Do You worry and stress yourself unnecessarily Causes of Self Induced Stress
42 tips stop worrying unnecessarily and self-inflicted stress

Do You worry and stress yourself unnecessarily Causes of Self Induced Stress

In this article you will learn the following

-45 causes of self-inflicted stress why do we worry so much

-42 tips on how to stop worrying unnecessarily and causing self-inflicted stress - create optimum self-control

-30+ Signs to help you identify your stress

?This saying is profoundly true - that if the problem can be solved why worry - and if the problem cannot be solved how can worrying help you feel better.

Although most of us might know this subconsciously - many of us are still unable to stop overthinking, worry, put ourselves under pressure, create tension and stress ourselves - unnecessarily.

Contrary to popular belief - nobody performs better under negative-pressure - unnecessary pressure impacts our judgment, our decision-making, our focus and our performance in every area of life.

Many of us use the word stress and pressure interchangeably - inability to differentiate stress from pressure can be very harmful.

Pressure can be a temporary state due to a present-cause - whereas stress is what happens if you live in a pressure-cooker life for long.

Stress can be broadly put in two categories - life-induced and self-induced.

Life-induced stress is caused by events which might not be in your area of control and might not have been triggered by you.

Self-induced stress usually happens through wrong habits of mind and your emotional immaturity - as self-inflicted stress gets created by poor management of your expectations, your time, your relationships and due to your mindset.

You might have experienced - that even holidays which are supposed to be relaxing and stress-buster - can create serious stress and pressure.

Everyone experiences stress to some degree - in almost every day basis.

The way you respond to stress - decides your quality of well-being - you have a choice either you can change the situation or change the way you respond to disruptive changes that life throws at you.

Stress can also be positive - when it fills you with positive energy of expectations, motivated, keeps you alert and ready to avoid danger.

But when you are under stress for a prolonged period of time - continued activation of the stress response in your body - create detrimental physical, emotional and behavioral symptoms

Your body’s built-in instant stress response -of fight, freeze or flight - helps you face stressful situations - at the time they occur - later it is your coping mechanism which has to be strengthened

Many people with chronic stress - resort to unhealthy behaviors and habits -like alcohol, drugs, gambling, overeating, compulsive shopping, uncontrolled sex, smoking, and addiction to internet/social-media/mobile.

Worry is that feeling of uneasiness that occurs when your thoughts are focused on current difficulties in your life or potential problems that have not actually occurred - worry is just one aspect of anxiety.

While some stressors are out of our control, others are avoidable -and self-inflicted.

30+ Signs to help you identify your stress

1.??Physical symptoms of stress include - unexplained aches and pains, irregular heartbeat, suffocation or difficulty breathing, exhaustion, fatigue, sleep-disorder, sexual-dysfunction, digestive issues, weak immune system, anger, losing self-control, dizziness, high blood pressure, changes in weight, frequent colds or infections, and changes in the menstrual cycle

2.??Mental symptoms like - anxiety, irritability, sadness, melancholy, depression, sadness, mood swings, decreased libido, angry, irritated,

3.??Psychological signs?such as difficulty concentrating, worrying, anxiety, and trouble remembering moody, or frustrated

45 causes of self-inflicted stress why do we worry so much

By understanding why we worry so much, we can find ways to cope with and minimize unhelpful thoughts - as worrying too much can prevent us from living a happy and healthy life.

1.??Your natural in-built danger-sensor takes perceives situations as real and sounds alarm

2.??You focusing only on what is wrong and not asking what you can do to minimize your sufferings

3.??You are trying to figure out how to solve the challenge that you are facing

4.??Your 10 fears

????I.???????Your?fear of losing control

??II.???????Your fear of appearing weak

?III.???????Your fear of what others would think about you

?IV.???????Your fear of becoming a laughing stock

?V.???????Your fear of being judged by others

?VI.???????Your fear of your perceived inability of handling a future event

VII.???????Your having lot of responsibility at work or at home

VIII.???????Your fear of meeting accident for yourself or your loved ones

?IX.???????You fear of falling sick

?X.???????Your fear of unable to pay your debt

5.??In life you are going through a bad phase of uncertainty and chaos

6.??Giving too much damn about trivia

7.??Your caring too much for mundane

8.??Your habit of overthinking - your own thinking actively plays a role in creating your stress

9.??Your risk-appetite as well as your risk-appetite - many of you are programed take risks - few of naturally to be cautious and risk-averse

10.??????????????Your being a perfectionist

11.??????????????Your blaming other people or luck or any external factor - as the source of your negative feelings or situation - but by blaming someone else or some external situation, you fail to take any responsibility for your role in contributing to a possible negative outcome - as even?if?someone or something else is at fault - your focus has to be on what?you?could do to change or fix the situation

12.??????????????Your living in regret - which makes you focus on what all you could have done in the past

13.??????????????Your inability to correct your perceptions - even with new information you have which negates your beliefs completely

14.??????????????Your rejecting truth - by justifying your beliefs

15.??????????????Your feeling great in playing victim

16.??????????????Your discounting or downplaying the positives in your life

17.??????????????Your magnifying the non-significant

18.??????????????Your saying yes to the demand of others - even if you are unable to complete your own high priority tasks

19.??????????????Your not planning thoroughly for important and critical event

20.??????????????Your not exploring all options, all solutions and all possibilities - which can solve your problem more effectively

