Do you want your kids to help out more?
GREETINGS to my very special metro DC peeps!!
This is a public announcement in case your kids are not helping out at home and you really would like that to change!!!
Join me Friday (Feb 2 - yep, on GROUNDHOG day!!), at 10am in Kensington, to learn how to get your kids to help around the house ...
And since it's Groundhog day - if your kids see their shadow that day, they might actually end up helping for the rest of time?!... ;)
Below is the description of the workshop and how to register:
Surveys say our kids are doing fewer chores and helping out around the house less than ever. Discover the methods that work to raise competent, cooperative kids who know how to pitch in and actually want to help with the household chores.
Register here:
Hope to see you there!! This REALLY WORKS!!!