Do You Want to Stop the Insanity?
Then "You" actually have to do something. Not shout out just how bad things are getting or that someone really needs to do something and then just sit back and wait. If you are a Christian then the Holy Spirit should be working within you to enable you to see through the eyes of our Lord and give to you His understanding. Every attribute that Jesus demonstrated while He walked among us was a direct reflection of what our almighty creator desires from and for us. To love one another. To be kind, patient and compassionate. To respect all authority especially that of our Father in Heaven. To fear the consequences of what will happen when we push the boundaries that He has established for us. To know their is evil at work in this world and only in His Son Jesus do we find safe harbor and forgiveness when we fall short of His expectations.
We are to follow His word that was handed down to us in the Scriptures as they are given in love for us His children. To use His word to rebuke others with the same love that the Father shows us. So that we may all stay the course that God has established for us since the very beginning. The narrow path that will lead us back to Him when our time here is over. Without God's love and divine guidance we soon find ourselves in darkness fighting to find our way out. We rely upon our own senses but it doesn't take long for our sinful desires to deceive us so that we continue to struggle in darkness. We keep running into obstacles that cut & bruise us, we stumble and fall down repeatedly and we keep going in circles as these same things keep repeating themselves over and over again. God the Father wants to spare us from all this pain & suffering so we find in His words what we need to truly bring us happiness and fullness of life. Still free to enjoy every aspect of His beautiful creation and the challenge to explore all its wonders.
No matter where God has put you if you have His love and Spirit welling up inside you are able to shine His light brightly for everyone to see it and desire to come into it. We are not meant to do this on our own. Through His church, the people that come together in the body of Christ, is where we find His words come to life. The joining together of our time, talents, and treasures that God has uniquely provided to each one of His believers creates the ability to accomplish many wonderful things in His name. This comes from the power of His Holy Spirit allowing His people of all means and abilities to serve others in such a way as to glorify God.
This is what doing Planned Acts of Christian Kindness (P.A.C.K.) is all about. Through coming together and combining both our physical capabilities and our financial resources we can make a huge impact in our communities through the doing of acts of kindness as a powerful way to introduce others to the love & grace of Jesus Christ. This is so successful because you put God at the center of every touch. You place your complete trust in Him that the everyday people He brings to you are in some way in dire need of His love & comfort. Through the surprising love you show to a stranger and the power of the Holy Spirit some amazing and powerful witnessing takes place at a timing that will leave you with absolutely no doubt as to His divine presence. As you experience more and more of these "God moments" your faith deepens to a point where it truly becomes sealed. There is no more room for doubt to creep in no matter what comes your way. Not that this causes you to kick back and rest, but instead it fills you with the overwhelming desire to want to share it with everyone else! Your faith comes to life and truly brings meaning to it, for you see that God's gifts continue to provide blessings literally forever all starting from that simple act of kindness you took the time to share with someone that you did not even know, ...but the Lord did!
Please get started today as we have made it ever so easy and totally FREE in the P.A.C.K. Outreach Program. Simply sign up at: and the link to the download will be immediately provided to you and also sent in an e-mail. God bless your service to His glorious Kingdom!