Doctors' and Nurses' Well-Kept Secret…

Doctors' and Nurses' Well-Kept Secret…

It’s Different on The Other Side”

A fellow nurse and friend recently had serious surgery. After she got home from the hospital she said to me… ‘It’s different on the other side. I couldn't wait to get out of the hospital.’ I knew exactly what she meant. She meant its horrible being a patient because you can see all the errors, care delivery gaps and poor communication between care providers.

Doctors’ and Nurses’ have a well-kept secret: We fear being a patient. To us, we’d rather lick our wounds at home, in bed with an icepack on our head than come to the hospital for…any reason.

  From Healthcare Provider to Patient  

One of my earlier memories is of my father—a physician and surgeon. He was in bed with a broken leg, cast up above his knee. He should have been at the hospital for IV antibiotics but instead he insisted on coming home. To the safety of our own home.

Why? Because we know all too well what it’s like in hospitals and doctor’s offices—there are errors of oversight, errors of overdose, errors of patients getting procedures meant for another patient. And there are all those dirty hands, dirty countertops and… infections! There are errors of communication  between clinicians leading to delays in diagnosis or treatment. We know all these things and more.

Medical Errors are Everywhere

Every year about 1.5 million people a year are harmed from medications that are simply the wrong drug, the wrong dose or given to the wrong patient according to the Institute of Medicine. Newborn babies get too much oxygen causing blindness, and of course there are those hundreds of thousands of annual hospital-caused infections from poor hand washing and poor standards of sterilizing equipment, dirty counter tops and general low-levels of cleaning.

How Clinicians Work the System

So, for those of us in the know, we bring back-up if we have to go to the hospital. Back-up in terms of someone who can make sure bad things don’t happen. I call people who act as my back-up ‘Watchers.’ (This is my own term I’ve coined.)  

Watchers watch…they are friends or family members I bring with me to the hospital who's only job is to watch for and correct bad or sloppy care delivery. What do Watchers do?

Watchers watch the IV bag to make sure it does not run dry, they watch the clock to make sure medications are administered on time, they check the medications to make sure they are correct, they watch to make sure providers wash their hands as they enter the room, they watch to make sure meals are delivered, they make sure there is water and a call-bell within reaching distance.

And when they spot an issue, oversight, miscommunication, delayed medication…these Watchers intervene before mistakes can be made, before oversights occur, and to ensure solid communication between care providers to make sure care gets delivered in the right time, in the right way. They essentially become the missing link to an overburdened, understaffed and (frankly) under-concerned care delivery system.

When I had surgery last year I had two Watchers, a relative and a friend. They were eagle-eyed and helped me a lot. I picked these people carefully. They had to have the right blend of patience and grit to stand-up to the overworked and rushed doctors and nurses.

My Best Advice is to Bring Backup

So here is my advice and recommendations to those interacting with the health care system: Consider bringing your own ‘Watcher’ who can help you through your hospital admission or doctor’s visit.

Should you wish to have a Watcher with you the next time you go to the hospital or clinic for care, keep in mind the following:

1.      Your Watcher does not have to know anything about medicine, healthcare or nursing. They just need to be bold, ‘mission driven,’ and not afraid to speak out and ask questions. It helps if they can do these things with a smile on their face.

2.      They need to make sure all people who come into your hospital room wash their hands.

3.      They need to advocate for you and push the system to work in your favor. They need to be your project manager.

4.      Your Watcher needs to take notes. Your doctors and nurses and therapists will tell you important things you’ll want to remember later. Your Watcher should take notes throughout your visit or admission.

5.       Most importantly, they need to be bold, ‘mission driven,’ and not afraid to speak out and ask questions, while being gracious and moderately patient…??

Final Word of Advice: Don’t Look to the Nurses

Unfortunately, the nurses just don’t have the time or inclination to be your ‘personal eyes and ears’ of safety—they are busy ensuring all patients get  their get scheduled medications,  cleaning and dressing dirty wounds, obtaining report on the new patients they are getting from the OR or ED, managing unstable patient or dealing with paper work. So even if they wanted to be your Watcher, they simply cannot.  Only you, your family and your Watcher can focus exclusively on you and your needs.

So regardless of what policy changes occur in D.C., it will not change how care is delivered day-to-day. We have what we have and we need to protect ourselves from a piecemeal ‘system’ that is not a system. 

Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and the next time you need to go to the hospital, bring a Watcher. You will thank me later.

I’d like to dedicate this post to Rita: May your recovery be swift and complete.

About the author: Recognized by LinkedIn as a "Top Voice" in Health Care in 2015 & 2106, author Julie Kliger is passionate about improving health care. She is a consultant, author and speaker. She specializes in healthcare quality, organizational change and improvement.

Katherine Weeks

Managing Director - EY - Retired

7 年

I was the "watcher" for both my parents and husband. What you shared is so important. Ultimately each of us is the CEO of our healthcare - and we need to appoint COOs when required. Thanks for sharing.


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