Docker handbook



Virtualization -?

  • Applications? << Run On >> VM? (VM can have same or different O/S)
  • VMs(Virtual Machines)? <<< Sit on >>> Hypervisor? (VM are mimic of physical server)
  • Hypervisor ? <<< Sit on >> O/S (i.e Host O/S)
  • Host O/S? <<< Sits on >>>? Physical Server

Docker Containerization:

  • Dockerfile <<< Used to Create >>> Docker Image?
  • Docker Image <<< Used to Create >>> Docker Container (container also have its own O/S - it might be the same as host OS type or the different type)
  • Docker Container? <<< Run on >>> Docker Engine (Container Contains Apps)
  • Docker Engine? <<< Sit on top of >>> O/S? (called Host O/S)
  • Host O/S? <<< Installed on >>>? Physical Server?

Containerization -

  • Where all container will be using same Physical server (ALWAYS Running)?
  • But all containers will have their own O/S ISOLATED to Host O/S - hence easy to manage.
  • Light weight - Because Physical Server & Host O/S are always Running hence reboot time is saved.

Docker image :? Read - only binary file used to create docker container

Docker Host :? Provides a runtime environment to run applications. Contains - images, container, network, storage.

Docker Client :? User interacts with Docker daemon using Client terminal. Docker client use Commands & API to interact with Deamon.?

Users use Shell to interact with Kernel in Unix & execute commands.

Docker Registry/hub :? To store docker images, users pull images from hub and run image to create a container.

- Public : Docker hub

-? Private : Within the enterprises

How to set up docker on Ubuntu?

sudo apt-get update

  • To update system before setting docker

sudo apt-get install \

????ca-certificates \

????curl \

????gnupg \


  • Install packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS

sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

  • Add GPA key

echo \

??"deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] \

??$(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

  • To set up the repository

sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin

  • To install docker engine?

How to pull images from and run on any machine?

docker pull <imageName>

  • To get image on your host system where you want to run that application
  • E.g.?

docker pull trainwithshubham/react-django-app

Create & Run container from docker image:

docker run -dp <appPort>:<HostSystemPort> <imageName:<version>

  • appPort - Application port that you have EXPOSE in Dockerfile
  • HostSystemPort - where you want to run application - this port must be open in firewall / Security group if EC2?
  • -d? -deamon runs in background
  • imageName - Name of the image and version e.g. 1.2, 1.2 etc, you can also use latest?
  • Example:
  • sudo docker run -dp 8001:8001 trainwithshubham/react-django-app:latest

docker run -dp 8005:8005 myfirstimage:latest

sudo dockedocker run -dp 8005:8005 myfirstimage:latest

r run -p 8001:8001 -d trainwithshubham/react-django-app:latesudo docker run -p 8001:8001 -d trainwithshubham/react-django-app:latest

docker search?

  • To search docker image from docker hub

Dockerfile - Used to create Docker image.


FROM python:3.9 ? ? ? ? #python + OS environment

WORKDIR /app # Location where code will be lies on container

COPY | ADD . .? ? ? ? # First dot - source & Second dot - destination

RUN pip install -r requirement.txt? ? # Application language specific, can have more RUN

EXPOSE 8000 # Port that will be exposed to outside

CMD ["python" , "", "runserver",""]???

#command will execute inside the container

docker build . -t djago-new-img

  • To create docker image from Dockerfile
  • . (dot) : Dockerfile path - in this case current directory
  • <Dockerfile directory path>? - not required if already on same location
  • Use -t to give name to image

?e.g. Docker build -t <imageName>

docker images?

  • To view the images

192:react_django_demo_app ribhu-divine$ docker images

REPOSITORY? ? ? ? ? TAG ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IMAGE ID? ? ? ? ? ? CREATED ? ? ? ? ? ? SIZE

djago-new-img ? ? ? latest? ? ? ? ? ? ? b0e0165cf28e? ? ? ? 17 hours ago? ? ? ? 962 MB

django-img? ? ? ? ? latest? ? ? ? ? ? ? c7baf6c56e3d? ? ? ? 18 hours ago? ? ? ? 962 MB

python? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3.9 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? e4bf78b64f77? ? ? ? 4 days ago? ? ? ? ? 915 MB

docker images -a?

