Do It - Your Way
Photography by Maya Mele

Do It - Your Way

Lessons Of A Life Coach

 The joke in my family is that I have only one speed. Yes, you are reading my one-speed now. Relaxed or in a hurry it is the same speed.   

It has been dearly noted over the years, I am always the last one off the aeroplane, the last one out of the Cinema, and the last one in line.

It is a difficult thing to explain to others, that my desire to be rushed feels so uncomfortable, it feels like sandpaper rubbing against satin paint and makes me irritable. 

No matter how hard I try, I simply cannot muster up the desire to fight the crowds, push and shove past others only to find them at the exact same location just moments after. 

I do not speed when driving (unless by accident).  I have no need to compete with those going in the same direction as me.  I am almost always locked into the cruise mode, and usually in the same lane for most of the journey. It is my nature to allocate much needed time for the purpose of arriving early. One might suggest it is because I was raised in a Boarding School, where being on time was essentially the same as being late. I beg to differ on this point. I arrive early due to my one-speed and the need to not be stressed.

If I should miss the bus, I am more than happy, in fact quite content, to be the first one on the next bus.

Swimming is easy for me as I have more than adequate endurance, well maybe above average.  And yet, I find myself slowly descending the steps into the pool, wading through the shallow end, and eventually making it to the deep end where my sport begins.

Lake Erie can be seen from my house and in the summer when we visit the shore, I feel no need to rush into the lake. I take as much time as I want. I walk slowly toward the horizon, enjoying every sand bar along the way. Watching the diamonds dance upon the water’s surface, leading me toward the sun. I have even tried to catch them and giggled at the mere thought of trying.  I feel the undercurrent and notice how different it is from the gliding waves and ripples tickling my skin. I notice how the bottom of the lake changes its texture under my feet while the sun attempts to change the lake’s colour.

 Being a strong swimmer, I could easily swim out, but I have never wanted to. The journey was always more important to me than the arrival to the deep water. Once satisfied with the journey, I turn my attention to the deep and begin my swim from there. Almost like my arrival to the deep, was likened to arriving at the gate where the journey begins. No different, I suppose from all the walking before arrival at the departure gate at the airport, which is where the journey might begin for most.

There is something incredibly satisfying to me about the sensation of the water hovering around my ankles, then rising to my knees, to my hips, my waist, armpits, shoulders, and neck. There is something equally satisfying about watching the crowds on the aeroplane gather their belongings and one by one exiting the plane.

 I also love watching farmers make beautiful straight lines as they sow their crops; as well, the Zamboni that clears the surface of the ice during intermission at a hockey game. I would rather stay in my seat and watch the Zamboni than fight the crowds for a hot dog.

Seems ridiculous right?

Well, not really. I am being completely true to the very person I am. I like it this way. I am methodical by nature. But more than that, I have come to know myself well and I adore the many journeys that helped me to know myself. 

To me I could not slow the pace of those around me, so I believe subconsciously, I slowed my own pace.  All the things I need to do, I do. I just do them differently.

I can see the other people around me jumping in, splashing, and having fun, jumping off the diving board at the pool, and making a sudden impacting dive into the cold-water lakes. I am very much aware of all those who must be somewhere yesterday and prefer the hot dog to the Zamboni. Others beat the crowds by being first while I beat the crowds by being last, on purpose, so I can observe the crowd.

The journey to know myself took my lifetime and if it were a resume, I would mark the job starting at “birth” and end it by saying “to present”. I am far from finished.

The point is: know yourself. Know who you are and what you like and how you like to do things. 

Never mind the others jumping in if you prefer to take the slow road. As well, never mind the one taking the slow road if you prefer to jump in. It is not about fast or slow, right or wrong.  In the end, it is all about you and who you truly are. Your journey to unveil yourself is yours and yours alone.

 It is about not wasting time on being someone else or trying to do things somebody else’s way. Do it your way. It does not matter how somebody else cleans the kitchen, or how someone else cooks, or how someone else swims etc. All these tasks are yours when you are the one doing them. You may type a certain way, file – save as- instead of CTRL S. Who cares? 

 When you are faithful to who you are in all the little, tiny things, you become faithful to who you are in the larger things. And when you are building up all those little things and making each of them yours, your confidence and stability in who you are will begin to shine in everything. There will be a poise in you that others cannot rob you of.

More than that: you will be living the majority of your life, your own way and a great sense of ownership will prevail.  And with ownership, comes peace of mind.

This is Your Life. Live it Your Way. Do it Your Way. Let every tiny detail spell Your Name.

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  Signing Off... my way. Maya Mele



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