Density Changes to NMFC on August 5th 2017 - If you have a TMS system you may want to start these changes now...I count 139 NMFCs with 3 changes each = 417.
The list below covers the NMFC and Simple Interpretations.
- 2070 - Accessories or Furniture pet NOI
- 11080 - Housings Shrouds or Hoods
- 13120 - Aluminum Articles NOI
- 14560 - Kits craft NOI
- 15520 - Athletic or Sporting Goods viz
- 17870 - Assemblies Devices or Fixtures lighting with or without lamps
- 18260 - Body Parts Parts or Trim viz
- 20000 - Visors Awnings Blinds or Shades (Sunshades or Sunscreens)
- 20580 - Bags viz
- 21840 - Drums Barrels Pails or Tubs
- 22260 - Baskets Hampers or Jardinieres NOI
- 23340 - Belts or Belting NOI
- 24400 - Boards Blocks or Panels NOI
- 25328 - Bobbins Cores winding or filter
- 26900 - Registers Diffusers or Grilles air NOI
- 27200 - Stove or Range Canopies or Hoods
- 27765 - Bones Chews Chips Sticks Biscuits or Other Forms or Shapes
- 29285 - Fiberboard Paper Paperboard or Pulpboard
- 29790 - Boxes or Chests tool ammunition or fishing tackle
- 30160 - Articles NOI Brass Bronze or Copper
- 33010 - Brooms NOI or Floor Brushes
- 33800 - Canopies Awnings Carports or Boat Shelters
- 35255 - Railings NOI
- 35350 - Shutters or Foundation Ventilators
- 35380 - Skylights or Roof Windows
- 35850 - Building Sheet Metalwork
- 39270 - Cabinets NOI with or without wheels other than furniture
- 39515 - Cabs seat NOI Cabs seat or sleeping
- 39810 - Candles NOI
- 39920 - Candy or Chewing Gum and Toys or Novelties
- 40150 - Canes (Walking Sticks)
- 41006 - Carriers or Containers
- 41765 - Catchers grass
- 49160 - Cloth or Fabric
- 49237 - Cloth or Fabric other than rugs or carpeting
- 49265 - Cloth Fabric or Piece Goods
- 49390 - Dry Goods or Textiles viz
- 49880 - Clothing
- 50000 - Collars Halters Harnesses Leads Leashes Straps Tethers or Tie Outs child safety or animal NOI
- 51140 - Hose NOI or Tubing flexible
- 52900 - Cookware or Bakeware sheet steel NOI
- 53025 - Coolers Iceboxes or Refrigerators NOI
- 56040 - Flowers Foliage Grasses Leaves Plants Bushes Trees Vines or Branches NOI including Arrangements Designs Sprays or Wreaths
- 56290 - Decorations Notions or Novelties
- 56790 - Kits inpatient or outpatient care or treatment NOI Medical
- 56828 - Medical Supplies viz
- 56960 - Syringes
- 57060 - Walkers tubular metal wheeled or not wheeled
- 57157 - Devices terminal control forced air distribution
- 57410 - Displays and related articles viz
- 60535 - Aerials or Antennas or Parts thereof viz
- 61045 - Boards printed circuit NOI
- 61700 - Electrical Appliances or Instruments NOI
- 62270 - Humidifiers or Vaporizers
- 63160 - Switches Switch Boxes Electrical Enclosures or Electrical Wiring Equipment viz
- 63300 - Telephones Telephone Parts and Related Articles viz
- 67900 - Feeders or Houses bird
- 67990 - Felt NOI or Felt in shapes NOI
- 68090 - Fenders or Bumpers boat or dock NOI
- 68310 - Fibers NOI
- 69100 - Filters viz
- 69420 - Fireplaces or Imitation Fireplaces NOI
- 70050 - Flags mounted or not mounted or Flag Sets
- 70970 - Mats or Matting floor NOI
- 72040 - Bakery Goods other than frozen viz
- 72680 - Coffee NOI Tea NOI or Herbal Tea
- 74800 - Snack Foods flavored or not flavored viz
- 74880 - Sticks or Strips meat NOI
- 76580 - Frames mirror or picture NOI
- 79460 - Fume Hoods or Fume Hood Bases laboratory NOI
- 80440 - Cabinets or Lockers with or without components of other materials see Notes items 80441 80442 and 80443 viz
- 80580 - Chairs or Stools NOI including Theater Chairs or Seating
- 81740 - Stands NOI
- 82100 - Tables NOI with or without tops of other materials
