Dear Doctor

Dear Doctor

Lucy Letby Case

Update 5/2/25 - Senior panel dispute evidence Very sorry for distress to relatives of the deceased and injured. I don't follow other social media but we must be careful to distinguish between conspiracy theory and whistleblowing. We have to be careful about conclusions drawn. I'm not believing the embolism theory.

Update 26/11/24 - I don't know why, but I cannot yet completely believe against the convicted murderer Nurse Lucy Letby. I keep thinking 'but who else was there? Did they look like her?' What's missing? Where were the security cameras in that Chester hospital? Where were any of the forensics you ought to expect? Do staff and visitors to neo-natal users all, always, wear gloves? What no fingerprints at all? Many concerns set out here

And is this a cult crime case? Neo-Nazis in the neo-natal unit? My own earliest cult programming was at the Chester Royal Infirmary. It started when I was 10 months old, and there for 6 weeks. Over my childhood my torture programming was at the Victoria Central hospital, Wallasey. I've checked available maps but cannot find even the road, Crossfield, let alone the actual hospital, though its Mill Lane site has been redeveloped.

Please see, for example

Our own UK doctors fail to register cult violence and its consequences as such. Even the General Practitioner who on police advice first acknowledged me as Monarch Programmed said, 'But we won't call it that. This is what we do...' as he hid the truth. I later got a call from a clerk at the Department of Health recommending that I identify as having some other health issue. 'Say you are menopausal'. Sigh. That was twenty years ago (2004). We can and do recover despite the doctors' ignorance and cover up.


Doctor. Nurse. Even worse.

With thanks to those who stitch us back together

With thanks to those who protect us and don't judge us

With thanks to those stalwart emergency workers

Those in the front line

But as for the rest of it

Do you think you know us better than we do?

You've heard of concussion have you?

You've heard of rape have you?

You've heard of dissociation have you?

You've heard of a 'criminal hold' have you?

Oh. We're mentally ill are we?

Not as deluded as you.

Pain doesn't happen just by itself.

Heard of re-felt old injury?

Like 'war wounds'?

And memory loss doesn't just grow.

Too much of your 'knowledge' is prejudice

The fashionable explanation

The pseudo-science

The drug companies' sales pitches

And Covid?

You dont actually believe in it, do you?

It was a good idea to stop the world for a while

And veins? What for?

Joints of meat of mammals don't have them. Unless cult have been at them

What's that stuff leaking out of meat?

You have bought steak, why is it red?

Blood pumps through muscle not needing conduits

We are not supposed to be gorgons

And menstruation?

Some of us remember the regular invasions which caused those bleeds

And what about the size of secondary sex characteristics?

Engrossments by occult surgery so common they are sexual stereotypes

Am I Down's? As some have claimed. Some with their white coats on.

Was I neutered? If so, which of your invasive procedures succeeded?

Oh sorry. That might have happened when I was grabbed for rituals on the way home from school.

Tooth decay. As if!

Gum disease. As if!

It takes a lot to break teeth. The cult know how.

Heard of the tooth fairy, have you?

Until you learn to suspect foul play YOU are suspect.

And keep YOUR weaponry away from me.

Stick your speculum and camera up your own.

And thanks for no security in your GP surgery

And in that hospital were you sent me. AGAIN.

You dont actually DO much do you?

Should we all buy uniforms from Amazon and play doctors and nurses?

Dont think we wont do something about it

We know what causes death. And not.

But dont worry

It's all in our heads

This was written after reporting incidents of serious assaults upon patients in a doctor's waiting room and in a hospital X-ray studio (7 patients in total) and getting our reports dismissed. And there's more, of course. But thank you to two hospital doctors who insisted 'the patient is the expert here'.

GPs and hospitals are places where people go when ill, injured, frightened already. Playgrounds for sadists? We're talking mostly about bogus medics. A common response with the real ones is defensiveness if you report a problem, or just question them. Doctor, dentist, drop the boss mentality. Now. Learn to listen first.

Crime will stay hidden if important professionals refuse to recognise, eg, criminal injury, particularly ritual injuries. Just because a medical problem is common does not mean it is somehow naturally occurring.

I want all doctors always to consider that the problems a patient presents may be consequences of injury. Stop renaming crime. Stop calling it dementia or Alzheimer's or whatever, when it is a result of that poor old person being hit over the head. A lot. And, of course they wont remember it as that, especially if the assaulter doesn't want them to. They will need a SAFE place to rest and recover. Do not be too quick to blame either.

If you insist on medical terminology consider a case of dementia or Alzheimer's may be more accurately called Acquired Brain Injury. The cumulative effect of repeated blows to the head. Some people might remember that professional boxers used to be described as 'punch-drunk' once they started forgetting and slurring their speech and falling over. What is a stroke? They were STRUCK, you mean.

  • From The Telegraph April 2024 - 'I asked my mother’s neurologist what caused her stroke... the doctor elaborated around the unbelievable rubbish "She sat still for too long, and a clot formed. It lodged in the left occipital lobe of her brain, and she lost her ability to read. What! "She sat still too long" sounds like how an assailant would excuse an assault, as if their victim had asked for it.

