Docker Interview Questions

  • I have tried to put up few of the commonly asked questions in Docker interview. Hope you will find it helpful. If you have come across any other common question please put it in comments I will add it to this doucment.
    1. Suppose your host server has 2 GB space and your image size is 500 MB then is it possible to run more than 4 containers of this image on the host.
    2. How can you remove dangling images?
    3. How can I check details of each layer in a docker image like size, task and timestamp.
    4. How can I copy the token/config file inside a docker container without using docker command line.
    5. I have a three containers an application, database and middleware. How can these containers communicate with each other.
    6. There are lot of containers created by developers for the testing purpose. This takes up lot of disk space and memory. How can I automate the cleanup process.
    7. Can you explain me the Docker Registry?
    8. Have you ever used Docker Swarm. What are the different use-cases you can think of for the same.
    9. How will you fetch the local copy of image to create the containers.
    10. Is it possible to use restart policy and -rm flag together when starting a container?


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