A Doable, Even If Indirect, Solution to the Israel-Hamas Conflict
David Gruder, PhD, DCEP
Standing-Ovation Keynoter | Societal Wellbeing Futurist | Transcendent Leadership Alchemist | Executive Team Orchestrator | Culture Catalyst | Fractional Chief People Officer | C-Suite Network Thought Council
I realize that many see no solution to the suffering in Israel and Gaza. While I too don't see a direct path toward a solution, I do see an indirect path that can set the stage for a solution to emerge. A path that I believe is vastly powerful and equally vastly overlooked. It's called modeling: becoming the change you want to see, so others can realize that transformation is actually possible.
That's the massive gift that the widespread heartbreak about what is currently unfolding between Hamas and Israel can offer, not only to the rest of us, but indirectly to themselves. The gift is a worldwide wakeup call that the massive damage being created by escalating vilification and hatred in OUR OWN location needs to be recognized and ended.
I realize that it's far easier (even though painful) to focus on dramatic dysfunction when it erupts in parts of the world where we don't live or work, such as in the Middle East right now... and that it’s far harder to spot versions of this dysfunction when they are erupting close to home. However, the universal dysfunctional script is plain as day for those willing to see: engaging in an endless downward spiral where each side self-righteously casts themselves as an innocent victim and casts the other as an evil perpetrator.
As one example, I invite you to recognize how the United States is currently embroiled in its version of Hamas and Israel. This version might be harder to initially see since it's far less violent (so far). But it’s the same basic dysfunctional dynamic.
Here's one form this takes in the US. It's between the political left and right. Both sides vilify and hate each other on a virtually daily basis. They continually escalate their vitriol and exclusionism, with no end in sight short of takeover or civil war. They shriek that?the other is so evil that they need to be neutralized, locked up, or wiped out. They demand vengeance while doing all they can to disempower, cancel, or annihilate each other. Many in both camps are so locked into this spell that they have lost all hope that it's even possible to end the divisiveness and polarization.
Here's what needs to happen to break this cycle of vilification and hatred:
These are practical doable steps, not pie-in-the-sky idealism, and they are never too late to take. The two prerequisites for these steps to do their magic, however, are authentic willingness on the part of all participating individuals and groups, and expert facilitation.
Imagine the worldwide impact that Republicans and Democrats in the United States would have (or your equivalent in your location would have) if the willing individuals among them joined together to replace escalating vitriol with successfully enacting the steps I've described above.
If you are still having trouble seeing the parallels I've illuminated between what's happening in the Middle East and what's happening in your own land, I urge you to wake up.
I urge you to then insist on and participate in cleaning up the version of this that's active in your own family, community, business, state/province, and country.
I urge you to recognize that by showing the world that showing this is possible in your own land, you will also be giving enough hope to places like Israel and Gaza that the willing among them might just be able to succeed by following in those footsteps.
I'm not saying that doing this in your own location will be easy. I'm saying that it's doable... with willing people and superb facilitation. I'm saying that it will be worth it, not only for your location, but as an inspiration to the rest of the world. I'm saying that THIS is a doable indirect path to inspiring peace in the Middle East and elsewhere. I'm saying that this is the key to ending learned helplessness and needless suffering.
(And, yes, I'm also saying that I can provide the facilitation, if desired. Contact me through LinkedIn private messaging or via The Center for Enlightened Self-Sovereignty -- https://www.TheCESS.com)
Healing is More Than a Protocol
1 年Amen, David. I admire you, your approach and koi. You in seeking #Better, for everyone, everywhere. We CAN do it.
Spiritual Leadership Coaching/Mentoring. We help You discover Your divine purpose & how to implement it into Your Business or Career, Finances & Relationships.
1 年Thanks for posting this David Gruder. I look forward to reading this when I have some time.
“…a stellar writer and an idea volcano.” - Dan Heath
1 年Just adding another facet or perspective to the picture here: There's a game theory being played out that is based, I think, on insanely disproportionate responses. It is a nomadic shepherd's game of becoming so terrifying in righteous vengeance that your enemies will not risk touching even one hair of the least of your sheep. Your reputation for fiery vengeance will discourage and deter. In insania est pax. The structure of support around Israel and Palestine both inhibits and reinforces this game strategy. Terrorism and disproportionate state violence, while costly and risky, are allowed to work within this structure. We need to clear new paths before closing old ones, or we'll reinforce no-win games.
International creative brand strategist
1 年There will need to be much more emphasis on the inner life. Theosophical quibbling and intellectualising is not spiritual practice.