Do your thing and leave the rest.

Everyone is good at one thing. Everyone loves some things. He knows it, his family knows, and his friends know it.?

Sometimes, it is more than one thing, but let's simplify it and consider one thing you love the most.

What is the one thing for you? Please put it in the comment.

How do you identify it? You can keep doing it, and you don't care how much time you have spent. Hours seem like minutes when you are doing that thing.

Initially, it was playing video games. I remember vividly in 94,95 I had 2nd Computer - To tell the truth that belongs to my aunt, as she lives with us. I used it all day. Then it becomes comics and movies.

Interestingly, even to date, I can easily sit 16-18 hours on my computer and do whatever task you have given me.

For everyone, it can be different; as you grow up, it can keep changing and evolving. However, at any time, you or your family and friends can identify one thing you are either good at or love doing.

Few more things I love; I like to spend time alone reading books. I love to make videos; this is one of the reasons I have over 1200 videos on YouTube alone.?

Why am I trying to build this case? If you spend most of your time at what you love, work does not feel like work. Even successful people don't call it to work at all.

There is a reason Elon can do 90+ hours a week, and he is not burnout. He loves every second he spends at its factory, whereas while at your job, you are thinking about home and looking at the clock 60 times an hour.

I was in the same case for my first two jobs. I am a mechanical engineer by education, so I got my first job in maintenance. It was purely a site job. I must be with the machine and learn how to maintain that. I hated every second of it.?

My company did not give me a computer/ laptop for the first year to add fuel to the fire. According to them, you don't need it. Your boss has it. It would help if you were with the machine. (They were 100% right; that was necessary for the job. I have all manuals and things printed) But I wouldn't say I liked it.?

I never worked for more than 8 hours with an open heart at that company, and I left that job as soon as I got a better opportunity. Even I went to half of my current salary for a new job. Just because I did not have my love - I don't have to use a computer at that job.

The next job was not much better; that job also demanded I spend much time on site. But the great thing was it needed 20% of my time on Job. So, I was happy.?

Then I entered in learning and development business. I have always loved speaking, so that was my 2nd love after the computer. I love the stage effect and how it can help me change people's lives.?I was good at that; I was speaking - training, and using a laptop to make presentations.?

But and a big “But” in 2020, something unique happened. All training ended due to COVID.?

Now, what I must do, I must do training on computers, for the world it seems like they are stuck but for me, what does this mean??

This means I can use a computer as much as possible and speak on it all day.?

My 1st love is the computer, combined with my 2nd thing - speaking.

It was and is heaven for me. This is one of the reasons why many people struggle to make one post a day and one video a month. I can create a lot more content.

I love what I am doing. Currently, that is why I am getting good at it day by day.?

Remember! You can compete with someone who loves the journey more than the destination.?

What do you love most?


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