Do you want to quickly launch smart and innovative devices or do you want to master machine learning ?
Behind this provocative title hides a reality: Machine learning is a complex discipline that is currently mostly reserved for data scientists, and yet, in the race to develop ever smarter equipment, it is impossible for companies to compete without skills in this field.
This is exactly why we created Cartesiam, to enable manufacturers to easily, quickly and cost-effectively integrate machine learning capabilities into their equipment and make their “things” smart !
Neural network or K-means anomaly detection? Kurtosis or root-mean square?
When it comes to creating smart devices, your developers shouldn't have to get out their algebra book to understand how to code an anomaly detection or perform a signal classification and shouldn't even have to choose in a menu between different algorithms they don't necessarily master....
That's exactly why our mathematicians and engineers have spent years redeveloping, starting from algebra, the whole set of machine learning and signal processing algorithms to run natively in any Arm Cortex-M microcontroller. This allows the internal search engine of NanoEdge AI Studio to deliver, "out of the box", the best algorithmic combination to your developers in the form of a library fully optimized in Ram and Flash size and ready to be integrated in the main code. What can take months to develop is now available in minutes.
We've taken on the complexity of machine learning, allowing your developers to focus on use cases rather than mastering machine learning techniques.
Now that you need to embed machine learning in most of your equipment, tell your development team you have good news to share:
- Any of your developers can create and integrate (from scratch) a state-of-the-art custom machine learning library within hours.
- They can create their own smart device with machine learning functionalities, even without any machine learning skills, in a mater of hours
- They can have at their disposal machine learning bricks (easy to interface) to code all sorts of exotic and innovative features
- Any sensor, or combination of sensors, and all Arm Cortex M boards, ready out of the box
- Really designed for embedded systems (RAM and Flash optimized and can be limited by the user)
- 100% C code
- Model training takes place at the Edge and not in the cloud, which means reinforced security for your production data that won't fly out of corporate offices into "a cloud" as well as optimized power consumption compared to cloud-based training
- and so much more...
Ask your team to try NanoEdge? AI Studio, Cartesiam's leading embedded machine learning technology, already used by many companies, in production, across the world.
They can download NanoEdge AI Studio for free. Give us feedback, we would love to hear back from them : [email protected]
#EdgeAI #TinyML