Do Your Rights To Bear Arms Matter ?
Roz Lowe ????????
I advocate ??growth and prosperity for ????American ?? Manufacturers. ??
You might not know it yet but in many states your 2A rights have already been taken away according to the letter of the constitution vs the letter of the law. The 2nd Amendment says, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
To ‘bear arms’ means to carry weapons – phraseology shows that the Second Amendment contemplates an individual right since in every context it is people who ‘bare’ arms, not states.”
Using California as an example if living or visiting the state and in fear for your life DO NOT reach for a weapon, firearm , or even a piece of a firearm. If you do you’ll be incarcerated a minimum of 90 days, and a maximum of 180 days if only charged with a misdemeanor. In states like New Jersey a toy that looks like a firearm may bring you to similar incarcerated results. I want to emphasize you’re in true fear for your life, that fear you’ve unfortunately experienced will not defend you in a California court of law. You won’t be seen as the victim you truly are, but will instead be seen as the criminal you’ve unknowingly just become the moment that weapon was brandished in your self-defense. So in a nut shell take the 2nd part of the 2nd Amendment out entirely, and you’ll be good to go. The right to bear arms yes, but in the defense of themselves (you) not so much, in California.
If in 2020 we’re going backwards to begin talking about eliminating the rights of the people. Might we the people first understand WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHEN & WHERE before blindly signing up for this new tattoo? The basics of any well-run company are really no different than a well-run government. Both have leaders and teams who ask questions which typically begin with who, what, why, when & where. Asking 5 questions to just about anything will usually lead you to a few answers. If good local government is desired in your state asking these same questions should be applied. Running a successful company or government needs clarity. Clarity leads its leaders. Good communication of what’s clear leads the people and a company’s teams, and direction is united. Ultimately producing prosperity, and greatness. As a team we are United American citizens of the United States of America. Any changes to our laws, amendments or constitutional rights need not happen prior to a few important questions being answered, and considered before changing the very fabric in which this great country was established because of. Yet in my state changes have been made and I’m not so sure we have clarity on how these changes are affecting law abiding citizens.
In California recently a physically limited man will call Mike was being chased in a car and stocked by a very angry man will call John who stated he wanted to kill Mike. Mike was ? Johns size not to mention Mike physically could not and did not want to fight John or be killed by John. Mike fled and thankfully was able to get away. Two weeks later at an intersection on a busy highway Mike was again confronted by John, who was 2 weeks later still mad at Mike. This time the 10 mile 20 minute car chase did not end in Mike getting away so easily like Mike had done before. John proceeded to use his vehicle and block Mike in on the road, trapping Mike from being able to again get away as he'd done once before . John then got out of his car on the highway approaching trapped Mike where Mike then held up the slide of a firearm hoping to scare John back into his car. This also did not work. John proceeded to approach the driver’s door of Mike’s car, at which point Mike saw an opening in traffic and drove away escaping John’s confrontation. When Mike got home he called police still shaken by what just happened and told police everything he’d just experienced. Where police then arrested Mike for brandishing a weapon. Mike will soon face sentencing in a California court. John in this story is now seen as the victim of Mike’s crime which is brandishing a weapon in fear for his life. PS. Mikes call to police 4 minutes on hold for a 911 operator who never answered, a 2nd call to a local police station that never picked up, and a 3rd call to another local station where Mike was able to leave a voicemail on a recorded message machine. This was a busy time of day Mike would later learn.
WHO would ever consider giving away any part of their success, such as your constitutional rights in these times especially? Would a great company give away its profits? Have we gotten so comfortable with having these liberties we’ve lost sight of their value? WHAT’s causing some elected leaders to encourage their constituents sign off on giving away freedoms our founders fought to protect., while other elected continue to encourage the very opposite? WHY are cities with the most crime voting for gun control while well managed cities are not? Is it a matter of poor leadership in the first place that’s convincing it's citizens to voluntarily offer their freedoms up on a silver platter when they vote? I don’t know of one successful company where the room is so divided on their fundamental message, and winning at what they're trying to accomplish. How are we to remain united, safe, and winning if we cannot maintain our constitutional rights as a united body? Eliminating the freedoms of law abiding citizens’ will not stop the Johns from chasing the Mikes, and the Mikes from reaching to a natural instinct to protect oneself. WHEN did we as a people decide to disregard what those who’ve served have fought and died to protect and preserve?
