Do It Yourself Depression Helps by Linda Schiller-Hanna, Clairvoyant/Life Coach

Twenty (or so) things that have helped me with Depression, by   Linda Schiller-Hanna

      Clairvoyant, Spiritual Counselor. 440-343-5303

1.   Reach out. For me that has included going to 12-step programs such as:

      Al-anon,  Adult Children of Alcoholics, Overeaters Anonymous, etc.

      (For teens that could be: Ala-Teen...which has an adult advisor).

      You can find meetings on line, 24-hours a day if you're not able to leave the house.

       Meetings are FREE, but they do accept a modest donation. Everything you say

       is confidential and you only use your first name.

2.    Get outside. The minute I am in fresh air, particularly a nice park, by the water, any

        place that can revive me with nature, I immediately feel better. Pine trees are           

       good for helping ground someone. I will often hug the tree, putting my

        navel to the bark and closing my eyes and giving my pain to the tree. The tree will

        carry it down and distribute the pain as fertilizer into the earth. Waterfalls and

       moving water like an ocean create  negative ions that always help us feel better.

3.    Speaking of negative ions, you can buy an ionizer for very little money. Can find       

 on line. Plug it in and it will put a vibration into the room that helps calm folks. We     

 used one in a clothing store and sales went up! Also, if  you're lucky enough to live in an area that has oxygen bars (like Las Vegas), they  are terrific for a quick natural "pick me up!"

 4.  Water: Fill your bathtub with water as hot as you can handle it. Put in a cup or two   of Epsom salts. A couple of boxes of baking soda also alkalize the water and are also soothing.  Lavender scent makes it even  better. Lavender is naturally calming and induces sleep.    You can buy pure lavender oil at a quality health food store so put a few drops in  your tub, on your pillowcase, etc. Before getting into the tub put some relaxing  music in your bathroom. I use a recording of  Mother's Heartbeat which helps me  go into my "happy inner infant stage"  and calm down. If you have a Google bot,  just ask for "Mothers Heartbeat" and it will come up.  There are many recordings  of this on the internet. If its night, bathe by candlelight. 

 Now get a couple of large bath towels and immerse them into the hot water. Get  under the towels and cover yourself from  neck to toes in the hot cocoon.   Allow yourself to stay in the tub for about an hour.   Whenever the water cools  too much, just add more hot until you're comfortable again, over and over.  Many feel like they've had a week's vacation after one treatment.

 5.      Brainwave Symphony by Jeffrey Thompson. This is a 4 disc classical music  system. On Amazon as well. Beautiful pieces of classical music overlay  subliminal beats that take your brain to various levels. There are 4 brain wave levels: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta. One system on each of the CD's. If I need to  be "up and alert" I'll use the Beta tape. If I need to wind down, I'll use the Alpha.  If I need to really go deep into an almost hypnotic deep sleep stage, I'll use the Theta or Delta selections. (Don't drive with these deeper ones!).

6.     Recognize that for many folks, depression is a cover for anger. It can be anger  turned against the self.  (Not always the case,  but a common component).

 Here are some of the methods  I've used to release my anger safely so it  doesn't

 hurt me or anyone else:

    a. Write their name on the bottom of my shoes and "walk on them"  all day long. (You can ask for forgiveness later from their Higher Self.)

     b. Post their photo on a dart board and shoot darts into it every time   I walk by until it shreds.  

     c. Write a letter to them and but burn it before you send it.  You could read it out loud to their imagined image in the mirror before burning. 

     d. Get out some art supplies and big sheets of paper (markers, etc.) This one is particularly powerful.  With your dominant hand start at the top of the page and write down

 something you're upset about. Perhaps  saying to your own "inner child"....."I'm so angry, I wish I felt better. "

 Then using your other hand (for most of us, that would be the left hand), allow your inner child what it wants to say...almost as if it were a completely different person.

          For instance, "Of course you're mad. You've never let me have any fun! 

           You work me to death!"         

             Allow the inner conversation to continue in writing between the two parts of yourself for as long as you need to, so that you can come to a happy conclusion. Perhaps something like: "Now that I hear you, I'll let you  ride your bike every Saturday. Would that help?" "YEAH!  Now don't let me down."     "I won't."     "OK!" For more information on non-dominant hand therapy, check out books by Lucia Cappaccione, Ph.d. particularly the one on Recovering Your Inner Child.  

              e.  Go to the wilderness (or other private space),  and beat on a big log with a  big stick yelling all the things you feel you couldn't safely express in  person.

7.     Get some crystals.       You can buy Lepidolite stones on Amazon (from Brazil) sold by New Silk Road.  3 pounds for about $15. I washed mine and soaked them with boiling water. They contain natural lithium and can help calm the mind. I keep one of these stones in the bottom of my tea kettle and every time I make tea water, it is impregnated with that  energy.

8.    Another brain balancer I find on Amazon is Lithium Orotate, 120 mg. I take

       one a day. The brand is from Advanced Research. It is soothing for me.                                             

9.   Many folks with Depression are also ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). Read the    ook Scattered by Dr. Gabor Mate'. Also watch his videos on You Tube. They are brilliant and helpful.