21.??????????????Your being disorganization and living with mental, physical and emotional clutter

22.??????????????Your living your life wallowing in guilt of what mistakes you made in past

23.??????????????Your not having enough money and your sinking in debts and struggling to make ends meet

24.??????????????Your going through multiple illnesses yourself or of your loved ones

25.??????????????Your not spending enough time with your loved ones

26.??????????????Your not taking breaks and vacations and relaxing

27.??????????????Your work being full of pressure and culture is of exploitation

28.??????????????Your being uncertain about your children’s education and their future prospects

29.??????????????Your living with toxic people

30.??????????????Your poor skills in handing difficult people

31.??????????????Your worrying about your image in the eyes of others as per your imagination

32.??????????????Your need to be liked and accepted by others

33.??????????????Your seeking validation from others

34.??????????????Your not having friends with whom you can share

35.??????????????10 point checklist assess if you are anxiety prone

36.??????????????Do you experience stomach issues or other physical anxiety symptoms - regularly

37.??????????????Does anxiety affect your activities and day to day living

38.??????????????Do you lose sleep worrying about anything

39.??????????????Do you get into road-rage in a slow-moving traffic

40.??????????????Do you continuously fear about any major crisis that's beyond your control?

41.??????????????Thinking about future does it make you worry unnecessarily

42.??????????????Do you worry about accidents and your flight crashing

43.??????????????Are you concerned about what others think of you - does it make you tense

44.??????????????Do you worry about your death

45.??????????????Do you worry about those things that are beyond your control - and in the process unable to do what is within your control

42 tips on how to stop worrying unnecessarily and causing self-inflicted stress - create optimum self-control

1.??Whenever you are flooded by what-ifs of future - note down the worst case scenarios and then create plans on how you will deal with these - should they happen - chances are they won’t

2.??Whenever you notice yourself falling into a whirlpool of vicious cycle - note down all what you are worrying about - then ask how best you can manage these and what all you can do to mitigate the situation

3.??If you are continuously playing in your mind about your past mistakes and past embarrassments - learn to ask yourself what did you learn from those events and how can you use them

4.??Get into the practice of saying so-what - in case you are worrying about how foolish you made yourself look - don’t personalize or exaggerate the meaning of these moments

5.??Benchmark your expectations with reality and reduce them to match your capabilities and strengths

6.??Make it your habit of asking yourself everyday many-many time - what can?i?do today to lessen?my?stress - then take action

7.??Learn to utilize the energy of negativities by creating and working on something meaningful

8.??Let go of your urge to control everyone and every situation

9.??Allow yourself to fail and feel pain of rejections - and then comeback and start working on your future dreams

10.??????????????Get organized and remove clutter from your mind, your laptop, your work-desk and your wardrobe

11.??????????????Get toxic people out of your life

12.??????????????Learn how to manage difficult, arrogant, dominating and toxic people

13.??????????????Choose people who inspire and motivate you and make you feel great in your company

14.??????????????Identify your strengths and work on to use them

15.??????????????Take break, relax, rejuvenate and energize yourself


16.??????????????Go for physical as well as relaxing exercises

17.??????????????Identify the cause of your stress — write down what is contributing to you feeling overwhelmed and stressed. - you may identify one particular issue or have a range of things contributing to how you feel at this time.

18.??????????????Prioritize the issues

19.??????????????Review your current coping mechanisms — identify what tools and strategies have you found helpful and what things are not effective

20.??????????????Share and talk to a trusted friend or family member

21.??????????????Make a positive plan — work out ways to deal with the situation or how to approach it step by step - then take action by implementing these

22.??????????????Take care of yourself — we need eat well, exercise and get adequate sleep

23.??????????????Understand that you cannot control all the external forces - but you can learn to manage how you deal with pressures of life

24.??????????????Give yourself one more chance - when you fail

25.??????????????Enjoy the fun of journey

26.??????????????Be vulnerable - it does not make you look bad - on the contrary it may motivate few others

27.??????????????Practice, practice, practice and rehearse both to perform and to manage?pressure

28.??????????????Improvise and keep upgrading and updating your methods, your processes and your plans

29.??????????????Stop worrying about what you can’t control - avoid anticipating.

30.??????????????Allow yourself to feel the negative emotions fully - then feel better by telling yourself that you will take action to bounce back

31.??????????????Accept your weaknesses - and everyone else's

32.??????????????Don't pay too much attention to your thought of or worry about what others might think

33.??????????????Stop performing to get others’ validation and approval

34.??????????????Forget about perfectionism - instead focus on excellence by continuous improvement

35.??????????????Start focusing on the action and process - not on the outcome.

36.??????????????Be ok with mistakes and failure

37.??????????????Take action just do it - to avoid getting stuck in procrastination

38.??????????????Prioritize and focus your 80% time on the issues of biggest importance - stop trying to look busy by doing unimportant stuff

39.??????????????Don't take things too seriously

40.??????????????Stop taking things personally

41.??????????????Learn to solve problems better

42.??????????????Create some great pass-time which not only relaxes you but also aids to your mental growth

?This article was originally published as "42 tips stop worrying unnecessarily and self-inflicted stress" in - visit this link as well as and my Quora page for 3000 plus blogs-articles-answers on your self growth and self development in almost all areas of life


