Do you welcome feedback or do you see it as rejection?

Do you welcome feedback or do you see it as rejection?

Do you welcome feedback or do you see it as rejection?

A lot of us think that feedback from others is a just a form of rejection.

I used to think that back in the day when I had a pretty fragile self-image.

But then I got some shocking feedback that was so surprising that I couldn’t just look the other way. I had to make a change when this feedback slapped me in the face. I am so glad I did.

Check out this short story.

Remember that without feedback we might go along thinking we are doing fine when we are actually irritating some people or preventing the growth we deserve.

So what does this have to do with Precision Growth?

I would have never learned the science of Precision Growth, and lots of other important lessons in life if it wasn’t for all those goofy mistakes I made along the way.

Mistakes are just another form of feedback that help you make mid-course corrections that improve your ability to accomplish what you are trying to do in life. ?

Welcome feedback and improve your results.

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