10.      I have found that taking Zilis brand CBD and CBG oils have helped me balance many of my depression and ADD symptoms. I am a distributor. You can email at [email protected] with questions or call 440-343-5303. I can help you discern the difference between quality CBD and bogus value stuff and help you order the product if you are interested.   Or you can order directly: www.zilis/

11. Watch John Bradshaw videos on You Tube, (Healing the Inner Child). I recommend watching with a teddy bear, blanket and box of kleenex. Start with the ones of early age first and work you way forward through the development stages of life. Go slowly.  One a week may be sufficient.  Many folks with depression are still recovering from tough early childhood.

12.   I have a tendency towards being somewhat autistic/or Asperger's...very highly

     strung, hyper-sensitive and sometimes I need to shut down due to overwhelm.

      The movie Temple Grandin is based on a true story about a high functioning

      autistic woman who figured out how to calm herself down with a "squeeze

      machine." I also have a (Lightworker/psychically trained) friend who has her own

      program  for autistic and Asperger's sufferers based in Flagstaff, Arizona. Her name  

      is Patty Gee.

      She can give excellent advice to help with these kind of issues (for a fee). She told

      me about heavy vests and heavy blankets...which work similarly to the squeeze

      machine.  I made these for myself.  I used an old fishing vest and filled the pockets,

      front and back with smooth river stones...and when I feel vulnerable, I put it on and

      calm down.

      I also used a pillowcase and hand sewed seams about two inches wide from the

      open end to the opposite point. Then I filled those columns with dry rice, getting the

      whole thing to weigh about 15 to 20 pounds. I sewed shut the columns and when

      anxious, I lie on my couch or bed, putting this weighted pillowcase on my torso. I

      feel immediate relief.  (You can buy items like these ready made on

13.   For hysteria, here is a simple system and I tried it and it works great.  If you

       simply can't stop crying, get a kitchen chair. Place an alarm clock (or you cell phone showing the time), on the counter  top. Then  stand on the chair and focus on the clock for two minutes. Apparently it  is impossible to stay hysterical while balancing on a chair and focusing downward  on something at a lower level.

14.   Do a random act of kindness. The sillier or more random the better! For instance,   pay the toll for the guy behind you at the toll plaza. One time I placed random     objects under the windshield wipers of 10 cars parked on one side of the street    in Berkeley, California and then quickly walked away. I placed things like a ruler,  an artificial flower, a spoon, whatever small object I had around the house. Then  I imagined what it would be like when folks returned to their cars and found these  strange items. Why did they get a ruler and I got a spoon? Why did I get this at all?   Who did this?  And most strange it would be, to be the last one back...and you're   apparently the only person to have a strange object on your windshield. Is this a sign  from God? What does this mean? Why me? I could laugh for many minutes thinking of what it would be like to have this experience. I couldn't stay depressed doing this.

15.  If you play an instrument or do art, pull it out and begin. Make a sound, daub a        color. Create the music or painting that expresses how you're feeling. If you feel        blocked that way, perhaps at least make a collage using words and feelings torn        from magazines and newspapers. Make a big poster declaring to yourself just how        you feel. It can be liberating.

16.  There is a culture in South  America which has no depression. The people run for        miles every day. Barefoot over rough terrain. Is it the runner's high? The nature?        Being outside? Maybe they know something we don't!  Something about soles of feet touching ground?   You might look up for more info on this idea.

17..  Understand that "going crazy" is cultural. Different cultures go "crazy"   different ways.  (See the movie The Gods Must Be Crazy for an example. 18.  It is OK to cry. Be gentle with yourself. Go to the store and buy yourself the   best stuffed toy you can find. Hold them and find out which one provides the  most comfort. In my mid 40's, I slept with a brown teddy bear named Hershey for many nights before I found my dear husband. The bear helped me heal old trauma.

18.  .  Give yourself something. Nice words, a decent meal, a beautiful experience.        It is time to "prime the pump" and treat yourself the way you'd like others to  treat you. If this is hard for you, it is even MORE important that you do it.    Be gentle and generous with yourself. You need it now. I again refer you to the  book Scattered by Dr. Gabor Mate'.  Read the chapter on self-parenting.  (Note:  We generally need more time, touch and attention than things, however!

19.  A certain kind of food comfort can be beneficial. A friend of mine created a   recipe where she mixed coconut oil, pure cocoa, nuts, and Stevia, in a bowl and then refrigerates it. It has become her "healthy candy".  Popcorn soothes me, too.   A cup of lavender tulsi tea helps me sleep. Stash.

20.    Other therapies to try:  Emotional Freedom Technique. Laurel ookes, has helped me greatly. (Works by phone or Skype).  757-567-9814.

21.  Meditation.   Don't overlook the simple value of stopping, closing your eyes and doing slow deep breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.

22.    EMDR (Eye motion desensitization). Profound if you've had deep trauma.

23.   Also look into the writings of Walter Weston, on Emotional Release Therapy.

24.  Many folks are helped by Yoga, Tai Chi, and other gentle marshal arts.

25.   REIKI. (Hands on healing over clothing). Very soothing. Often relieves pain         and can bring deep healing. You are encouraged to take training yourself.