  • To view all previously created old deleted images as well

docker run -d new-image:latest

  • To create container from docker image

docker run -dp 8001:8001 django-img:latest

  • -d :? to run in background
  • -p? : port mapping (e.g. localhost:8001)


192:react_django_demo_app ribhu-divine$ docker run -d -p 8001:8001 djago-new-img:latest


192:react_django_demo_app ribhu-divine$?

docker ps | grep 662027fc68f1

  • To check if the container is running.
  • You can use container ID or name?

Rename docker image:

docker image tag 2dc9f7f1e25f myfirstimage

  • 2dc9f…? - is image id to myfirstimage?

Docker login:

192:devops_zero_to_hero ribhu-divine$ docker login

Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.

Username (komalanandpandey): komalanandpandey


Login Succeeded

192:devops_zero_to_hero ribhu-divine$?

Push local image to using below steps:

  • Sudo docker login

sudo docker login


Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.

Username: komalanandpandey


Login Succeeded

  • Tag your image

sudo docker tag local-image:tagname reponame:tag?

sudo docker tag myfirstimage:latest komalanandpandey/devops_zero_to_hero:latest

  • Push your image

sudo docker push reponame:tag

sudo docker push komalanandpandey/devops_zero_to_hero

The push refers to a repository []

f5f51a4f62ec: Pushed?

8e308c45972f: Pushed?

d8808771d980: Pushed?

4a7fc96599f2: Pushed?

13e67d691443: Pushed?

4876aa0a9ee9: Pushed?

0c7daf9a72c8: Pushed?

75ba02937496: Pushed?

288cf3a46e32: Pushed?

186da837555d: Pushed?

955c9335e041: Pushed?

8e079fee2186: Pushed?

latest: digest: sha256:439219d5d6fe2a53eb8bfc7ac1646fc62636dbd335b9a856415f46569524cf9e size: 2847

  • To see all container’s ids

docker ps -aq

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker ps -a

CONTAINER ID? ? ? ? IMAGE ? ? ? ? ? ? ? COMMAND? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CREATED ? ? ? ? ? ? STATUS? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? PORTS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NAMES

514221944c31? ? ? ? ubuntu? ? ? ? ? ? ? "/bin/bash"? ? ? ? ? ? ? 31 minutes ago? ? ? Exited (137) About a minute ago ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? trusting_euler

60811136f045? ? ? ? ubuntu? ? ? ? ? ? ? "/bin/bash"? ? ? ? ? ? ? 37 minutes ago? ? ? Exited (0) 37 minutes ago ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? dazzling_noyce

4720f43af6f0? ? ? ? ubuntu? ? ? ? ? ? ? "/bin/bash"? ? ? ? ? ? ? 41 minutes ago? ? ? Exited (0) 41 minutes ago ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? optimistic_kalam

72455c25fe35? ? ? ? nginx ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "/docker-entrypoint.…" ? 10 hours ago? ? ? ? Exited (0) 5 hours ago? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? wizardly_northcutt

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker? ps -aq





  • To stop all container at once

sudo docker container stop $(sudo docker ps -aq)

  • To remove all container once

sudo docker container rm $(sudo docker ps -aq)

  • To Inspect container?

sudo docker inspect <containerID>

  • To view container’s process id (PID

sudo docker container top <containerID>

  • To view containers memory uses stats

sudo docker container stats


Sudo docker container stats


CONTAINER ID? ? ? ? NAME? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CPU % ? ? ? ? ? ? ? MEM USAGE / LIMIT ? MEM % ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NET I/O ? ? ? ? ? ? BLOCK I/O ? ? ? ? ? PIDS

c321b3372177? ? ? ? youthful_brown? ? ? 0.00% ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.969MiB / 992MiB ? 0.20% ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 648B / 0B ? ? ? ? ? 0B / 16.4kB ? ? ? ? 3

908da2622820? ? ? ? loving_hoover ? ? ? 0.00% ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.969MiB / 992MiB ? 0.20% ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 648B / 0B ? ? ? ? ? 0B / 16.4kB ? ? ? ? 3

e6773b7f55be? ? ? ? naughty_goldstine ? 0.00% ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.953MiB / 992MiB ? 0.20% ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 828B / 0B ? ? ? ? ? 0B / 16.4kB ? ? ? ? 3

  • To view container logs

sudo docker container logs <containerID>

  • To rename container name

sudo docker container rename <containerID> <newName>

sudo docker container rename 80f0eace2f2e new-name

  • To inspect logs inside running container?

sudo docker container attach <containerID>

sudo docker container attach 809894r990

  • You can see all the input, output and error logs generated inside container
  • To keep container on Wait, Pause and Unpause

sudo docker container wait <containerID>

sudo docker container pause <containerID>

sudo docker container unpause <containerID>

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container wait 26


[3]+? Stopped ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? sudo docker container wait 26

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container pause 59


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker ps

CONTAINER ID? ? ? ? IMAGE ? ? ? ? ? ? ? COMMAND? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CREATED ? ? ? ? ? ? STATUS? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? PORTS? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NAMES

2656611c90d5? ? ? ? nginx ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "/docker-entrypoint.…" ? 14 hours ago? ? ? ? Up 2 minutes? ? ? ? ? ? 80/tcp,>8080/tcp ? stupefied_knuth

59b8a016e7d1? ? ? ? nginx ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "/docker-entrypoint.…" ? 14 hours ago? ? ? ? Up 2 minutes (Paused) ?>80/tcp ? ? ? ? ? ? elastic_greider

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container unpause 59


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker ps

CONTAINER ID? ? ? ? IMAGE ? ? ? ? ? ? ? COMMAND? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CREATED ? ? ? ? ? ? STATUS? ? ? ? ? ? ? PORTS? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NAMES

2656611c90d5? ? ? ? nginx ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "/docker-entrypoint.…" ? 14 hours ago? ? ? ? Up 2 minutes? ? ? ? 80/tcp,>8080/tcp ? stupefied_knuth

59b8a016e7d1? ? ? ? nginx ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "/docker-entrypoint.…" ? 14 hours ago? ? ? ? Up 2 minutes? ? ? ?>80/tcp ? ? ? ? ? ? elastic_greider


  • To find container port mapping

sudo docker container port <containerID>


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container port 2656611c90d5

8080/tcp ->

  • To watch container logs live

Go inside container -

Sudo docker container exec -it <containderId>? /bin/bash

Use below command inside container:

watch ‘sudo docker container diff <containerID>’

Now open another terminal and add a folder or file in the container's /tmp/ folder, the logs will be generated on the first window.

  • To copy file/folder from localhost to container

sudo docker container cp <localhost file/directory> <containerId>:<containerFolder>


sudo docker container cp testdir 2656611c90d5:/tmp/?

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container exec -it 2656611c90d5 /bin/bash

root@2656611c90d5:/# cd /tmp/

root@2656611c90d5:/tmp# ls

root@2656611c90d5:/tmp# ls


  • To export / import container to image vise versa

Export container to tar file:

sudo docker container export <containerId>? -o filename.tar


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container export 2656611c90d5 -o nginx-exp.tar

vagrant@vagrant:~$ ls

chFile.txt? chtest.tar? chtest_dir? cut? date? echo? merge-result.txt? nginx-exp.tar ? test.tar.gz? test.txt? testdir

Convert tar to image:

sudo docker container image import <filename.tar> <image-file-name>


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker image import nginx-exp.tar nginx-exp-image



Now run container from image:

sudo docker run -it nginx-exp-image /bin/bash

  • To create image from running container

sudo docker container commit --author "Komala pandey" -m "This image was created while container was running" <containerID> <image–name>


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container commit --author "Komala pandey" -m "This image was created while container was running" c08b9f2b6e44 my_running_container_img


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker image ls

REPOSITORY ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? TAG ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? IMAGE ID? ? ? ? ? ? CREATED ? ? ? ? ? ? SIZE

my_running_container_img ? latest? ? ? ? ? ? ? e6cf6c6f46b6? ? ? ? 9 seconds ago ? ? ? 78.4MB

nginx-exp-image? ? ? ? ? ? latest? ? ? ? ? ? ? acedc3fbb75a? ? ? ? 17 minutes ago? ? ? 140MB

ubuntu ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? latest? ? ? ? ? ? ? a8780b506fa4? ? ? ? 8 days ago? ? ? ? ? 77.8MB

nginx? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? latest? ? ? ? ? ? ? 76c69feac34e? ? ? ? 2 weeks ago ? ? ? ? 142MB

  • To get a particular column using format

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker image ls --format '{{.ID}}'





  • Docker Copy v/s Add command



vagrant@vagrant:~$ cat Dockerfile?

FROM ubuntu:16.04

LABEL name="Komala Nand Pandey"

LABEL email="[email protected]"

ENV username="komal.pnd"

ENV password="123test"

RUN pwd > /tmp/1stpwd.txt

RUN cd /tmp/

RUN pwd >/tmp/2ndpwd.txt?


RUN pwd > /tmp/3rdpwd.txt

RUN mkdir -p /tmp/project

ADD test.tar.gz /tmp/project

RUN mkdir -p /tmp/project-copy

COPY test.tar.gz /tmp/project-copy

Both ADD & COPY directives used to transfer file/directories to docker image/container with below difference:

ADD directive -? Extracts all files from url and copies into target location. Do not have backward compatibility.

COPY directive - Do not extract files but keeps all files/directory to target location exactly as it is in source location. Copy have backward compatibility.?

The COPY directive is preferred for most cases. This is because the ADD directive provides additional functionality that should be used with caution and only when needed.

  • To map multiple port with a container


FROM ubuntu:16.04

LABEL name="Komala Nand Pandey"

LABEL email="[email protected]"

ENV username="komal.pnd"

ENV password="123test"


RUN mkdir -p /tmp/project-copy

COPY test.tar.gz /tmp/project-copy

EXPOSE 22 8080

CMD ["sh"]

Build and run docker image:

sudo docker build -t test-ubuntu:27 .

sudo docker container run -P -itd test-ubuntu:27

Check ports in container:

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker ps

CONTAINER ID? ? ? ? IMAGE ? ? ? ? ? ? ? COMMAND ? ? ? ? ? ? CREATED ? ? ? ? ? ? STATUS? ? ? ? ? ? ? PORTS? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NAMES

43bfb7559f5f? ? ? ? test-ubuntu:27? ? ? "sh"? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 10 seconds ago? ? ? Up 9 seconds? ? ? ?>22/tcp,>8080/tcp ? lucid_bassi

  • To Remove all the stopped container

sudo docker container prune

vagrant@vagrant:~/testdir$ sudo docker container prune

WARNING! This will remove all stopped containers.

Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y

Deleted Containers:


  • To remove all dangling images?

sudo docker image prune

vagrant@vagrant:~/testdir$ sudo docker image prune

WARNING! This will remove all dangling images.

Are you sure you want to continue? [y/N] y

Deleted Images:

deleted: sha256:dbb857bada9f8d716ce05766751eb4bb57794050fe063f07963b96f0e5381e73

  • Dangling images are untagged Docker images that aren't used by a container or depended on by a descendant.

  • Difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT

Using CMD in Dockerfile -?

vagrant@vagrant:~/testdir$ cat Dockerfile?

FROM ubuntu

CMD ["echo", "Hello World"]

Build image and run container by giving CLI arguments:

vagrant@vagrant:~/testdir$ sudo docker container run cmd-img2:02 test

  • It will not show any output since CMD do not accept arguments

Using ENTRYPOINT in Dockerfile:

vagrant@vagrant:~/testdir$ cat Dockerfile?

FROM ubuntu

ENTRYPOINT ["echo", "Hello World"]

Build image and run container by giving CLI arguments:

vagrant@vagrant:~/testdir$ sudo docker container run entrypoint-image:02 test

Hello World test

  • It returned command line arguments as well.

The ENTRYPOINT specifies commands that will always be executed when the container starts.

CMD will be overridden when running the container with alternative arguments.


For more detail:


?==========Docker Volume =============>

  • To create new container by attaching existing volume

sudo docker container run -itd -v <existingVolumeID>:<mountLocation> <image>


sudo docker container run -itd -v dce2f896a1e43935f6c007e848cc4f2d5a168c43187ca199919d6b00f3ab1ac8:/var/lib/mysql mysql

  • To see mount location inspect image e.g. sudo docker image inspect <imageID>

  • To create new container with user defined volume name

sudo docker container run -itd -v <yourVolumeName>:<mountLocation> <imageName>


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container run -itd -v customVolume:/var/lib/mysql mysql


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker volume ls


local ? ? ? ? ? ? ? c3f1ade0f00bf9e211e26789d82f694b49f0d05e629c890b9b6d5299f08f3ddd

local ? ? ? ? ? ? ? customVolume


  • To create new volume?

