Do you work for a weak, insecure, low impact leader? If so, this is for YOU!

Do you work for a weak, insecure, low impact leader? If so, this is for YOU!

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Do you work for an insecure leader? If so, WHY?!?!

I have written two articles recently (Part 1 & Part 2) about the differences between secure leaders and insecure leaders. Most of the comments have been from those who are now or have been reporting to insecure leaders, so I want to address those who report to an insecure leader now and those who will most likely find themselves doing so at some point in the future.

I'm very passionate about helping people fire their poor, weak, insecure low impact leaders. That's one reason I write books, coach, mentor, and speak about personal growth and development. I don't like to see good people allowing themselves to be treated badly by poor, insecure leaders. I have actually written an article about firing your boss: 7 Signs It's Time to Fire Your Boss. By fire, I mean replace them with another leader. Quit working for them and find a better leader to work with. We all have that power if we want to exercise it.

If the truth hurts, it probably should. Get ready just in case this applies to you...

How do you fire your leader? You find another leader to follow in another department, in another division, or in another organization. If you're unwilling to do this, that's not the insecure leader's fault. That's your fault. Let's get to the root cause of the issue of why people have to work for weak, insecure, low impact leaders. It's because they have to. If they didn't have to, they wouldn't.

Don't blame the leader because you "have to" follow them. Weak, low impact leaders have weak, low impact followers. The strong, high impact followers fire their leader and continue their journey onward and upward with others who value what they value.

When you accept a job, you are hiring the leader. When you leave a job, you are firing the leader. It's all about perspective, reality, and truth.

You are responsible for choosing the leader you follow. No one on this planet has that responsibility but you. It's never the leader's fault that someone chooses to follow them.

Once we are ready and willing to work on the root cause of what's wrong in our lives, we're in a position to do something about it. If you want to work on major transformation of the root cause of all your problems, invest some time and read 10 Foundational Elements of Intentional Transformation: How to Become Your Best Self. It will provide you a road map, but you must do the hard work of leading yourself down the path.

Helping others create the life they want instead of settling for the life they have is the personal growth and development side of my leadership mission. People who "have to" follow an insecure leader are responsible for their circumstances, not the poor, weak, insecure leader they choose to blame for their misery.

Why is the follower responsible and not the leader?

Those who have to follow a leader they don't want to follow haven't paid the price to develop themselves to create the options they wish they had...the price that will allow them to fire their leader and move to a better organization, to pass the leader by and do a better job themselves, or to learn to stay where they are and effectively support and work with a low impact leader without frustration and irritation.

I was surrounded by weak, low impact leaders during my 20 year corporate career and was promoted 14 times as I worked my way upward and onward firing and hiring new leaders. Reporting to low impact leaders didn't stop me. I hopped from one to another piling up my knowledge and experience along the way as I continued to become a more valuable team member, not only to the organization where I was working, but also for other organization where I wasn't working....remember, those thoughts on creating options?

How did I do it? You're in luck. I wrote a book with 30 easy to read 3 page chapters detailing the principles I learned to apply during that 20 year tour of the corporate world from front line, entry level factory worker in 1988 until I resigned my position as Lean/Quality Manager in 2008 to start my own consulting business. There are some very interesting and real stories that contain many valuable lessons within them too.

A way forward for the white-collar crowd:

If you want to climb your way to the next level and are willing to invest in and develop yourself, I wrote MAXIMIZE Your Potential: Unleashing the LEADER Within just for you. It's about leading yourself well in any situation in order to create more options and a preferred future.

A way forward for the blue-collar crowd:

For those in the blue-collar world where I invested 25 years including my time consulting where I spent over 11,000 hours leading leaders and their teams through process improvement, organizational change, and cultural transformation, I know the kind of leaders you are dealing with. It's rough in most cases because those leaders are some of the most overlooked and underdeveloped in the workforce. I wrote a book especially for you titled, Blue-Collar Leadership: Leading from the Front Lines. You can listen to a 5 minute audio sample here too. I also wrote one for the blue-collar bosses too. Learn more about it at

Whether you read my books or someone else's, if you report to an insecure leader, do yourself and your family a favor: TAKE ACTION NOW! The Law of Diminishing Intent states, "The longer you wait to do something you know you should do now, the greater the odds that you will never actually do it."

Believe in yourself.

Develop yourself.

Then, bet on yourself. (If you're still reading, you deserve to get fired up. Click here for 6m19s of motivation and inspiration.)

It worked for me. It will work for you, but only if you're willing to pay the price and do the work. If not, settle in and get used to the life you have because no one else out there is going to lead your life for you. That's your job. Sure, I and others can help. But, you are the leader of your life.

How are you doing? If you don't like it, change it.

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FREE downloads available:

Click here now for a FREE download of the entire leadership principle-packed Chapter 11, "Get Out of the Way and Lead" from my first book Defining Influence: Increasing Your Influence Increases Your OptionsIn this nearly 20 page chapter, I share about:

·      Managing vs Leading

·      Scarcity vs Abundance

·      Formal Authority vs Moral Authority

·      The 5 Types of Leaders

·      Compare/Contrast 17 Manager vs Leader Perspectives

Click here to access the first 5 chapters of “Blue-Collar Leadership: Leading from the Front Lines.”

·      Ch. 1: I’m one of you.

·      Ch.2: I believe in you.

·      Ch.3: You’re in the perfect place.

·      Ch. 4: Common sense is never enough.

·      Ch.5: There is an “I” in Team.

Note: I encourage you to be a river, not a reservoir. Please share my blogs with others if you find value in them. I believe in abundance and write them to help others become more effective, successful, and significant.

Make an impact!

Mack Story

My passion is to help you live with abundance, achieve success, choose significance, and leave a legacy. In other words, I want to help you make a High Impact!

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Kimberly Thompson, MSIT

SAP / Project Management Professional

7 年

Great points. My person slogan is "NEVER SETTLE".

Chika Cynthia Onwuegbusi

Senior Executive Officer Investigation at Public Complaints Commission, Maitama, Abuja

7 年


Lori Loftis Jones MBA, PMP

Head of Global Distribution Sales and Product Improvement & Retrofit

7 年

An article that takes the complainers voice and tells them how it is... love the truth! If you are working for someone you don't respect, why?

Manuela Boyd

Quality Manager GMP Product Disposition

7 年

So true

Amy L. Modglin

100% invested in YOUR growth and YOUR leadership! Coaching/Training/Consulting

7 年

Thanks Mack for the honesty and transparency. Loved this article!