26.    Cranial Sacral Therapy. Special hands on healing over clothing. Terrific for         birth trauma, falls, injuries, etc. Worth looking it up and researching the writings  of Dr. Upledger. has worldwide practitioners list.

27.   Neurofeedback.  A form of biofeedback that hooks up electrodes to your brain.           It helped me greatly, particularly with focus

28.   If you have grief about the loss of a loved one through death including suicide,   murder, or a natural passing, a talk with a bona fide medium can be most helpful. Kym McBride author of We Got It All Wrong, death and grief, heaven and hell and mental illness does wonderful work. She can be reached at     1 (216) 334-9983.       

29.  Check out or go to I-tunes App store and download Vital tones depression and et a free sample of their sound system. (They have stuff for many issues!) Price is excellent for pro version as well.

30.  Linda Schiller-Hanna's offerings: 440-343-5303   via phone or Skype: Lightworker2222

  I also do life readings, relationships, health, future, past lives, career,  etc. and have some extra specialties which includes psychic role playing.  This is the my best tool to help people who are stuck on an issue and can't move  along: long term anger, grief, disappointment, hurt, broken heart, shock, etc. via phone or Skype). Frequently clears the blockage in one or few sessions.   Pricing:  My standard reading rate is $3 a minute, 10 min. minimum. However,  for those who choose to work longer term in a counseling format, I have a sliding    scale with a significant discount per unit. Just call to discuss options. Credit  cards, Pay pal, checks  accepted.  

                                   PRAYER POWER

You can contact the Glad Helpers for Prayer support at and

then click on the heading: Our Work.  Then click on Glad Helpers to sign up.

The ARE phone number is 1-800-333-4499.  (Edgar Cayce group).

The beautiful prayer written by James Dillet Freeman and the cornerstone of Unity Church:

The light of God surrounds me

The love of God enfolds me

The power of God protects me

The presence of God watches over me

Where ever I am, God is, and all is well!

You can ask for prayer support from Silent Unity, on line.

                                              FAVORITE AFFIRMATIONS

God is present and active in this situation. God's time me is always on time.

I am always in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.

I am one with Spirit and Spirit cannot be sick.

                                                FAVORITE PSALMS:

                                               Psalms 23 and Psalms 91.

                                               Recommended Books:    

 Edgar Cayce, An American Prophet by Sydney Kirkpatrick

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hays

You Are Not the Target by Laura Huxley

You Can Heal Your Life Through Psychic Power by JoAnn Chase

Getting Free by Ginny NiCarthy (for women who are abused)

Codependent No More by Melody Beattie

 Facing Love Addiction by Pia Melody

I'm Not Much Baby, But I'm All I've Got by Jess Laird

Healing Gifts of the Spirit by Agnes Sanford

The Infinite Way by Joel Goldsmith

The Voice of the Master by Eva Bell Werber

The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

Illusions by Richard Bach

Behaving as if the God in all Life Mattered by Machelle Small-Wright

What Color Is Your Parachute by Bolles (for finding your right career)

We Got it All Wrong: Death and Grief, Heaven and Hell, and Mental Illness by

       Hafemeister and McBride

Spirituality for the Common Man by Keith Davis

Materials on the non-dominant hand by Lucia Cappaccione, Ph. D.

Everything written by Dr. Gabor Mate'  ..on addiction, trauma, childhood events, self-esteem, etc.

Read about Sensory Processing Disorder

PTSD: A Time to Heal by Kathy O'Brien (on Amazon) (For ritualized sexual abuse recovery)

Website:  for questionnaire about your childhood experiences, particularly if you experienced trauma. 

With all of these suggestions, just take what you like and leave the rest. I'd start with what attracts you most.    

                                    Follow the path with heart. - Carlos Castanedas

One more thing about depression. It is often accompanied by LONELINESS. Lonely is not the you don't know anyone but that no one knows you.  I encourage you to attend a 12-step group for any topic you feel you qualify for. (Alcoholics Anonymous is the most famous). But they have groups for Adult children of alcoholics, incest survivors anonymous, overeaters anonymous, gamblers anonymous, debtors anonymous, codependents anonymous, and so forth. Meetings are free. (They accept a small optional donation…generally about $2). These are amazing safe places to unload your feelings and recover your life. Meetings are found worldwide and also on the internet and via phone.  

           This list is not exhaustive but may provide some ideas for you to consider. I am not prescribing anything to anyone. I am only sharing some of the things that have helped me. This is evidential of my personal journey in seeking wholeness beyond a traumatic birth and early childhood.  You can see my bio on my website:

Trying any of these suggestions is done at your own risk. You are responsible for your own healing journey. 

For some folks, recovery from depression can emerge from learning to "trust your gut". I teach the Lightworker Intensive course on Skype for helping you do just that.  Call with questions: 440-343-5303.

My Skype address is Lightworker222

God Bless You!

Linda Schiller-Hanna

 [email protected]

                                             (C) 2019,  Linda Schiller-Hanna





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