Do your duty.
Chapter XXX, Enchiridion
Duties are universally measured by relations. Is a certain man your father? In this are implied taking care of him, submitting to him in all things, patiently receiving his reproaches, his correction. But he is a bad father. Is your natural tie, then, to a good father? No, but to a father. Is a brother unjust? Well, preserve your own just relation toward him. Consider not what he does, but what you are to do to keep your own will in a state conformable to nature, for another cannot hurt you unless you please. You will then be hurt when you consent to be hurt. In this manner, therefore, if you accustom yourself to contemplate the relations of neighbor, citizen, commander, you can deduce from each the corresponding duties.
a. The duties owed to another depends on the relationship with that person.
b. The duties to a father are to listen to him, accept his reproaches and take care of him.
c. If your father is a bad father, your duty is to do as if he was a good father, thus keeping your side of the street clean.
d. “ for another cannot hurt you unless you please.”, again we see the same theme theme in status isn’t in stoic teachings. Trying to get older. You cannot be bought by an event, action,Are utterance unless you choose to be. It is her attitude to the event that my horse mark the event itself.
e.“You will then be hurt when you consent to be hurt.“
f. Nature and their relationship with the other person preordains the duties which are required in each context.
g. Do the next right thing. Behave in the most appropriate way, no matter what the other person is doing. Whether they are good or bad, your duty is to be the best version of yourself and to have the integrity to do your duty.