sudo docker volume create <volumeName>


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker volume create test_volume1


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker volume ls


local ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 13e2a1c5e1e355cca5a7113af6d80477e50cb7986ad24ff2ebd546cb15641f42

local? ? ? ? ? ? ???test_volume1

  • To remove one or many volumes

sudo docker volume rm <volumeID>

sudo docker volume rm <VolumeId1> <VolumeId2> …<volumeIdN>

  • To remove all unused volumes

Sudo docker volume prune

  • To mount local directory to container directory during container creation

sudo docker ru -itd –name devtest –mount type=bind, source=”$(pwd)”/<sourceDirectoryInHostMachine>, target=<targetDirectoryInContainer>

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker run -d \

> ? -it \

> ? --name devtest \

> ? --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/target,target=/app \

> ? nginx:latest

?==========Docker Networking =============>


  • Communication between containers does not require any host mapping if all container are within the same network (subnet)?
  • Customer network have DNS Enabled by default
  • 3 types networks - bridge & host and none
  • Bridge - port mapping required
  • Host -?
  • port mapping not required, it uses a host machine port.
  • Application will be isolated (except network)
  • Keep app that need isolation,?
  • Unlike bridge, only one host can be created.

None network used when you want to create a container without attaching any network on it.

  • To view docker network

sudo docker network ls


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker network ls

NETWORK ID? ? ? ? ? NAME? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? DRIVER? ? ? ? ? ? ? SCOPE

920f5aaa8d23? ? ? ? bridge? ? ? ? ? ? ? bridge? ? ? ? ? ? ? local

a9b5b792cebf? ? ? ? host? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? host? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? local

329e4b6ea004? ? ? ? none? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? null? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? local

  • To inspect docker network

sudo docker network inspect bridge

  • This will show all bridge detail and the number of containers running as below:

"Containers": {

????????????"330cd0f899b6b2853893c51eeb8015d94ced811715f08fb83e76b0a7c31b22f2": {

????????????????"Name": "test-contnr",

????????????????"EndpointID": "cfcbb4931e24e3466698cffe9708a96964e00b505eb9ed6bbe3fb0f1a88d3202",

????????????????"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",

????????????????"IPv4Address": "",

????????????????"IPv6Address": ""


????????????"d97fade206ce406c7697816a9a0b966b57a43bdbbbf8ce073dfc82581ae3c275": {

????????????????"Name": "devtest",

????????????????"EndpointID": "00643baa07586cf110efbb77227ec95827561008f47bf79565002a037fc5d5df",

????????????????"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:03",

????????????????"IPv4Address": "",

????????????????"IPv6Address": ""


  • To create a new network

sudo docker network create test-network

  • To create new container with new created network

sudo docker container run -itd –name <containerName> –network <networkName> <image>

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container run -itd --name cust-network-contnr --network test-network nginx


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container ls

CONTAINER ID? ? ? ? IMAGE ? ? ? ? ? ? ? COMMAND? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CREATED ? ? ? ? ? ? STATUS? ? ? ? ? ? ? PORTS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NAMES

e03c55778ca5? ? ? ? nginx ? ? ? ? ? ? ? "/docker-entrypoint.…" ? 9 seconds ago ? ? ? Up 8 seconds? ? ? ? 80/tcp? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? cust-network-contnr

  • To remove / prune network

sudo docker network rm 5ab1d372b690

  • Removes given network

sudo docker network prune

  • Removes all unused networks

  • To connect a container with multiple networks

sudo docker network connect <networkName> <containerName>

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container inspect d6ae30f481c7 | grep NetworkID

????????????????????"NetworkID": "920f5aaa8d23791abdf6e9358c44f548b0251e21e2900e2e565d2cfa90e34fc2",

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker network connect host d6ae30f481c7

Error response from daemon: container cannot be disconnected from host network or connected to host network

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker network create test-network


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker network connect test-network d6ae30f481c7

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container inspect d6ae30f481c7 | grep NetworkID

????????????????????"NetworkID": "920f5aaa8d23791abdf6e9358c44f548b0251e21e2900e2e565d2cfa90e34fc2",

