Do Your Students Know HOW to Learn?

Do Your Students Know HOW to Learn?

The pace of change in the workforce has become exponential in today's technological world, placing an emphasis on our ability to adapt and learn. Our learnability is more important than ever.

But schools are sending a different message.

With each passing grade, students learn a fixed amount of content that allows them to move up until graduation. It sends the message that once a student leaves the system, they have learned enough.

In today's Real-World Readiness video, Mastery Coding CEO Alan Sitomer explores this idea and emphasizes the need to teach our kids HOW to learn.

Real-World Readiness Tip:  How we learn is known as the Learnability Quotient. Do you know your child or student's LQ? By focusing on HOW we learn, we see there is no fixed destination point at which any of us ever arrive. That's what prepares our kids for the changing jobs of tomorrow. 


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