Do you want a success mindset?
Lee Broders
International Business Mentor & Life Coach | Professional Speaker | Author | NED | Empowering Business Owners to create TIME for strategic GROWTH | Specializing in scaling businesses to 7-figures and beyond
I best start with what a mindset is.
?It is your set of beliefs that shape how you see and understand yourself and the world. It can influence how you think and behave in any given situation.
?Remember that your mind is more powerful than you realise, which means that your mindset can impact your life, if you're happy with your life as it is, or if you want to be successful, it is down to you.
?Your mindset is a lens through which you view yourself and your possibilities. It's what determines whether or not you believe success can be achieved by any means necessary, no matter how long it takes to get there.
?There are two basic mindsets, these are fixed and growth. People with a fixed mindset, believe that they are born smart and talented in one area or another.
?But if someone doesn't have these qualities from the beginning, they can never achieve success. People who hold this belief system rely on innate talent, as opposed to hard work when trying to succeed at anything new. When people are given the choice to do something or not, they will usually choose not.
?In contrast, those with a growth mindset feel anyone has potential for greatness given enough time and dedication, just because you're not Einstein right away does not mean it's impossible.
?Growth mindsets in some cases lead one person up while another down, but overall both should be encouraged so that each can learn from their mistakes from the path which suits them better.
?Growth mindset individuals also feel there are no limits as opposed to those who have fixed mindsets, because if you're willing enough, anything could happen.
?One important aspect of each perspective reveals how well individuals perform when faced with challenges.
?Those who hold a fixed belief system tend to give up at the first sign of difficulty, while those holding an open mind, continue reaching for higher levels.
?So, which are you now?
?And which would you like to be?
?We are all able to change our mindset to a growth one. Although those with fixed mindsets might disagree.
?Here are six ways to boost your mindset for success.
?1. Understand your why. By doing this, you're able to identify your values and purpose.
?2. Set many small achievable goals, having one big dream and vision can be daunting, so split it into smaller chunks.
?3. Be flexible. Understand that a plan might not work and you will have to reevaluate it as it goes.
?4. Learn from your mistakes. We all make mistakes, we should learn from them and not chastise ourselves over them.
?5. Get inspired, spend some time every day, reading, listening, or watching something that makes you feel invincible.
?6. Consume positive, not negative. Refrain from watching bad news from the media puts out, it's not there to help you, but to keep you encapsulated in fear.
?We all have the ability to do whatever we want in our lives and we are the only ones that are holding us back.
?By migrating your mindset from a fixed to a growth mindset you'll be amazed at how different the world not only looks, but also feels and the opportunities that will present themselves to you.
?By having that growth mindset, you will be amazed at what you're capable of and it may give you the ability to live a limitless life.
?I hope you found this insightful and useful.