Do You Want to Reclaim Your Life From Chronic Pain?
Jami Allred
Self-Healing Specialist, Author, Co-Founder and Director of Communications at Pi?on & Sage Generational Support
Do you ever want to live a normal, active life, but you feel restricted by your chronic pain?
If so, you are not alone!
As a chronic pain sufferer with a back injury and fibromyalgia, I know what it feels like to be a prisoner in your own body.?I know how frustrating it is to reflect on the activities that you used to participate in, and how futile it can feel to try to accomplish the basic, everyday things that we all need to do.
The problem with overcoming chronic pain is that there is no magic pill, or singular solution that will work for every sufferer.?This is why we don’t hear very many success stories pertaining to our struggles.
Makes sense, right?
The trouble with chronic pain is that the contributing factors and comorbidities are different for everyone.?It is because of this that medical professionals cannot prescribe for us one cure or solution.?Rather, we are most often prescribed treatment for our symptoms, but not the cause of our symptoms.?This is why we are prescribed anti-depressants for our depression, sleep medication for our insomnia, pain meds for our physical pain, etc.
Luckily, I’ve discovered the solution to this problem....
To overcome chronic pain without having to take yet another pharmaceutical drug, you need to:
● Be open to an honest lifestyle assessment.
● Be unwilling to settle for a lifetime of “pain management”.
● Be committed to exploring small, daily improvements in your lifestyle.
It is through a deep process of self-discovery that we can explore various self-care modalities that have noticeable benefits for our unique conditions and symptoms.?These benefits will not only help you to feel better in your own body, but they will often spill over into other areas of your life that have been impacted by your chronic pain.?Not only can you regain your mobility as a result of this work, but your mental health, relationships, and even your career can all improve as “bonus” benefits of my chronic pain program.
Now, that might all sound too good to be true, but I am here to tell you that I know you can do it, because I did it!
I have to share with you that I did not overcome my chronic pain without committing to lots of self-experimentation and hard work.?Not to mention, I was alone on that path, and I had accepted the possibility that all my efforts might be for naught, and my condition might not ever improve.?Despite not having anyone to mentor me, and having doctors tell me to settle for a lifetime of pain management, I persevered to find relief on my own terms.?Today, I am not hindered by my chronic pain at all.?I am a certified yoga instructor who enjoys hiking, swimming, and snowshoeing.?My relationships have been healed and are healthier than they have ever been.?As a result of the great improvements that I have made in my chronic pain, I decided to walk away from my physically-demanding job of high-voltage electrical construction, and instead make it my life’s mission to help other sufferers of chronic pain.
This is why I have created the Alchemize Your Pain program.
If you’d like, let’s hop on a quick phone call together to see if alchemizing your pain is right
for you.
Just book a time to chat that works for you here:
During that call, we’ll look at how your chronic pain can be alchemized and what your best next steps would be if you decide to pursue this strategy.
Spots are limited, and there’s zero obligation to work with me, but if we do end up being a fit I will invite you to become a private client of mine. ??You’ll no longer have to struggle with your chronic pain alone, and we will work together to reclaim your life.
I look forward to our chat about your chronic pain,
Jami Allred