- 82270 - Metallic or Wooden Furniture NOI
- 82790 - Bases Columns Pedestals or Legs chair stool or table NOI
- 83270 - Furniture Parts NOI
- 84260 - Games or Toys viz
- 87700 - Bottles Carboys or Jars NOI
- 88160 - Glassware NOI
- 92800 - Hangers garment
- 95190 - Hardware viz
- 98390 - Hats Caps or Bonnets NOI
- 101425 - Tools hand kitchen NOI
- 103300 - Insulation or Insulating Material viz
- 108107 - Kits emergency including First Aid Kits Highway Emergency Kits Emergency Preparedness Kits or Survival Kits NOI
- 108520 - Kits or Sets visual teaching
- 109095 - Diffusers Globes Lenses Reflectors Refractors Shades or Side or Bottom Panels lamp or lighting fixture plastic see Note item
- 109096 or Grids or Louvers fluorescent lighting fixture or luminous ceiling aluminum or plastic
- 109700 - Lamps or Lighting Fixtures Viz
- 109950 - Torches including Patio Torches or Tiki Torches
- 115985 - Housings Cases or Shells NOI computer or business machine 116030 - Machines Systems or Devices data processing
- 118150 - Cones Bells Flares Nozzles Rings Shrouds or Venturis air inlet or discharge blower or fan sheet metal finished or unfinished
- 124660 - Machines metal washing or Machines parts washing (Parts Washers or Cleaners)
- 125850 - Mufflers Exhaust Systems Automobile Pipe Surge Suppressors and related articles viz
- 132680 - Vacuum Cleaners and Related Articles viz
- 133950 - Mailboxes with or without posts or other accessories or Mailbox Kits
- 149200 - Mats or Matting glass fiber or glass wool not woven with or without binder other than insulating mats or matting and other than air filtering media
- 149240 - Pads or Cloths scouring Pot Scourers Buffs and related articles whether or not impregnated with soap cleaning compound or disinfectant viz
- 149265 - Pads Padding Cushions or Pillows viz
- 150390 - Pallets Platforms Racks shipping NOI or Skids
- 152660 - Cores or Tubes NOI including Cop Tubes paper or paperboard other than corrugated paper or paperboard with or without components of other materials or end reinforcement without tops or bottoms
- 153900 - Paper Goods or Articles viz
- 154990 - Perlite
- 155850 - Planters or Flower or Plant Boxes Baskets or Tubs NOI
- 156600 - Articles viz PLASTIC MATERIALS
- 157242 - Traffic or Road Markers including Cones Barrels Drums or Posts
- 157320 - Articles viz PLASTIC MATERIALS
- 158260 - Baths Bathtubs Pool Shells Shower Baths (Showers) Shower Stalls or Spas NOI
- 158880 - Plumbers' Goods viz
- 164390 - Racks and Related Articles viz
- 168815 - Razors safety disposable (Disposable Razors)
- 172670 - Seats agricultural implement automobile bicycle tractor or vehicle NOI
- 74610 - Containers viz
- 175120 - Sheet Steel Articles NOI
- 175885 - Signals road traffic light flashing including Traffic Lights
- 176050 - Signs NOI
- 177320 - Sponges NOI
- 177670 - Sprayers hand held or hand operated or Foggers
- 178090 - Sprinklers garden lawn or irrigation other than metal pulsating sprinkler heads
- 178530 - Flowerpot
- 178690 - Stands other than furniture viz
- 179180 - Stationery viz
- 181920 - Targets NOI including Military Targets
- 181990 - Tarpaulins Drop Cloths or Covers viz
- 182130 - Tents or Canopies NOI
- 183630 - Applicators paint hand
- 186620 - Tools NOI
- 186960 - Tops synthetic fiber NOI
- 187120 - Traps animal bird fish or insect NOI
- 187645 - Carrying Cases or Bags viz
- 188560 - Barrows Carts Trucks Wagons or Wheelbarrows NOI
- 188690 - Carriages Strollers or Bicycle Carts or Trailers child or baby carrying
- 189800 - Vehicles viz
- 190220 - Automobiles or Cars children's including Go Carts
- 194120 - Washers Gaskets or Packing Devices Forms or Shapes other than packaging NOI
- 195310 - Plastic Scrap NOI
- 195314 or Rubber Scrap cellular expanded foam or sponge in bags bales boxes or drums
- 198080 - Wire Goods or Wirework NOI
- 199970 - Woodenware or Wooden Articles NOI
Don't forget some of these NMFCs have the following Items 170 (don't forget the density or you get class 400) and 171 The Bump Rule.
Shipper must show on bills of lading and shipping orders at time of shipment the actual density or density group as provided for in the provisions referencing this Item. If the actual density or density group is not shown and shipment is inadvertently accepted, charges will initially be assessed on the basis of the class applicable to the lowest density provided. Upon submission of satisfactory proof of a higher actual density, freight charges will be adjusted to the basis of the class applicable to such density.
Where commodities are subject to Classification provisions which assign classes based upon density, a shipper may, at its option, increase the weight of the package(s) or piece(s) to artificially increase the density of the package(s) or piece(s) and apply the next lower class in the density scale to that increased weight, where the result would be a lower charge. THIS MAY ONLY BE DONE WHERE THE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS MAKE SPECIFIC REFERENCE TO THIS RULE AND MAY ONLY BE DONE AT THE TIME OF SHIPMENT.
Bumping is accomplished by determining the actual cubage of the particular package(s) or piece(s) and multiplying that cubage by the lowest density named in the density group which provides the next lower class. The following example demonstrates the application of this rule. A commodity which is classified per item 156600, naming 'Plastic Articles, NOI, other than expanded,' is shipped in a package which measures 40" x 48" x 54" and has a cubage of 60 cubic feet. The package weighs 300 pounds, thus the actual density (weight divided by cubic feet) equals 5 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). Commodities with densities of 5 pcf are classed per sub 4 of item 156600 (4 but less than 6 pcf) which provides a class 150. The next lower class of 125 is provided in sub 5 of item 156600 (6 but less than 8 pcf). To bump, the actual cubage of 60 cubic feet must be multiplied by 6 (the lowest density named in sub 5) to determine a declared weight for billing purposes of 360 pounds. In each instance where the provisions of this rule are utilized, the shipper must show on bills of lading and shipping orders at time of shipment the: (1) actual cube, (2) actual weight, (3) density group (sub) embracing the actual density, (4) declared density, and (5) resultant weight for billing purposes (declared weight) of the package(s) or piece(s) for which density is being bumped.
All content ? copyright 2007-2017 NMFTA. All rights reserved.
If you click on the image below Unishippers has a video to help you understand density and NMFC codes.
Density Calculation Tips:
Here are some quick tips to ensure that your density calculation is accurate. Inaccurate dimensions can be costly, especially if your shipment is oversized:
Link to Unishippers Density Calculator
- Round to the nearest inch
- Use an accurate shipping scale
- Include the packaging in your weight measurement – this includes pallets, boxes, crates, etc.
- Be aware that if your shipment is light, most carriers have a minimum charge
Unishippers is here to help guide you with NMFC changes. We don't charge you for this service it is what we do to service your needs...were just logistical like that.