Doctors have been seen as people who are there to serve people selflessly .They have moral duty to alleviate the pains of patients through state of the art medical facilities .They are reminded again and again that their services are emotions driven and hence they should not have commerce in their approach.All the cost that they bear during their education and updation is not seen as major input that needs to be rewarded.The expectations are so much that its hard to mention all in a draft.

On the flip side , doctors too have some expectations ( selfless) from their patients.The following are the major ones that patients should consider during their visit to the doctor.

1.Home work before visiting his doctor.Most of the patients come to OPDs like they have come to sit for an exam with our preparation.This leads to wastage of doctors time in diagnosing the disease and sometime results into wrong diagnosis too.We cover up our casual attitude by admiring doctor’s talent and not understanding that he needs our cooperation to spot the underlying cause .

2.Patients history is important to assess the tendency of patients for a given illness and what all drugs he had been using in his past.Drug reaction and hypersensitivity in the past also helps doctors knowing patient's profile .Patients generally go by word of mouth but doctors would not consider it seriously till prescription are available.This entails filing of your prescriptions and taking it along during your visit.

3. OPDs have limited space so patients should not bring all family members along and congest the place.This leads to disturbance for other patients .

4.Patients should trust their doctor and comply with prescription so as to have medicines as is rx there.Non compliance defeats the medical procedure to address the disease and leaves doctor disturbed about the failure of the therapy.Every patient brings new learning to his doctor and if the therapy fails ,it leads to changes in his prescription habits .If one patient fails to respond , he unduly changes the medicines and his chance to understand the disease is lost.

5.Do discuss your socio-economic status so that he guides you therapy that would not be unaffordable for you.

6.Hospital is a public place so civic sense is expected .Anything that could be bothersome for other patients should not be done.Doctors are too busy in treating patients so they need peace of mind which is possible only in peaceful atmosphere.

These are some of the factors patients should take care while visiting doctors.What do you say..



