Docker Project
Pranav Shekhar
Deloitte US India | MLOps | DevOps - AL | Web Dev - MERN | Flutter & Firebase | Cloud - Hybrid & Multi | GAIT - AIR 50
This project is about deploying light weight containers to three web applications in one go using containerization with Docker and all the heavy lifting of resolving dependencies and launching stable environment images using Docker Compose. This is based on the concept of Infrastructure as code to automate our requirements in an infrastructure.
We will launch three different web applications in three different containers at one go within seconds. The 3 different web applications namely are:-
- Sound Animation Kit - This Sound Animation Kit reacts to the user's keystrokes with different circular animations on the go. It was implemented using Paper.js and Howler.js frameworks in Javascript. Github :-
- Color Game- Color Game is a RGB encoded color game which generates random colors on every turn and asks the user to predict the correct color tile giving him all the chances to be correct. This game can be played in two modes easy and hard. Github :-
- Advanced CSS Hero Website - This is a landing page of a website which deals with mountain travel and is implemented using Responsive Design and Advanced CSS concepts.
- Lastly we will see the the docker integration part we have used a CentOS image which is a downstream project of Redhat Operting System and is built in with the same features. We will first create a centos image and configure it with Apache Web Server such that the server is launched after every container launch and terminated after we exit the container or clear the environment processes which are running and then we create a DockerFile to specify our environment requirements and the commands which need to be run at launch and also exposing our IP port and running our environment check shellscript program - which would check which environment to launch, using chmod command which would be our entrypoint at launch.
- Lastly we will create our docker-compose.yml file which will launch our services and complete infrastructure at one go and the requirement environment images in seconds. We will also expose our ports on which the respective applications will work and also injecting our containers with volumes so that the data is not lost after container exit. Volumes is optional in this project as this project does not requires any user data.
Now at last I would like to thank Mr.Vimal Daga Sir who was the source of inspiration in this project and lead me to integrate my working applications with Docker by providing this basics to advanced training absolutely free of cost. I am grateful to IIEC and you Sir.