Doctors for AI - Wish to Join!?
Dr. Rohit Sharma
MedTech Product Owner, Medical Doctor, Astrologer, Self taught Programmer, Inventor of , Drishti, CardioFit and Ask Laiqa, Blessed father! <3 Physics, travelling and making an Impact!
I strongly believe that implementation of new technologies including AI, Machine learning, AR & VR in the healthcare settings cannot occur in a proper way without an active and dedicated involvement of the medical community. And by medical community I mean Doctors, Nurses, Biomedical Researchers, Scientists and Hospital Managers. But most importantly Doctors. Doctors are the soul and centre of the Healthcare System.
Unless Doctors join the band wagon, we will be scratching but the surface only, of these technologies for decades. We will keep talking only about the "Potential use cases" or published "Research Articles" only, without actually building any inventions for the real world that make a "Real world impact" on the society.
We must have doctors on board, and not only bring them on board, but also make them highly motivated and inspired to build such innovations for their patients.
Today, however unbelievable it may sound, the reality is that ~90% of the Healthcare professionals are not aware about 'how this AI thing works', What is AI exactly, how and where it can be used, how are these algorithms developed, what is the significance of 'Data' in all this, what kind of data is needed, why should they bother to store and manage it? and ultimately, what are the benefits, to them or to the society, What is in it for them? and What is in it for Mankind?
Infact, I can say with a lot of confidence, that at-least upto 50% of the Healthcare professionals may have never even heard of these words like AI, ML or IoT or what exactly they are? They are 'just for the engineers' in their mind.
Unless this situation changes, expecting a radical change in our existing systems is impractical. Unless we have millions of doctors who are at least aware about, 'What is AI?', or what is the "Potential application of AI in healthcare" and how they, as doctors, nurses or Healthcare managers, individually Contribute to it, we cannot expect a Positive change. Unless the medical society becomes the driver of change, change may not come soon. Or even if it comes, it will be 20 years delayed, coming from the west, as it has always been. And in case of AI, we know that the 'dimensions' of our population data and their population datasets, may be so different that even these copycat Models may not work and we may lag behind massively.
Unless we 'Make the Doctors more aware', Unless we help them understand how they can become the drivers of this change, How they can become Individual 'Innovators, Researchers and entrepreneurs' of the future and How their contributions can upgrade the healthcare systems and services all over the world, mark their name in history, unless they know what exactly they can do individually, they won't care to participate much in this change or act on it.
Imagine if millions of doctors know that, they can, in theory, build new tests, new kind of investigations, build new prediction tools, discover new findings or invent new products that can add new solutions & services in the healthcare sector in various fields from labs to clinics. If they knew they were sitting on goldmines of 'Data' and can become the Edward Jenner or Van Basch of today's Medicine. Every doctor can help in the eventual upgradation of the sector and be known for it. If everyone knew what is AI and how can they use it in empowering themselves and the world, or how they can aid in its development, I am sure we will see thousands of interested, motivated and passionate #docpreneurs emerge out of unknown places who will start the process on their own. A process with many long term benefits for all of mankind.
And this is want i wish to see. This will help billions of people by either preventing development of diseases or by providing better, more efficient care at reduced costs.
Hence, with these considerations in my mind and with an intention to help both doctors and future generations of the world, I have decided to start a campaign to Increase awareness & knowledge about AI in the healthcare community and help more and more doctors understand what it is and how they can also be a part of an Innovative journey.
I want them to understand how they can become inventors, discoverers and solution providers.
If you are a healthcare professional and you have a passion or interest for innovation, an inclination to try & participate in new things or just a desire to help contribute in development of these new technologies, by providing your guidance as well as resources (like data) or if you wish to become a medium of change and evolution, than connect with me on this Telegram group.
If you don't know what is Telegram, don't worry, it is just a somewhat WhatsApp like App (platform) where one can create a 'group' to share content as well as start discussions on a topic of interest. It is somewhat like 'WhatsApp groups' but slight bit better with more features and options. To begin this campaign i have started a 'group' on Telegram, where i will start to share content on this journey. You can join the channel by clicking here.
I will share educational content on AI and ML in easy to understand language, And i will also answer all your queries. If i don't have a good answer, i will make sure i can get a good answer from an expert in the field. Note that i will be sharing content from the absolute basic, assuming the people who join have almost zero or a very beginner level understanding in the field. I will teach as if it is for school students.
If you wish to build anything using tech, either for implementation or for Research purposes alone, you can always reach out to us for help. We have a team of builders, innovators and experts who can either guide you on your idea, do some consulting or help you by working on your idea. We can arrange the terms of that work, financial or just charitable.
My intention to teach, to educate, to instil a spark and to start the wheel of change. You all can do your own part, with or without our help.
So in the end, if you are interested in the subject matter, AI for Healthcare, join our chatroom (Channel) on the same, and if you know anyone who wants to know, who may be interested in any way, or just wishes to be the part of such a community, just Click the link and join the community today.
I wish to help you begin this journey,
Let's begin...
MedTech Product Owner, Medical Doctor, Astrologer, Self taught Programmer, Inventor of , Drishti, CardioFit and Ask Laiqa, Blessed father! <3 Physics, travelling and making an Impact!
3 年If the links don't work, just ping me a msg and i will help you join. Thank you!
MedTech Product Owner, Medical Doctor, Astrologer, Self taught Programmer, Inventor of , Drishti, CardioFit and Ask Laiqa, Blessed father! <3 Physics, travelling and making an Impact!
3 年Link to join the group: