Docker CLI vs Docker Desktop: Which One’s Right for You? ??

Docker CLI vs Docker Desktop: Which One’s Right for You? ??

Docker is an open-source platform for containerizing applications, bundling them with their dependencies into portable containers. The big question: How do you prefer to interact with Docker—via the CLI or with a Desktop app? Here’s a quick rundown:

? Key Differences

  • Interface: CLI = Command line (lightweight, script-friendly) Desktop = Graphical UI (user-friendly, extra tools included)
  • Ease of Use: CLI = Requires command-line know-how Desktop = Point-and-click setup
  • Updates: CLI = Manual updates Desktop = Automatic (with free & paid versions)
  • OS Support: CLI = Linux, macOS, Windows Desktop = Windows, macOS
  • Resource Usage: CLI = Lightweight Desktop = Heavier due to GUI

?? Docker CLI


  • Portability & Consistency across environments
  • Highly efficient & scriptable for automation
  • Greater flexibility for complex commands
  • Customizable with your own scripts


  • Steeper learning curve (especially for beginners)
  • Limited visual feedback for debugging
  • Manual updates

?? Docker Desktop


  • Simple dashboard for containers, images & volumes
  • Visual feedback—great for new devs
  • Integrated Kubernetes, Docker Compose, Swarm
  • Auto-updates keep you current


  • Heavier on resources
  • Less flexible for advanced workflows
  • Limited OS support (Windows & macOS)
  • Potential dependency on GUI

? Recommendation: If you're developing locally for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, consider using the Docker CLI. It ensures full control over your development environment, with updates applied manually—meaning no unexpected breaking changes during critical development phases. Ideal for stable, predictable dev cycles! ??

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