travaux Pétroliers (ENGTP SONATRACH GROUP)

2 年

thank you for this best explanation


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