????????????????????"NetworkID": "730bcb7ac8449f5821d59de9cbcbfe3d945975facda633b14f4bd3d84bdc7313",

  • To disconnect container from network

sudo docker network disconnect <networkID> <containerID>


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker network disconnect test-network d6ae30f481c7

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo docker container inspect d6ae30f481c7 | grep NetworkID

????????????????????"NetworkID": "920f5aaa8d23791abdf6e9358c44f548b0251e21e2900e2e565d2cfa90e34fc2",

  • To run container with network?

sudo docker container run -itd --network=bridge --name my-nginx-container nginx:latest

?==========Docker Compose =============>

  • To create docker-compose.yaml file

ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-55:~/dc-demo$ cat docker-compose.yaml?

version: "3"



????image: nginx


??????- "8000:80"

  • To create services using docker-compose

sudo docker compose up -d

sudo docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d

  • It will create & run nginx container?
  • It will also create networks - sudo docker network ls to check.
  • Use -f if filename is other than docker-compose.yaml

  • To remove services using docker-compose

sudo docker compose down

  • To remove services using docker-compose

sudo docker-compose create

  • It will create container(s) & network but container will not be in running state.
  • To start stopped container using docker-compose start

udo docker-compose start


ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-55:~/dc-demo$ sudo docker-compose start

[+] Running 2/2

?? Container dc-demo-webapp1-1? Started ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1.0s

?? Container dc-demo-webapp2-1? Started?

  • To start stopped container using docker-compose start

sudo docker-compose stop


ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-55:~/dc-demo$ sudo docker-compose stop

[+] Running 2/2

?? Container dc-demo-webapp2-1? Stopped ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0.2s

?? Container dc-demo-webapp1-1? Stopped?

  • To remove containers using docker-compose start

sudo docker-compose rm

  • To pause / unpause using docker-compose pause / unpause

sudo docker-compose pause or unpause

  • To view container logs live

sudo docker-compose logs -f

Docker-compose ps ? V/S docker ps


ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-55:~/dc-demo$ sudo docker-compose ps

NAME? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? COMMAND? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SERVICE ? ? ? ? ? ? STATUS? ? ? ? ? ? ? PORTS

dc-demo-webapp1-1 ? "/docker-entrypoint.…" ? webapp1 ? ? ? ? ? ? running ? ? ? ? ? ?>80/tcp, :::8000->80/tcp

dc-demo-webapp2-1 ? "/docker-entrypoint.…" ? webapp2 ? ? ? ? ? ? running ? ? ? ? ? ?>80/tcp, :::8002->80/tcp

ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-55:~/dc-demo$ sudo docker ps

CONTAINER ID ? IMAGE ? ? COMMAND? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CREATED? ? ? ? ? ? ? STATUS? ? ? ? ? PORTS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NAMES

130ae049f2d5 ? nginx ? ? "/docker-entrypoint.…" ? About a minute ago ? Up 14 seconds ?>80/tcp, :::8000->80/tcp ? dc-demo-webapp1-1

4ae73724f4de ? nginx ? ? "/docker-entrypoint.…" ? About a minute ago ? Up 14 seconds ?>80/tcp, :::8002->80/tcp ? dc-demo-webapp2-1

  • To view port id of the containers

sudo docker-compose top


ubuntu@ip-172-31-15-55:~/dc-demo$ sudo docker-compose top


UID? ? ? ? PID? ? PPID ? C? ? STIME ? TTY ? TIME ? ? ? CMD

root ? ? ? 5569 ? 5535 ? 0? ? Nov15 ? ? ? ? 00:00:00 ? nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off;???

systemd+ ? 5683 ? 5569 ? 0? ? Nov15 ? ? ? ? 00:00:00 ? nginx: worker process????????????????????????



UID? ? ? ? PID? ? PPID ? C? ? STIME ? TTY ? TIME ? ? ? CMD

root ? ? ? 5551 ? 5509 ? 0? ? Nov15 ? ? ? ? 00:00:00 ? nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off;???

systemd+ ? 5671 ? 5551 ? 0? ? Nov15 ? ? ? ? 00:00:00 ? nginx: worker process????????????

Hello, Komala Nand Pandey We are providing Bulk mailing and hosting services like web hosting, VPS hosting and dedicated server with IPv4 Subnets to our world wide clients on best rates across the industry. Let's connect to discuss further



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