And get up to speed on what's been happening in other countries, sadistic use of directed-energy guns. These have been manufactured in US and used by Ukraine against Russia. BUT also some US citizens are being attacked with those weapons, at home.

There are people who commit crime. Some of them are sadists. Know this, remember this. Maybe we all need to get free from the criminal persuaders.

Please read Alleviating suicidality, depression and pain and Get free from cult programming

This means you! Don't assume you haven't been got at. If you don't know how to treat a cult-programmed survivor start with what worked with Pavlov's poor dogs. Leave 'em alone to rest (safely and without the triggers) and they'll start to recover. As said, it's just a start but a good one.

And let's get our priorities right. If surgeons have been able to do successful organ transplants, even heart transplants for decades, how come they don't do limb transplants? Other body parts must be easier to replace than internal organs.

You've heard of flesh trafficking? Human trophy hunters? Haven't you? Stop supplying them. British medics really better had learn how things work. Or volunteer yourselves for prison and be grateful for that option. Or there's always experimental replacement surgery. Using pieces of you. How DARE you.

On the subject of drills... one afternoon a man came screaming into our home, grabbed me, pulled up my trouser leg and drilled into my leg and removed a long piece of flesh. He ran away shouting, "I got it, I got it!". I was knocked out at the time, but with help woke able to remember what happened, else I might have gone to my GP and presented the under-skin hole. No doubt I would have been referred to hospital (no wonder hospital queues grow ever longer) and maybe some bright spark would have claimed me as a case of Ebola. Now I think again, I hope the perpetrators didn't pull that stunt on anybody else. No manufactured epidemic opportunities, I do hope.

Holes they are, holes under the skin

Which veins would be, but they didn't fill them in

And why do dentists default to extractions and implants these days? Quote from most recent encounter "Oh I'm a surgeon. I don't do crowns any more.' Happier to remove as much of me as he could.

Trouble is, the assaulters are, or are covered by, cult so catching them isn't easy. Else some of us would be thinking of harvesting from them, replacing what body parts others have lost. We may become more like they are, without the violence-for-entertainment. We won't be wasting 'em. But I must remind the avenging sort that you will find it very difficult to identify the bad guys. They are very well practised at getting someone else blamed. So we'll have to stick with the law of the land.

Crime will stay hidden if important professionals refuse to recognise it as that.


I was pleased to meet some cult mutineers. They were women fed up of what they were. Fed up of not being able to stop hurting people. Fed up of not knowing anything of the rest of the culture. They said the only differences as they grow older are

  • hair lightens
  • knowing more
  • taking more rest

Is that all?

What does a General Practitioner do for you? Mine repeatedly reminded of what they would NOT do for me.

  • "We only have ten minutes per patient." So within ten minutes your family doctor decides whether you are a prescription case or a referral case. Anything else? They also may consider the urgency of your case. Mine never was urgent, according to them.
  • Taking notes. I watched what they were writing and saw my accounts of my symptoms 'dumbed down'. As if I couldn't speak in words of more than two syllables.
  • "We have a budget." She implied it was determined locally. This was the excuse for not allowing me to have free prescriptions. She added, talking about the painkillers I was using, "They are only a few pounds, you can get them yourself". Er... that line works both ways. I wrote later and reminded her that we were both in our sixties and a zero-income household at the time, every little saved helped us, so she relented.
  • Or they do nothing

What does a specialist, physical or mental health, do?

  • Same as a GP but takes more time over it. Typically a series of half hour appointments.

So what do we do and what might help?

  • We all need to be as safe as we can be. Take more care. Think of consequences. Dump the high heeled shoes, there's NO excuse for them, is there?
  • We need to know basic first aid, even if we don't have the mobility or strength to administer it ourselves, so we can advise.
  • Develop our ability to question but be warned, doctors seem not to like being questioned. Have the guts to sustain a challenge
  • Allow ourselves to recover our memories. Help those diagnosed with memory loss (Alzheimer's or Dementia) or concussion by contradicting the messages they may have been given by assailants, by doctors.

I can remember. I can remember in a useful order. I know some memories might not be clear, or true. at first. I can keep going. I have learned to remember correctly

  • Help those who are suicidal see paragraph 'Recovery articles' below

Hospital safety and security in hospitals

Maybe it would be worth the NHS installing rapid full body scanners at hospital entrances to check all arrivals for

Or better

  • Maybe we could buy small personal internal body scanners. I don't believe in the other devices available (temperature, blood pressure, heart rate monitors, etc)

And the Masters remain the Masters by no virtue but by freedom from injury and by knowledge hidden from the rest of us.

And the human race is a handicap race. If it looks like one of us is winning one of them will do something about it.

Recovery articles

Increasing vocal range and power for safety and fun

Feral laughter like birdsong

Tourettes etc

From scratch to recovery

Narky no more

Alleviating suicidality, depression and pain

Otherwise same old story for


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