Do your processes and policies work for you or for your clients?
Rich Nkambule
Key Account and Business Development Executive | IIoT | Integrated Security Systems | Fire Detection & Gas Suppression Solutions | Business Development | 4IR Technology
When you create business processes, policies, and procedures, do you have your customer in mind?
Recent experience:
For the purpose of confidentiality, I'll refer to Provider A and Provider B.
I took a 2year cellphone contract with Provider A in 2014. At the end of the contract in 2016, I decided to renew for another 2years(loyal customer, yea?)
A little over a year into that contract, that phone broke and I was in need of a new phone.
Despite my million attempts to get an early upgrade to my contract, Provider A still refused to hear my needs because "policy doesn't allow me." I was in need of a phone and I couldn't wait another 6 months before I could renew and get a new phone. I went to the extent and offered to pay a penalty fee if needed just so I can renew early.
Processes, policies and procedures of Provider A still wouldn't let me. After my million failed attempts I decided to take up another contract with Provider B (who still has the same Ts and Cs as Provider A, but at least could fulfil my immediate need.)
I will not be renewing with Provider A when my contract expires in 4 months as I took another with Provider B. Provider A lost a customer and two, potentially more years worth of business from me simply because their processes and policies were not designed to fulfil my needs as a customer but theirs.