Do You Want Your Life and Career to Matter?

By the way ...

Jesus was (and is) the most effective communicator to ever live. The Scripture records that He asked 307 questions, was asked 183 questions and directly answered less than 10.

With that said, I wanted to quickly let you know about a new project I’m working on with another brother in Christ who is an entrepreneur for the Kingdom. I don't want to mention his name until we finalize on our partnership and if we get enough people interested. Let's just say he is HUGE in the blogging world! We want to know if you would be interested in learning how to blog? We want to help you get going. You don't even have to be an entrepreneur.

Most, if not all of you are apostolic, prophetic, teachers, evangelistic, or pastoral. So helping you bring your ministry gifting online for others to read could change the lives of those looking for words to build them up, stir them up, and cheer them up in the Lord.

Don’t worry, I haven’t added you to any lists and I won’t be spamming you, but I think this would be a good fit for you if your fit ONE or MORE of these criteria's ...

- You have a message from God you are trying to put out into the world.

- You have a specific expertise, gifting, ministry, calling and want to help others with theirs.

- You are looking for a way to stand out from other applicants for a job in your field.

- You would love to be able to work from home.

- You want to start (or grow) an online business for the Kingdom

Just comment below or inbox me and share your heart about it.

Love you and Christ bless!


Your Personal Feet Washer


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