Doctors need to show up, not just put a hand up

Doctors need to show up, not just put a hand up

Once again, after attending a digital health accelerator event. the lack of doctors and other health professionals at the meeting spoke volumes about their unwillingness or inabilility to meaningfully participate in designing, developing and deploying digital health products and services that could help transform sickcare to healthcare and move us towards the quintuple aim.

The same holds true for medical students and residents who say they are interested in biomedical and clinical entrepreneurship, but are not willing to do the work required to build a sustainable community of interest at their medical schools or regional community of interest.

Despite efforts to the contrary, making end users part of the digital health innovation ecosystem have been stymied by:

  1. The lack of health systems and their employed physician workforce to cooperate with each other and meaningfully integrate with other components of local innovation ecosystems.
  2. The opportunity cost of a doctor's time to contribute to non-revenue generating activities. like advising or mentoring, and not dedicating time to the new, not just the now and the next.
  3. Their lack of business/entrepreneurial and IT knowledge, skills and attitudes
  4. Their lack of an entrepreneurial mindset
  5. Small and narrow networks that exclude those who are not part of their tribe
  6. Work schedules that preclude participation in the local innovation ecosystem
  7. Interference with work-life balance
  8. Burnout
  9. Their unwillingness to admit that they don't know what they don't know
  10. Lack of alignment with what motivates them internally or externally and not enough in it for them
  11. Unwillingness of BIG PHARMA, BIG DEVICE and BIG DIGITAL to engage doctors in the early stages of product development on their own terms due to IP, regulatory, business model and technology transfer obstacles.
  12. Conflict of interest and self dealing rules that discourage early stage research, development and commercialization
  13. The unwillingness of medical schools to support student entrepreneurial career development
  14. Not recognizing the ability to practice using a viable business model as a core residency competency
  15. Self interest

The lack of entrepreneurial medical schools doesn't help.

There are exceptions to physician participation nationally. But, most conferences are dominated by technologists, industry vendors, non-sickcare entrepreneurs and investors.

I lump physician engagement in new product development into three categories:

The gawkers (95%): These are the ones who complain the most but do the least when it comes to helping to get value added products and services to patients.

The talkers (4%): These are the ones who raise their hands to help but fail to show up or put up.

The walkers (1%): These are the ones who get $hit done by delivering on one of many on the M and Ms of physician collaboration deliverables.

So, what should you do if you want to get in the game?

  1. What got you to where you are now will not get you to where you want to go. Create and execute a personal and professional physician entrepreneur development plan designed to provide you with entrepreneurial competencies, identify your blind spots and fill the gaps in what you don't know you don't know.
  2. Update your Linkedin profile, be sure it mentions your transferable skills and use it to join groups of interest and expand your internal and external networks
  3. Find a mentor
  4. Join your local or regional innovation ecosystem
  5. Network relentlessly
  6. Volunteer to be an advisor, mentor and consultant to emerging companies or as part of an accelerator, generator,scalerator or incubator
  7. Lobby your medical society to include physician entrepreneurship and innovation education
  8. Join the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs and participate in or create chapters
  9. Volunteer to teach physician innovation and entrepreneurship in your local medical school or work with medical student and residents interested in physician entrepreneurship
  10. Attend and participate in conferences, workshops, webinars and other online programs in your area of interest

Put these on your to do list too:

Digital health entrepreneurship is a full contact sport that can't be achieved simply online nor can it be fixed from inside. If health professionals are dissatisfied and want to truly make a difference, they need to show up, not just put a hand up to volunteer their time and expertise. Then, they need to pay up i.e put some skin in the game, as they move in the engagement funnel from awareness to intention to decision to action to advocacy.

Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA is the President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs on Twitter@SoPEOfficial and Co-editor of Digital Health Entrepreneurship

Savan Devani

a Life in Life Sciences

5 年

Great points. #Bioengineers.



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