Do you and your business require LHD vehicles from Japan?..
Hello all, and welcome back to the Auto Portal page here on LinkedIn, or a warm welcome if it's your first time here!
Here in Japan, Left-Hand drive vehicles can be a forgotten thing when thinking about the options when looking to purchased used cars for your stock or customer needs. However, there are a high number of quality cars available to bid on across the country each week.
An example in point would this Grade 4/B 1997 M3 Couple which is going to auction the same day as this article at USS Yokohama. 59,000 KM's and in very good condition.
Just as you would expect, our team provides inspection services so you can get good information on condition both interior and exterior so you have more information than just the basic auction sheet to determine if it's one you would like to proceed further with.
Above you'll see a basic interior shot, which is the standard lower-resolution image you would find on the auction website..
However, here is a higher-resolution interior shot of another car we've inspected this morning on behalf of one our regular clients.
Whether your business is importing a low volume of a maybe a couple of cars, or perhaps even a single car shipment per month, or if you a brining in high volume purchases - our no-pressure team are on hand to facilitate all the back end requirements your business may have to purchase and ship cars from Japan.
We're located 30 minutes South of main Osaka so have great access to auction houses like USS Osaka, HAA Kobe, IAA, Mirive Osaka, Bay Auc, and others. Whilst we also have staff positioned across the country to carry out the inspections at all other key auction locations.
Working with us couldn't be more easy, head over to the following link:
And with the basic information, we can get you signed up on the auction website so you can view all the cars available from the comfort of your own home or business location. Our company was founded in 2006 and we ship at least a few hundred units per month at a quite time.
Thank you for taking the time in reading our article and look forward to connecting with you soon.
Have a great day everyone!
Auto Portal Co, Ltd, Nagisa-Cho, Izumiotsu-City, Osaka, Japan.