Doctor Debacle.
Went to see a doctor both yesterday and today. I was trying to get some relief from a cough that I acquired last month during a snot storm that caught me by surprise. I am never sick. I have never had mumps, measles, chicken pox or any of the childhood maladies. I, also, only got stay out of school when one of my brothers had these contagious diseases. Anyway, I go to two different Doctor's offices. The first Doc wanted $150 as soon as I finished the paperwork. The second wanted $130 in the same routine. I had presented my Medicare card at both places. Seems since I haven't been sick and seen a doctor in a couple of years, I have to pay the copay up front. I never knew this or have ever paid any money upfront with the GP that I was seeing twice a year for a physical. I decided to forgo the doctor visit. If I wouldn't pay $25 for an $8 haircut in Alaska why would I pay $130 too be rid of a simple cough? My Scottish grandfather would be rolling in his grave, if he knew I paid even $8 for a haircut. This did show me why so many people forgo likely seriously needed medical treatment. I could have paid the money but I just couldn't see where the the value was in this transaction. I pay $130 for 3-4 minutes of "go get some expectorant and some more cough medicine or take these pills and come back in a week". It was a very aggravating experience and I ended up going to the local Walgreens. There I spoke with the pharmacist who led me to some acetaminophen free expectorant for $8 and a couch syrup for $6. $14 will probably take care of may cough and if not I'll probably have to spring for the $130. You can't be too cheap nowadays.