How phoney are you when you Wear A Mask?


Wearing A Mask is a fairly common term often associated with a group of negative behaviors such as deception, dishonesty, ugliness, and falsehoods.? Needless to say, that isn't quite accurate.? But it certainly does sound that way, doesn't it?? It's very tantalizing to our initial thoughts or ideas or concepts, when we hear the ominous term, Wearing a Mask.? Immediately we feel the wearer is somehow being deceptive or dishonest.? He or she is wearing the mask to cover up his or her blemishes, or deformity or ugliness, or something he or she wants to hide.? Possibly the mask is a way to disguise his or her true identity.? The mask obviously minimizes our ability to recognize the individual hidden beneath the mask, the deceiver.? This mask is the blanket that covers the evils we can only imagine in our deepest and most horrific visions.? What terrifying and hideous creation lies behind that all-encompassing maniacal mask.?

Wow, that really sounded frightening.? Just a minute, I have to stop shaking in my boots.? I'll just take a quick look around the dark scary corners in this room before I dare go any further.? Okay then, I think I feel a little better now.? Those certainly were some interesting and exotic views about Wearing a Mask, weren't they?? I think maybe I'll take a minute and look around one more time before we continue.?

All right, I feel better now.? I'm sorry to disappoint you, however, Wearing a Mask doesn't mean any of that scary stuff at all.? It was pretty exciting though, wasn't it?Wearing a Mask is actually quite normal, and when executed correctly, quite an admirable behavior.? Although not hideous or frightening its proper implementation is truly exciting.? So, what does Wearing a Mask really mean?? Wearing A Mask is intentionally replacing your existing behaviorwith another one of your behaviors.

Was that an unexpected explanation?? So, what does that really mean? It’s replacing one of your behaviors with another one of your ?behaviors.? When you wear a mask correctly, you're in complete control of your behaviors.? If something has made you angry, but instead of showing your anger you control your behavior and wear a courteous mask.? By doing so you'll create the perception of wanting to understand, rather than that of being angry and wanting to kill, demolish, and destroy.? Wearing a Mask is simply a matter of conscientiously portraying one of your behaviors that you wish others to see.?

Have you ever reacted to your client's words or actions and then received a negative response from your client?? If you answered, "Oh yeah!" Then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.?

Controlling your instinctual or forced behavior is what Wearing a Mask is all about.?Instead of calling your client a liar when he or she wrongly accuses you of something you didn't do, wear your courteous mask and ask him or her, "What makes you believe that happened?"?When you unconscientiously react to anything, you're not in control.? A comedian tells a joke, and you laugh.? The comedian is in control of your behavior, he or she made you laugh.? You wouldn't have laughed had the comedian said nothing.? However, had you refrained from laughing and maintained a calm and relaxed expression on your face you'd have intentionally been wearing your "listening" mask.? You'd be in control.???

Wearing the Mask of your choice at any time you choose to do so indicates your ability to control your own behaviors.? Wearing a Mask is an invaluable skill, and it's appropriate, healthy, and completely honest.? A professional salesperson must be in control.

Before you can Wear A Mask, you must know exactly what that particular mask looks like.? Can you imagine the reaction your client would have if your Happy Mask was comprised of down-turned lips, a frowning and wrinkled forehead, shoulders raised up to your ears, and your head and eyes facing downward?? Not exactly the picture of gayety and joviality.? Of course, you're not going to intentionally do the opposite of what you're trying to achieve, but occasionally we aren't completely accurate in our assessments of what others perceive.? This little exercise is to help you more accurately visualize the look and actions each mask requires.? Have some fun as you list two (2) masks you know you'll need to wear. ?Then describe what actions you'll need to take, and expressions you'll need to have to create the exact perception each mask is to represent in the mind of your client.? It wouldn’t hurt if you also practiced using a mirror. Have fun with this exercise.??


the Mask? _____________________________________________________


describe the Mask______________________________________________








the Mask? ____________________________________________________

describe the Mask_____________________________________________









For additional information about David Richman and Butterfield Enterprises, Inc.? review his Linkedin Profile or contact him directly at (818) 368-1308 or email him at [email protected] . And if you haven’t already done so, please join David’s Linkedin network.


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