There are too many companies to mention who’ve eventually ended after several mergers, and with each merger growing farther and farther away from the original founder’s message eventually most end in bankruptcy. Are we doing that same thing when we serve up the rights of the people? Are we heading down the slippery slope of freedom bankruptcy? WHERE are the common denominators amongst those who want to eliminate your freedoms, in comparison to those who want to uphold your freedoms? Where an organization has cancer it needs to be addressed in order for the company to prosper, thrive, and grow. That same rule runs true in government.
Are you supporting government that has proven to be good, or bad?
I looked at who’s driving the message regarding more gun control, and who’s not based on states. I found common denominators on both sides of the fence .In the majority of those interested in amending your 2nd Amendment rights I discovered territories/cities that were underperforming such as with poor or declining economies, an increase in crime, and violence, homelessness, declining scholastic variables, limited to often no mental health support, and a rise in the middle class leaving. Want to find supporters of gun control? Look for cities where law and order are no longer basic ways of life. Areas where the Mikes can be found. Speaking of Mike I also noticed overcrowded institutions in these cities. Might that be because of people like Mike and not John who are filling these institutions to the brim? I noticed a decline in economic growth, jobs, industry, and over taxed citizens leaving the state. Places where the citizens are not thriving, schools are underperforming and cities where there’s no plan for change to overcome these issues. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know these are also areas where you’ll typically see an increase in public assistance, homelessness, and increases in truancy.
Those in office who are performing well and whose citizens were thriving seem to be in favor of an individual’s right to bear arms as written in the constitution. I saw economic growth, thriving industry, and schools as well as growth in population. Pretty much where you find politicians in support of the constitution as written, you also find healthy growing economies, and people. I’ve never known a good company who supports leaders who’ve lost control of their teams, proven they can’t lead, show negative margins in profitability, and low numbers on employee retention promoting these same leaders, or following their ideas leaves me with the question WHY? Why would we do anything different in government that a well-run company wouldn’t do? The well-run company tends to encourage and promote its leaders who are gainful, and contribute gainful result causing longer tenor amongst its gainfully employed people.
When did laws such as what’s happened in California get put in place where her citizens are now being incarcerated for exercising a fundamental 2A right to self-defenses when in fear for their life? No matter your political agenda at the core we’re one united team America. Many of us work in environments where meetings take place weekly, daily, monthly. One of the basic principles that comes from these meetings is the, who, what, why, where and when, which our founding fathers seemed to have going for them 200 plus years ago when they created, and put into law our constitution in which we the people have held high all these years,.
The motivations of who’s unraveling the very threads of the fabric in which we have been created by very well may lead us to the bankruptcy of our fundamental rights and liberties. Have these leaders simply lost control and now scrambling for answers which will only end up inhibiting law abiding citizens? Criminals will continue to be criminals. Limiting my rights to defend myself amongst these criminals, or the Mikes in this world is not a solution but rather a contribution to the growth of more victims, crime, and more incarceration in already overcrowded institutions. I believe the founding fathers created the constitution to protect its citizens with intentions meant for the people to be safe, providing us all with many freedoms and liberties that make the United States of America the most desirable country to be a part of. As citizens we should not be lead to need to create sanctuary cities in order to live and breathe our freedoms already established freely.
Burdening Law abiding citizens with control to suppress these rights does not solve problems elected leaders are faced with amongst the lawless.
10 个月Wow a load of truth
Retired SCARNG
11 个月WOW, well said and “understood” even w/ a GED and experience in military - where the 5-Ws are ingrained throughout service. Too bad the weak leaders will scoff as well as all the other (easily convinced) weaklings… can’t believe there are so, so many, UGH! R, jack
The reason things have become the way they are is that people became comfortable and lazy. It’s easy to ignore the problems and be too busy enjoying life. The people basically metaphorically went to sleep. Corruption and coercion in the back rooms didn’t help. Big money didn’t help. Media control and manipulation didn’t help. On the ethical moral and religious issues the Church did nothing. When the Ten Commandments disappeared from the school systems the Church bowed out. When prayer became not accepted in public schools the Church whimpered a little. When the foundations of Christian faith in the public square were slowly eroded away the Church cringed and found something else to do. We were given “inalienable rights “ not to be infringed upon. Those rights came from God Himself. If those who are responsible for defending God’s purposes allowed the rights to be taken, who is left? We have slid a very long way. We are at almost rock bottom. We have been blessed immensely and figuratively snubbed our noses at the One who blessed us originally. Turn to the only one who can change hearts and heal lands. Return to our Creator and forsake the wretched things. Turn to Jesus. It’s the only way