Doc on BSE SME exchange to List Part 3
10 copies of the draft offer document
Soft copy of the Prospectus uploaded on the website
Copy of the BR passed by the BOD for issue of securities
Copy of the Shareholders resolution
Certificate of the MD/ CS/ Statutory Auditor or independent auditor claiming
The company is not referred to BIFR
The Company is not referred for winding up
There has been no change in the promoters preceding 1 year from the date of application.
Copy of the show cause notice issued by the regulatory authority
PAN & TAN of Co
DIN & PAN of promoters & directors
Printed BS, P&L & cash flow for preceding 5 years
Copies of major orders contracts statement of certified material contracts by CA
Statement containing the brief of the dates statements parties to all the material contracts agreements
Details of the present & the previous app of the Company/ Group Company for listing of the securities
Name of the proposed exchange to be designated issue of exchange
Copies of agreements and MOU between the Company and its promoters
Articles and MOU of the Company
A statutory auditor’s certificate of compliance.
One time listing fee of Rs 50000/- plus applicable service tax
These documents suffice the listing requirements for the purpose of BSE SME