Do Your Due Diligence
Richard Dean - Business Developer
Strategist | Listener | Business Coach | Speaker | Team Leader | Residual Income Advisor | Author | Sales Consultant | Social Seller
Everybody is looking for value in their purchases in these inflationary days. Everybody is looking for better health in these stressful days. Wouldn’t it be great if we could put both together in one joyful package. Well you can, if you make the correct choices. The choices are there and the choice is yours. Now, here are some of the particulars to look for when choosing dietary supplements.
The elephant in the room for everybody for everything is usually pricing. Supplements are needed by everybody. If somebody feels this need at a high level they will pay an exorbitant price to fill the need. There are companies that employ an extraordinary marketing plan which allows them to overprice a product that offers quality, but at what cost. Don’t believe the hype. Price compare and you may well find a similar product at Walmart for a reduced price. Or better yet go online to Amazon to find it even lower. Of course, the best is to find a company that will give you the highest quality at the lowest cost. That company is out there. I can help you find it :).
Look at the label, see what the ingredients are and how many grams per serving. Are they organic? Have they been 3rd party lab tested? Email the company and ask pointed questions. Have pesticides, herbicides and other toxins been used in the growing of these ingredients? It may not seem like much, but these toxins accumulate in your body over the months and years leading to problems for you later on.
Often you will notice that the product has “proprietary blend” written on the label, but with no listing as to what is in that blend. You need to know this. If the company is not willing to let you in on what they put in, that should be a red flag for you. Maybe the headlined ingredient is in there, but of such low amount as to not be of much consequence. Maybe there are fillers or preservatives or dyes that are not contributing health benefits. It is your body and you have a right to know what you are putting into it.
The bottom line is that you are looking for value. High quality at an affordable cost. This is your health we are talking about and you want to maintain it for as long as possible. Ideally you want your healthspan to equal your lifespan. There is a way this can be accomplished. Do your due diligence. To start, ask me about that one company that will give you full transparency at the lowest cost.