Do You Want Success? Is Pursuing Success a Good Thing to Do? Do We Need Success Motivation? Will Success Lead to a Happy and Fulfilled Life?
Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)
?Resultsologist ? Strategy, Performance, Problem-Solving & Solutions Consultant?ISWM?Speaker? Planner ?Climate, Pollution, Environment ?SDGs ?Training & Education?Leadership?Entrepreneurship/Business/Marketing/Sales
Do you want success? I am at least 50% certain that you said yes. Most people want success. When most people talk about success, they are ultimately talking about having loads of money and things that money can buy. When the say someone is successful, they mean that the person is a person of financial and material means or living large. They talk about career success when you have a great, well-paying job and it all eventually comes back to money and what money can buy.
To be fair, every human being needs a certain level of material and financial wellbeing. We need many basics of life that we cannot have unless we have money to buy them. We need food, clothes personal care necessities-all these need money, ours or someone's else. So having enough money to meet all our needs including shelter, transport, education and medical care, is a must that is not negotiable. Unfortunately, affording these necessities is not regarded as being successful by society, especially the urbanites.
In the minds of most, success is equal to living large! And when people talk about wanting to be successful, they are primarily talking about living large, being a millionaire, kilo-millionaire or even a trillionaire in United States Dollar terms. Is it bad to have such amounts of wealth? No!
The problem is most people are being led into serious psychological traps by using the toughest conceptualisation of success. Lured by the glamour they see in others who are "living large", many also seek to directly pursue financial wealth so they too can live as large as, if not even larger than, their success idols and role models. They think;
Richard Branson is a billionaire so I also want to become a billionaire, which ambition is not bad at all even when Branson never became a billionaire because he started out with the desire to be a billionaire. Then you look for the means to become billionaire and this is where trouble starts. There is a whole lot of success and wealth attraction gurus who look for people like you and sell you very convincing stories about how to become a millionaire. They will tell things like;
- You just have to believe and it will happen
- Just shout to yourself, "I am a billionaire! I am a billionaire! I am a billionaire!" one hundred times three times a day!
- You just need to visualise yourself being a billionaire and bingo! You are on your way to being a billionaire.
- Enrol in my program, "How to think like a billionaire!" and if you start thinking like a billionaire everything else will follow.
Now, do not get me wrong. I am sure many of these people who advise us are "genuine" in the sense that they are not out to sell us something they know does not work. The problem is many of what they say are only half-truths, or they get it from someone and then pass it on to us at a price without them having tried and tested it.
There is also a possibility that some people can claim to have found something that works when in fact what they think caused their success is not what actually led to their success but something else. You are convinced that what they say works simply because you see their success and you believe what they are saying is true.'
Be Careful About How You Define Success
My main point here, though, is that you must be very careful about what you define as success and also your success. Defining success strictly as having lots of money and enjoying all the things money can buy can lead to a miserable life when you compare yourself where you are and what you want to be. Again, I am not discouraging you from aiming for financial success, but I am saying making it the main attraction can lead to a stressful and frustrating life. You will be unhappy for a very long time and die like a failure if, for some reason you fail to become the millionaire that you desperately tried to become.
- You must find a definition of success that does not create a sense of being a failure. Take this one from the late Jim Rohn for example
"Success is living a good life. Part of it is financial. Part of it is friends. Part of it is lifestyle. Part of it is good health. Part of it is mental wellbeing!...."
2. Do not compare yourself with anyone in terms of your achievement. Have role models but do not compete with others. Focus on your own life.
3. Figure out practical solutions for achieving your goals. Use things like affirmation, visualisation as supporters and not the main means for achieving your goals. Remember that even in the Bible most people who got miracles actually also did something physical. Even Jesus mostly performed miracles by doing or using something physical. Remember faith without works?
Is Success Motivation Important
This is key. Motivation is very important. Of course in many cases what we call motivation is inspiration and it is still important. In many cases people are sleepwalking through life, oblivious of their potential and what greater things they can do. People are living and performing below their potential. In many cases people get discouraged and feel like, or actually, giving up. Motivation awakens us to our potential and opportunities. Motivation keeps us going.
When it comes to motivation we just have to be careful that we do not but in to one brand of reckless motivation that is based on falsehood and hype. For example, you cannot be anything that you want to be. No one in the world has proven that a person can be anything that one wants to be-maybe in the mind yes but not in the outer world. Listen,
- You cannot be me no matter how much you believe it.
- You cannot be the world's fastest athlete just because you want to be.
But there is one thing you can be for sure;
"You can be your best possible self." Simon Bere
Is Pursuing Success a Good Thing?
Once you have a proper and empowering definition of success, pursuing success is a great thing. Pursuing success will change your life and will bring many good things that those who do not pursue will never have and enjoy. With an empowering definition of success;
- You will live a happier life
- You will live a healthier life
- You will achieve more in life
- You will achieve more of your goals including career and financial
"Success is not something that you run after. It is something that you attract by the person you become." Jim Rohn
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?Simon Bere, 2024
P.S. Do you have a success coach?
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11 个月Thank you Eng Simon Bere (MetaStrategist/Solutions Developer)